Will I go through Fluther withdrawal?
As a quasi-new jelly, I am settling in to the collective and becoming quickly attached to my new activity. Fluthering became a daily activity for me instantly, and I now check my Fluther multiple times a day.
So my problem is we are going on a wonderful family vacation in a week. I will be camping and will not have access to my computer for almost five whole days. Will I experience serious Fluther withdrawal? What symptoms should I watch for? Is there anything I can do to avoid this, besides trading my real family for Fluther?
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23 Answers
If fluther ever goes down I’ll just go to Yahoo answers.
@allansmithee: Oh, boy. You just made a boo boo.
Jamie, yes. You will. Be strong, sista.
Resist the temptation to tell family you lurve them.
Resist the temptation to stop at libraries on the way to check on Fluther.
And above all else- do not flag your relatives that get drunk and expect a Mod to come by and hide them away.
Enjoy your vacation! Our family went camping for six days recently and though I did miss Fluther it was nice to get away for a bit. Come back and share some stories of your trip with us!
Although I spend hours on Fluther every day that I’m home, I never miss it when I go away. On Sunday [Aug 2] I am going away to the woods, where I will not have any internet access (or television or radio or phone service), and I may not be back until Tuesday [Aug 11.] I don’t expect to miss Fluther much, because I’ll be doing other stuff.
Of course, the moment I get back, the first thing I will do is log onto Fluther.
Just stay busy, and you ought to be fine.
Fluther will still be here when you get back from your camping trip. Have no fear about that. You may experience some Fluther withdrawl and in cases like that, you will need to stand on your head for a period of 90 seconds and recite the Gettysburg Address. That usually clears things up.
Symptoms can include incoherent babbling, attempting to type when no keyboard is present, hallucinations that include seeing random Jellyfish float by, and inadvertently telling anyone and everyone that you lurve them completely.
Lastly, don’t trade your family for Fluther. This is a misdemeanor in several U.S. states and what we don’t need on Fluther is criminals or aberrant behavior! I have the utmost faith that you will return to the collective in fine shape after your adventures in the wilderness. =)
Quick. Get an iPhone or some device with Internet access. If you don’t I would suggest you not pack any rope or sharp objects.
Good luck.
You can ovecome the withdraal symptoms with oxys.
When I go on vacation I notice the absence of Fluther for the first couple days, but then I get to doing other things and don’t really notice. Then I get home and catch up on everything I missed. It’s always a nice break, but it’s good to come back.
I’ll miss you, Petey! Have fun!
You’ll hopefully be having to good a time to worry about missing Fluther.
A side note: Very often I have Fluther dreams, which are similar to the dreams you get if you spend too much time playing Tetris, only instead of blocks falling into place, I see answers by different Flutherites falling into place. I still have Fluther dreams if I’m away from Fluther for some time, but as I’m away from Fluther longer the dreams become less internet-y and more human. Instead of dreaming that Bluefreedom is crafting a response, I’ll dream that I’m in a room talking to him.
Thanks Allie! I’ll miss you too!
You just have to be strong, suck it up and go cold turkey. The first few days will be tough, but after you get over the shakes, the high fever and the hallucinations that AstroChuck is behind each tree, you’ll be fine. I do find it’s very important when you get back to not o.d. on Fluther in your joy at having it available again, just answer 30 or so questions a day for the first three or four days back and you should be up and Fluthering again as usual in no time.
Not really. Like i stopped using fluther for almost a period of 9 months and I didn’t really feel much of a difference. Real life > The internets
Naw. I just missed about 12 days in Hawaii, and Fluther was still here when I got back. It’ll be a good break if you’re tired of some users, or some drama that happens here.
You really need an iPhone.
@AstroChuck and @Judi ..I’ve actually entertained the iphone idea. I feel consumed by the fluther.
We were gone for 10 days in June, & yes, it IS tough. I had lurve dreams, tried to satisfy my lurve cravings when I ate, looked for lurve in the Canadian mountains. Nothing worked. My fingernails turned green. My hair stood on end. My eyes crossed. It was terrible. But upon returning home, all was put right with the world again when I was able to log back in here. You WILL survive. And you’ll be stronger for it. Life up that head! Steel those eyes! We’ll be here witing for you. :-)
@jbfletcherten Sounds like you were looking for lurve in all the wrong places! :-)
you will probably wake up in the middle of the night yelling “i’m sorry, dr. j!” or “where is the lurve?!”. it’s also likely that you’ll start arguing about religion with anyone who will listen, anyone who won’t listen, and occasionally the walls. you will sporadically drown in thoughts of frizzers, the 10k parties you are missing, and the latest @jonsblond and @blondsjon avatars.
but, with strength and support, you will get through it, as so many of us have in our lowest lows…
Yes. But like smoking: why fight it?
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