General Question

xzlslazcarter's avatar

Will you live together if you have bf or gf?

Asked by xzlslazcarter (140points) July 30th, 2009

will you live togeter if you have gf or bf? are you sure you are ready? how about your gf accidently got pregnant? what you gonna do?

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12 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Probably not.

But then, my wife would kill me.

Damn_Tony's avatar

If we were old enough maybe, and if she wanted to. But we have “no sex” rules. So I wouldn’t get her pregnant till she wants. And it’s not soon. But I would care for the baby.

JLeslie's avatar

Only if I felt the relationship was headed towards marriage, or if you are against marriage, that the relationship was intended to be long term. Nothing to do with morality, more of a realistic view of how hard it is to break up and divide everything when you are living together. Also, if you are moving to “test” the relationship because you are not sure you want to spend the rest of your life with your SO, I would say don’t bother, break up now. But, if you feel in love and want to be with your SO the rest of your life, I think it is a good idea to live together to make sure nothing pops up that you didn’t expect, before you get married.

peedub's avatar

Depends on if I need a place to crash or not.

Jack79's avatar

I have lived together with a couple of my girlfriends. It depends on how compatible you are in living together, and has nothing to do with love. I could never live together with someone messy, even if I loved her to bits. I also couldn’t live together with my last gf, because we both have daughters and they each had different routines and wouldn’t get along. So we dated when she gave hers to her mother (I’d just let mine play alone in her bedroom or have an early night).
btw I’ve also lived together with girls that were not my girlfriend, but were good flatmates. So for me it’s two different things (lover and flatmate), though if you can combine the two, it’s wonderful. Best of all is if you live in different flats, but close.

Kiev749's avatar

maybe like a year or two of being together. thats a big step for me. if it was leaning towards getting really serious, then sure.

girlofscience's avatar

I have only had two boyfriends, and I have lived with both of them. It worked fine the first time (the living together, not the relationship), and it’s working fine now. I actually can’t imagine being in a relationship and not living together.

And I’m not sure how the pregnancy question was relevant, but if I were to get pregnant, I would abort the fetus.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I’ve had just a few relationships and we did live together each time for several years which was very fine with me.

jeanna's avatar

A former boyfriend lived with me and it didn’t work out. We rushed into it and things were revealed. In a few months, hopefully, my current boyfriend will be moving in. I’m not worried about it this time. We haven’t really discussed marriage; it’s too soon for that and I’m fine with just letting things happen naturally.

casheroo's avatar

I’ve only lived with one guy, and ended up marrying him. I know with one ex, we stayed overnight together very often, but that’s not the same as living together.
I would always live with a person, if I was considering marriage with them, or a serious long term relationship. Convenience is definitely a factor.
Also, I did get pregnant while dating my husband, we wanted to keep the baby and had already planned on getting married. So, things worked out.

Likeradar's avatar

Depends on how serious the relationship is, and how much we’ve prepared for living together.

I’ve lived with one guy- we moved in after only a few months, and then I took the time to realize that I was in lust and not love, he was not a hard worker, couldn’t afford his share of the bills, he was even messier than I am, he had a little lying habit, and his jealousy was out of control. Needless to say, it didn’t last.

I’m moving in with my current guy in about two months! We’ve been together over two years, and have talked, talked, talked, and talked some more about all different aspects of living together. I think I’m making an informed, mature decision this time and it’s very exciting. :)

I don’t think I would move in with someone simply because of pregnancy. I’d rather be alone and safe, happy, and secure than live with a jackass. Pregnancy would definitley make me consider rushing the moving-in process, but it wouldn’t be the only factor.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

I think it’s a great idea to move in together before marriage. This way you can feel each other out. You don’t want to wait until marriage before realizing that you guys don’t mesh well in a living situation. At that point it’ll be too late.

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