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charliecompany34's avatar

Batteries are life lines. which, in your life, is most important to you?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) August 1st, 2009

ok, ya got 9-volt, double A, triple A, cell phone, game toy—even a generator. it goes on and on. why do you need whatever battery and how would it affect you if you didn’t have that “certain” power.

what do you use as an alternative? what do you do on a day-to-day basis that absolutely needs batteries or else you would just die?

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29 Answers

LanceVance's avatar

I’d go with cell phone battery since I don’t own a car. If I did, then I’d have a tough problem deciding between cell phone battery and car battery.

ragingloli's avatar

triple A
for my mp3 player

charliecompany34's avatar

i must have double A batteries. without them, i can’t change the channels with the TV remote. even tho i could do it manually, i need power at my fingertips.

Facade's avatar

AA batteries for my tv remote and my fun time device. I buy them in bulk lol

Jeruba's avatar

Nice Q, @CC34. (GQ4U.) I’m not prepared to admit it’s my cellphone battery, so I’m trying to think of something else.

charliecompany34's avatar

@Facade HMMMM, funtime advice? ok. but yeah, i’m with ya on the cell phone.

Zendo's avatar

Car battery, for sure. I like driving more than using any of other battery powered devices. I can always use a pay phone, or a library computer. I have a crank-up flashlight and a crank-up radio.
If the car battery dies I can always push-start the little beastie.

charliecompany34's avatar

@Zendo definitely car battery. most unappreciated battery until it fails on you.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

double A for my controller (GAME controller) and 9 volt for effects pedals

aprilsimnel's avatar

Mobile phone battery, AAs for my All-in-One remote and toothbrush.

Darwin's avatar

Cell phone battery first, so I can call 911 if I need to since my husband has health issues. Second would be the car battery, so I could get my husband to the hospital if EMS doesn’t come, or so I can follow EMS to the hospital (they never let me ride in the ambulance). Third would be the battery in my computer as the internet is most of my world.

Quagmire's avatar

For some reason we go through double a’s like they were going out of style.

Zendo's avatar

P.S. Facade said “funtime device” not funtime advice.

charliecompany34's avatar

@darwin: oh wow, yeah, i can understand the need. on all fronts. what would we do without the battery?

marinelife's avatar

I don’t use batteries for anything except my weather radio (back-up is its crank) and my flashlights (back-up for those are candles).

rooeytoo's avatar

The battery on my motor scooter and the one in the lappy!

Jeruba's avatar

@Marina, really? No cellphone, no car, no laptop, no battery-powered watch or wall or mantel clock, no little radio?

charliecompany34's avatar

@marina hey boo!

marinelife's avatar

Clock, no.

Little radio, no.

Forgot the dang car. Guess I would have to return to a crank model on that too.

Cellphone, no. (I have one, but use it only intermittently when I travel so I guess technically I have one.)

Also, you are right, I do have a laptop, but I virtually never use it on battery.

Thanks for keeping me honest and in the 21st century, Jeruba!

charliecompany34's avatar

i don’t know what i’d do without a cell phone charger.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Cell phone battery, and my second most needed battery, rechargeable AAs, for my 2 digital cameras. I need two batteries for each camera and a set of back-ups for each. And the one battery you forgot, the 12 volt one in my truck, can’t get far without that one. =)

charliecompany34's avatar

12 volt? crucial.

Bluefreedom's avatar

The most important battery in my life is a CR 2032 Lithium (coin cell) because it supplies the power to my Precision Xtra monitor that I use to measure my blood glucose levels twice a day to keep my diabetes in check.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Car battery, cell battery, TV remote batteries…....

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My car and celly are the only devices I use that have batteries and ideally, I could live without either.

Jack79's avatar

My car battery, my phone battery, my guitar battery (a 9V) and then all those AAs for remote controls and so on, especially the one for the AC in my room. I’d say the most important one overall is the phone one, and the one I’ll always make sure to recharge asap.

deni's avatar

cell phone and car battery are close. unfortunately since i dont live in a place where i can get around sufficiently without a car (where i live, whoever built the roads has insured that a bicycle cannot be ridden on them safely) so i would say that my car is more important than my phone. i have pretty bad luck with both though.

JLeslie's avatar

Computer/laptop battery.

woodcutter's avatar

I would be sunk if the battery in my work truck went bad. Being a self employed contractor who works out of my truck it would cause a bit of a wrinkle in my life. Then there are those in my cordless tools that are very expensive to replace but I have a corded set of tools here somewhere I could fall back on but I wouldn’t want to. Then there is the phone battery…got to have that working.

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