General Question

mammal's avatar

Ladies, do you consider the lnternet bride a threat to your marital status?

Asked by mammal (9431points) July 29th, 2009

Do you see the younger, foreign, perhaps more ‘exotic’ and compliant female a threat to your position, domestically and politically?

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9 Answers

monsoon's avatar

No? But I’m a lesbian.

augustlan's avatar

Um, no. Can’t say that I’ve ever given it a moment’s thought.

girlofscience's avatar

Well, they aren’t younger than I am, so that couldn’t possibly be a threat, but uh, even if they were, definitely not…

I couldn’t possibly be interested in a guy that would find something so vapid appealing.

YARNLADY's avatar

I guess not, I’ve been married 35 years to a computer guru/wizard, and I never heard of the internet bride. Is their bed comfortable? That seems to be our major concern.

figbash's avatar

Not unless I’m interested in dating 50-year-old men with tinted square glasses who still live in their mom’s basement . . .

deni's avatar

if i’m interested in someone who has his mind set on one of these then….i dont think i’ll be interested in him anymore

kheredia's avatar

What the heck is an internet bride?!!!

cookieman's avatar

does this mean there’s also an Internet Bride of Frankenstein?

StephK's avatar

I’m with kheredia…. What is an internet bride, anyway?

If you’re talking like the world or warcraft wives and such… if it’s not me in the World of Warcraft, it’s not gonna be me in the World of Earth. Sorry man, that’s an emotional affair. You can fight baddies without nuptials.

(Not that I’m married.)

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