Do you se the capitalist system as a form of slavery, or an enabling of the individual to free himself from the shackles of slavery?
Asked by
Zendo (
July 30th, 2009
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6 Answers
It’s a double-edged sword.
Neither. I don’t see how it relates.
The capitalist system is a good idea and for the most part works. Freedom and all.
But, the problem we still have is the power corrupting absolutely thing.
Once you get it, you don’t let go and in order to keep it, it has to be standing on the backs of the poor.
Unless we find a better ( acceptable ) system, it will be the death of us ALL!!
But please don’t class me as against ‘Capitalist’ values – hard work, enterprise, risk, bravery, experimentation etc.
May I propose ‘Co-operationism’ as a viable alternative?
This might be a good starting point.
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