General Question

kevbo's avatar

Place/area to stay tonight between Barstow and Long Beach, CA?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) July 30th, 2009 from iPhone

On the road today. Plan to tour a little of Long Beach tomorrow and head south. Any recommendation for tonight? Someplace reasonable. Thanks.

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5 Answers

PapaLeo's avatar

One of the most beautiful places you could stay is at the Mission Inn in Riverside. Way back before the advent of flight travel, it was a way station for Hollywood stars driving from Hollywood to Palm Springs. Even though it’s not particularly cheap, the ambiance is authentic and very enjoyable. Think old Spanish mission but with modern amenities. The hotel restaurant (Duane’s) is decent but a bit pretentious. Across the street at Mario’s is much better. The bar usually has a great jazz trio.

marinelife's avatar

Hotwire has 3.5 star hotels in Long Beach for $89 a night or less than $60 a night at the Orange County Airport area for tonight.

I like them if I am just traveling and do not have to be in a specific part of town.

kevbo's avatar

Thanks @PapaLeo & @Marina.

Also, anyone have thoughts/experience with the Queen Mary? Looks fun.

whatthefluther's avatar

@kevbo….I’ve not stayed on the Queen Mary but did attend a party there many years ago. That’s a great idea with lots to do right in the vicinity (they probably have discount tickets for the museum, harbor tours etc). I’d say definitely check it out (keep your AAA card handy if you have one….seems most places in this area offer a discount). See ya….Gary aka wtf

kevbo's avatar

Settled on the Best Western Heritage in Rancho Cucamonga. (didn’t want to arrive late in long beach) thanks all!

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