General Question

ryanfaerman's avatar

What is the right size compression shirt?

Asked by ryanfaerman (109points) July 30th, 2009

How tight should a compression shirt be?

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6 Answers

Milladyret's avatar

What’s it for? Burn damaged skin?
Sports?? Then I might be thinking of the wrong type of compression shirt :P

ryanfaerman's avatar

@Milladyret Nope, working out. Underarmor type deal.

torch81's avatar

I always go for one size smaller than I actually wear. That allows for there to be space between the compression shirt and anything else you wear for modesty/warmth. That space allows the sweat to wick away.

cwilbur's avatar

There’s usually a size chart on the tag. Measure your chest and see what size they recommend.

Divalicious's avatar

I wear a size up in compression shirts. I don’t use them for working out, but rather underneath my uniform shirt to wick sweat away. Since I work 12 hour shifts, if the shirt is too tight it begins to chafe under my arms from normal range of motion.

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