General Question

Allie's avatar

Why does the URL bar in Firefox 3.5 sometimes change color?

Asked by Allie (17551points) July 29th, 2009

I updated to Firefox 3.5 a while back and now I’m noticing something that I didn’t notice before. Sometimes (and only on certain sites) the URL bar will be colored. I see it happen when I’m in the Fluther chat room, Coral Reef, for example. Last night it was pink, but today it’s light green. Here’s a screenshot.
Does anyone know why it does this?
Do the different colors mean different things?
Maybe it’s for security?

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13 Answers

Sarcasm's avatar

That’s not something I experience, could be an addon you have?
My best guess is security, whether or not the addon’s database has the chat room confirmed on its “safe list”.

Ivan's avatar

I think it’s supposed to signify that the site is potentially malicious, just as a yellow address bar signifies an encrypted site.

Tink's avatar

It happens to me too, it also changes the tool bar color

rafiss's avatar

I think it has something to do with security levels. If I recall correctly, red means the site has something definitely wrong with it (e.g. bad security certificate or malicious code), yellow means there is some secure content present, and green might be everything is fine. Don’t quote me on this, but I do think I remember my URL bar being colored before, although mine isn’t right now. It could be an add-on, as someone suggested before, or a Stylish script.

jrpowell's avatar

It is her theme. She is using iFox. I just tried and it is doing the same thing for me.

Ivan's avatar

It does the same thing for me and I don’t use iFox.

jrpowell's avatar

@Ivan :: Are you using a theme. It seems to only happen on https sites. So maybe it is a standard behavior and my theme GrApple doesn’t do it.

Ivan's avatar

I’m using the Dust theme, but I can’t imagine that would influence anything. I’m pretty sure the same thing happens on my laptop (which uses a different theme) too, but I’d have to check to make sure. I’m pretty sure it’s standard.

jrpowell's avatar

I just checked. The default theme doesn’t do it. At least on OS X.

AskBlam's avatar

Its because she is visiting a website with SSL encryption.

hence the HTTPS

Allie's avatar

I still don’t get why it’s sometimes pink.

Sarcasm's avatar

If you mean generally “Why some websites make the url colored pink”, it’s probably their idea of coloring it red (For, yknow “stop, don’t go”).
If you mean specifically why the campfire is pink, I uh .. iunno.

Allie's avatar

@Sarcasm Well, I mean why the color is sometimes pink and sometimes green. In the case of campfire, it’s been both colors. The screen shot in I linked to in the question is the exact same site that I just linked to in my last comment, but the URL bar is a different color.

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