General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Is this a brain glitch or just clumsiness?

Asked by tinyfaery (44266points) July 28th, 2009

Sometimes I’ll drop something, pick it up, and instantly drop it again, in repetition, up to 5 or so times. I’ve seen others do it, as well.

What is this? Are some people just really clumsy? If this is some sort of brain glitch, why does it happen?

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13 Answers

Zendo's avatar

It really depends on what the object is to which your body seems averse. It could be you know deep down you don’t need what you are trying to grasp. Is the object a bottle of Patron?

BBSDTfamily's avatar

I walk into the wall all the time… like a daily basis. Not walk face first into it, just always hit it with my butt (have a big butt) and my husband always laughs at me. I’ll have these terrible bruises that look like I’ve been beaten, but it’s because I turn my body around a corner and my butt hasn’t quite made it yet. Clumsy.

El_Cadejo's avatar

no clue, but i did it today with a marker. Dropped it and then it took me 3 attempts to once again “regain possession” of the marker :P

augustlan's avatar

I hate when I do that! So frustrating. I have no idea why it happens though. I am a wall-walker-into as well, so it could indeed just be my clumsiness.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Maybe it’s an unavoidable and subconscious form of stretching or exercise derived from a penchance for clumsiness accompanied by an occasional motor skill malfunction resulting from something called a brain glitch.

Syger's avatar

I get the same thing; usually not with dropping stuff but other silly mistakes similar.

cak's avatar

I also wonder if it just has a lot to do with being very preoccupied. Even if you really aren’t thinking of one thing in particular, your mind might be so far removed from the task at hand, that you just can’t grasp the object. Until you get so damn frustrated that you must hold what you continue to drop. Almost like shocking you back into paying attention.

Another thought crosses my mind, since I do this too; I wonder if it has any roots in being mildly OCD – but instead of being aware of the repeat behavior as a way of functioning, it’s more on a subconscious level.

Yes, my pain killer has kicked in! Can you tell? WOOHOO!

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

lol the human body is a marvelous and beautiful thing, such a shame it gets knocked down a peg by the mind now and then. it’s just clumsiness, or the result of being distracted.

gailcalled's avatar

Last week I drove 30 minutes there and back to pick up some important financial papers from my mother’s desk. We got so distracted by the petty details of her life, and I got so irritated that I drove home without the documents.

Yesterday I showed up for a medical appointment an hour late. I had been daydreaming and didn’t check calender. They were nice; we rescheduled.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

it’s because we have too many distractions in life. Or maybe its what @Bluefreedom said, which when I read it, was quite the exercise regimen for my jaw. =)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@Syger I love your avatar, by the way. Very nice.

mea05key's avatar

sounds like disorder if cannot control your motor system properly.

nebule's avatar

I do it too!!

I don’t know what it is…but maybe it’s a prompting from some inner or outer worldly makes us laugh at ourselves and take stock

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