Is a man not wearing his upper clothing a taboo in western society?
Not a particularly fascinating nor insightful question I shall admit but my discussions with some friends regarding the subject has encouraged my curiosity.
I spoke to a group of friends (some straight males, some straight females and a homosexual male) who, for the most part, agreed that when a male is not wearing their upper body clothing it generally implies that they have a vain and unlikable character, even if the weather is especially hot on that day. What is everyones thoughts on this phenomenon? Do you assume males who are dressed (undressed?) in such a way are uninteresting or undesirable people or is your initial thought that they are simply too warm?
I, for one, would like to remove my t-shirt outside on a hot day (so three times per year) if possible but feel I would be self-concious not of my body but of the fact that I would assume others are judging me negatively for such. Does anyone share this sentiment?
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34 Answers
I’ve never thought of it like that. Unless they are shirtless indoors, or in cases when it really isn’t appropriate to do so, I always just assume it is due to the warm weather.
Unless they’re at the beach or just finished a run on a very hot summer night (that’s when Alex takes his shirt off, woo hoo!) I see it as a way to show off physique…for example Branden, on So You Think You Can Dance, can take his shirt off and dance all he wants because he is beautiful but he is being used for his body…either way I’m still in the camp of ‘if a man can be shirtless so should women be’
I think it’s perfectly acceptable under certain situations, especially wile exercising on a hot day.
Some buff guy walking down the street shirtless in early spring, though? No, he’s just showing off and, in my opinion, to be avoided.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir: Fun fact! In New York City, it is not illegal for a woman to be topless in public.
I don’t get to remove my shirt in hot weather, so why should you? I think it is just showing off.
Note: I know plenty of people who wish women would do this. I’m just saying, it isn’t socially acceptable in Western society.
I’ve never looked at it like that. Although of course it’s common courtesy not to take your clothes off when in public at most times; if it’s extremely hot, i say go for it. Unless…of course it would make others uncomfortable. But still…I for one have never viewed someone as undesirable or uninteresting because they’re not wearing a shirt..
@barumonkey oh I know, I live here, but obviously it’s not acceptable – neither is breast-feeding even though that’s legal too
Guys do it around around here all the time. I don’t think much of it unless they’re particularly good/grotesque-looking. That that I live 15 minutes from the beach might have something to do with it.
I wouldn’t call it taboo. More like…. impolite. Unless you’re at a beach or a pool or similar. I consider walking around in public without a shirt to be a sign of either A) Vanity or B) Low Class.
Bareback and thongs can get you arrested in Bridgetown, Barbados. On the beach, at the pool, it’s OK.
It depends on where the topless man is. If he’s in his driveway drinking a beer working on his car, it kinda says redneck to me, but I think it’s alright. If he’s at the grocery store with no shirt, pants hanging down so his boxers show, that seems trashy to me.
I don’t mind it – it makes the douche-bags easier to spot.
@btko But that’s exactly the issue Btko. I want to feel capable of removing my t-shirt outside on a hot day without having to fear people assuming me to be a ‘douchebag’.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Is there much in the way of a protest currently being held in favour of females being able to be shirtless without negative judgement or is it being overlooked mostly in favour of other feminist issues?
@knitfroggy I probably wouldn’t wear a shirt while working on a car to ensure that my clothes don’t get dirty
@Les You cannot rationally blaim every male human for the societal taboos that have been developed amongst the population you live with. Do you sincerely believe that removing ones shirt in hot weather is only done so as to “show off”?
@Nially_Bob well I’m not running a feminist protest group out of my house or anything and therefore can’t speak for the movement, but there have been protests, probably and yes, other things are more important
sometimes it is, you can usually tell when a d-bag walks by…
@Simone_De_Beauvoir Sorry, I assumed since you’re quite involved with the LGBT community you would be involved with such protests also. Good to hear that there’s been some effort put into the endeavour.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 The “i’m so awesome” grin?
I guess in this scenario, Matthew McConaughey would be the devil.
the “yeah that’s right, I’m a badass” walk is more identifiable from a distance lol….
everyone knows what I’m talking about.
corners of his shoulders are moving in a circular motion, like a horizontal axle with a slightly exaggerated wobble, heads tilted back, chest is out, he doesn’t stop flexing his arms even though you can tell he’s trying to pretend like he’s not, and he walks by a girl he rubs his hand through his hair to show off those impressive guns and to reveal the man-jungle that is his armpit.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Hahahahaha, some ingenius observational skills you have my friend. Indeed, I know this walk.
I think it’s hard to make “rules” because the circumstances vary. For example, going topless on a beach is normal, often also for females of our species (in the West anyway). Taking your top off in your garden because it’s hot and you’re working is also nobody’s business. But you wouldn’t really go around the centre of town like that, even if it was scorching.
I personally live in the centre of town, so when I go home from the beach I might be walking past shop windows barefoot and in my swimming trunks with a towel over one shoulder. Or I may come down on a winter’s night wearing slippers. But I certainly feel very uncomfortable doing either of these things when the shops are open and people are staring. Luckily for me, when I get home from the beach everything is usually closed and there’s no one around.
I also play topless in a theatre (I play Achilles).
@Nially_Bob I’d say I work a lot more in the LGBT community than in the feminist community, yes, but in my head it all goes together
If a guy removes his shirt when it’s hot out, I think if people judge him for it, they’re idiots. I don’t care where he is – I don’t think there’s anything rude about it. It’s more rude to expect someone to wear clothes simply to cover up, on a day that hot.
That said, I think women should be able to do the same thing, but that’s definitely taboo in our society.
I think it’s more acceptable among construction workers, and gardeners, and surely around sports activities in the park and at the beach. I don’t see shirtless men in the mall or at the grocery store.
I never really thought about it, but now that you mention it, yes, I do kind of see shirtless men, outside of acceptable conditions, as either vain and/or unlikeable, but it doesn’t really bother me.
You guys are so funny. Living in an area where shirtless is the norm is usually too expensive for most and so they have developed some strange notion that shirtless is vain and redneck and devilish. LOL…Too funny. Let me know when you move to California (Southern), or Florida…or those beautiful islands East and West of us. As if the human body isn’t the most beautiful object d’ arte on Earth.
C’mon guys…get back in the game….
@Zendo I think you’re assuming we’re generalizing… a vast majority of us are not I assure you.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 Actually, I am assuming you are serious,and are the kind of guys who driving by a shirtless guy yell at him to put his shirt back on, and whistle, and otherwise act childish. It’s okay with me. I love children. Here’s some lurve dude…
@Zendo lol honestly? we’re all being friendly here there’s no reason to act hostile. I’ve never done what you’ve mentioned in my entire life, and I don’t know where or how you inferred that. Now if you’d like to have a cordial conversation I’m all about that, but nothing is accomplished when you take that piss pot attitude for no reason what so ever.
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Hmm. I think douchebags can be at either end, really. There has to be some jealousy involved if one is going to sneer at anyone sitting shirtless on their own property or walking outside.
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