What would you do if you had enough money for the rest of your life?
What if you could buy whatever you wanted for the rest of your life? What would you do? Where would you go? Who would spend your time with? What amazing things would you buy? How would your life change?
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43 Answers
Scuba dive every single day. And visit Antarctica.
Personally, I would buy the most expensive and technological yacht and just live in it! Always be out in the open water and travel the world with it! I would take my wife and some family and friends with me whenever they wanted to go. And I would visit just about every decent place on Earth.
Oh, and drink all the beer I could!
Also, video games, lots of video games.
One word for me. Travel! Then I’d build both daughters their dream houses & buy them primo cars. I’d build a new library where I work, which we need so desperately. And give to the American Cancer Society & the SPCA.
I would buy my dream house on the south shore of Lake Superior. I would then travel around the world to find the best places to whitewater raft.
Study, study study and teach my son everything I know…
I would travel but I would also set up a chartiable foundation that would reimburse Veterinarians for Veterinary care and spay/neutering for low income families and
Seniors. I would also strongly support Old Dog Haven because their mission is so incredible.
Then I would travel as a people watcher not a tourist.
Assuming I did not have the problems I have now (which means any amount of money would be spent pretty fast), I’d probably just buy a huge house with a swimming pool, put enough in the bank to maintain it, and keep doing what I do, living off a 1000-euro per month allowance. I wouldn’t have to worry whether my records sold or whether I got paid from concerts, wouldn’t have to do any other job, and would probably do a lot of charity work, or at least concerts where the money went to charity. I guess that’s why all the princesses and presidents’ wives do that sort of thing.
Personally I am in a situation where huge amounts of money could buy public opinion, something that would help in putting pressure on the authorities to help me save my daughter. Or perhaps I could just build a little private army and go get her.
Get a farm, start breeding sheep and goats, and live off the land while enjoying things like spinning yarn and growing vegetables.
Edit: This is actually what I’m planning on doing even though I don’t have enough money to retire and do it without risk.
That kind of money? But of course, I’d already have my own film/television production company based in London already where I’d write, direct, produce (and occasionally act in) my own properties and other interesting works. I’d have a place there and a pied-a-terre in NYC. Maybe a small country house in the Lake District. I’d also travel when I felt the urge.
I’d probably start some sort of anonymous foundation and I’d create a scholarship in the name of my surrogate mom at my alma mater for promising kids from places like where I grew up to study media and communication arts.
Teach Monkeys to wield harpoon guns and act as assassins….
aside from that I’d just kind of hang around, travel to absurd places like the congo and mongolia for no apparent reason…
I would make sure my children’s education is covered. I would continue my education. I would spend my life teaching and living and sailing in an amazing sail boat my husband and I would build together – and I’d get tattooed by Pavel Angel and Wes Anderson
Sadly, I’d waste away to nothing. With nothing in your life to drive you, everything becomes irrelevant. Google an article called Five Things You Think Will Make You Happy But Won’t
Spend a summer riding my bicycle from Seattle to Miami. Write my novel. Open up a bike rental along a beach somewhere, and not work too hard running it. Oops. Bubble popped. Time to go back to work.
I would travel the world, and live on some countries here and there.
I would build (secular) schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Enough for the rest of my life as it is or for any circumstances? If it would never run out, I would do whatever the heck I wanted. I would travel, work with charities, hand out $100 bills, publish a book, hire a housekeeper and personal chef who would travel with me everywhere, start my own business, help deserving people get out of debt and have a fresh start… the list would never stop growing.
I’d throw stacks of money at random passer bys. it’d hurt but they wouldn’t care.
Actually I do have enough money to last me the rest of my life and will probably have assets to leave to my daughter.
1st of all the greatest constraint is not money, it’s health. It’s almost impossible for me to travel freely on my own, I can’t drive an unmodified rental car and I have problems with walking more than a couple of blocks or on irregular surfaces. Metal detectors and other security practices are barriers,
I’ve come to understand that material things don’t give you freedom or happiness, rather they add responsibilities to your life.
I am not completely ascetic. I like a good meal, but too many makes life more difficult. I like to sit in the sun and enjoy nature but that is usually free.
I enjoy going to work because of the social interaction and mental stimulation. Every year I have about15 weeks of vacation but somehow those weeks fill up with interesting projects which means I am earning rather than spending.
The charity idea is interesting but I have worked in the non-profit world and the return in large charities is often buried in rules, regulations and egos. For the past 20 years I have taken 5% of my income and given anonymously to people who will benefit from a few hundred dollars. I also donate 25% of my income to 2 very large institutions, the US govt and the State of California, to distribute as they see fit.
So I pass on unlimited amounts of cash and willingly pass on the responsibility that goes with it.
Start an arts community/perpetual workshop.
I’d thank God. Drop out of school seriously. Get married. Move somewhere with a warm climate year round. Send my parents money monthly. Eat well. Sleep well. Donate to charities. Find competent doctors and never feel shitty again. Travel. And pretty much do whatever I want :)
@daloon Let me know when the arts community is ready ;)
@Dog Sure thing! Anyone want to donate their excess money to the project?
I’d go back to my Plan A career, which I’m not pursuing now because of the difficulty I’d have supporting myself while pursuing that career.
I’d probably get a bigger house, and have bookshelves installed preemptively.
Other than that, not much. I might trade in my car for a new one, because I miss power locks and cruise control. I’d probably travel more, too.
Overall I don’t really mind my current lifestyle. It’s about what I’d choose if money was no object.
I have all the money I need since husband and I received a nice inheritance a few years back. We had already traveled as much as we cared to and our life hasn’t changed that much which is the way we like it. The big difference is that I don’t sweat the bills when they come, we can help out our children if we feel the request is legitimate, and I can buy what I want at the grocery store without having to watch every little penny.
I mght add, prior to this good fortune we lived from paycheck to paycheck. I’ have to save cans and turn them in for gas money and I never bought anything that wasn’t on sale. I, like many of you, thought that life would be so different if only we had $$. But, we are still the same people and I still shop for sales and our wants are about equal with our needs.
Nothing. I would relax, I would sit on my ass all day, I would do nothing.
@drdoombot: I’ll tell you what I’d do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.
or…..travel to see everyone that I like and lurve on Fluther!!!!
First, no internet in my house.
Then I would live good, not extravagent. Well a little. Then give as much away as possible to friends and family.
Travel the world, buy a home and a nice car, donate to charity and causes I believe in, go to school just to take classes about things that I find interesting and pay off all debt for those I love.
I shan’t deny that I would initially be more fanciful with my choices (maybe buy that bike i’ve been wanting or tip someone with a 50) but generally, despite all of lifes ups and downs, i’m pretty happy so little would probably change aside from my having less financial issues.
1. Buy a pirate ship and take people on short tours dressed as a pirate.
2. Buy Joss Whedon and pay him whatever he wanted to make another Buffy movie.
3. Pay for my kids’ education in full.
4. Buy a house in the Outer Banks, one in southern Cali, one in Montana, and one in New England somewhere.
5. Spoil my husband rotten, starting with a car. He’s been driving a ‘91 Escort for years and it’s just barely hanging on.
6. Buy billboards nation-wide to spout my political, religious, and moral propaganda.
7. Write a zombie book.
8. Open and run a spa.
9. Eat pumpernickel every day. That shit is expensive.
10. Take 4 vacations a year, wherever my friends and family wanted to go.
Probably pretty much what I do now, but maybe hire someone to help me take care of my husband and possibly add on a fully equipped handicapped bathroom/shower room downstairs so he doesn’t have to have sponge baths any longer. Since he can’t travel I don’t really want to travel without him.
I might design and have built a dream house just outside city limits for when the kids are done with public school, so I could have as many animals as I wanted. However, I hate the idea of moving.
@ubersiren can you also make sure Whedon does more Firefly?
What if you could buy whatever you wanted for the rest of your life? – That would be pretty amazing.
What would you do?
- Finish out my current term of service in the military
– Pay off all my bills and build the house of my dreams
– Get my private pilot’s license
– Make large contributions to the American Diabetes Association and other charities
– Pay off my mother’s house (and debts) and give her and my two brothers a huge chunk of money
– Get golfing lessons from Tiger Woods
– Skydive and scuba dive all over the planet
– Sponsor a Fluther convention where everyone could attend (all expenses paid by me)
Where would you go?
- Backpacking through Europe
– Worldwide cruise
– Australia, South America, Africa, Antarctica (I want to make sure I’ve visited all the continents)
– About 4 dozen other locations
Who would spend your time with? – Family, relatives, friends and all the Jellies that I meet at the convention
What amazing things would you buy?
- Dream house(s)
– My own airplane
– A boat
– Sports car
– A few other odds & ends
How would your life change? – I’d be comfortably wealthy but I’d still be the same down to earth and straightforward person I was before. I wouldn’t let all that money compromise my principals.
I would buy a very big house somewhere semi-hidden but close enough for a commute to a big city. My best friend and I would move there. I’d get all my health problems taken care of. Then I’d finish the degrees I need to go into gender counseling. And then I’d do that while going to school on the side for the rest of my life.
Create trusts to be used for worthy causes. Get back to school and university. Learn. Learn more. Meet new interesting people. See the world.
Finish my novel after building the perfect dream house smack dab in the middle of the perfect place to live, and then, who knows. I know I sure would like to travel all around North America and visit the folks that make Fluther such a wonderful experience. And if I was still alive after that, I might even travel overseas to visit the great jellies that live elsewhere.
One thing I would definitely do would be to invest in making sure all military veterans (especially those that came/come home wounded or injured) had everything they needed to live healthy and productive lives.
i would travel travel travel….it would totaly change my life and my perception of freedom
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