What is the scariest thing that youv seen or happened in your life?
when I was on a TRIP i saw a coyote in front of my lawn and it was scary soo yeah
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28 Answers
the most scary thing was i think when i came down at high speed off a hill on my bike, and into a corner, at the same time a car cameout of the corner and a barely grazed the side of the car. it was quite close.
Scariest thing I’ve ever seen is the movie ”IT”
Because of that movie I’m afraid of clowns. And it’s not funny!
Also chickens scare me but thats another story…
@ragingloli Omg!! That must’ve been scary!!! 0_o
@Tink1113 Omgosh!! That was the scariest movie ever!! I couldn’t sleep for a week!! Omg I hate clowns!!! :O One of the scariest things I’ve ever seen is a ghost in my room,my dog were barking at nothing and I knew it was a ghost and my face turned white :O
The rapidly approaching taillights of a Toyota Landcruiser as the car that I’m sitting in with no seatbelt on is about to ram into it.
I have been shot at twice.
I have had a bear outside my tent while camping.
I have been in several accidents, including head-on.
I have leaned way, way over the roof of the Bank of America building in SF.
I think the scaredest I have ever been was when I walked home after seeing “Alien”.
I used to work mantenance at a McDonald’s years ago and about 4am one morning I walked in on a burglary. There were three of them and they tied me up and put a small waste bucket over my head. They had a gun up against my neck and they told me that they didn’t want to hurt me but they would if I didn’t stay down or if I caused any problem. After they grabbed the money from our safe they took off. Before they left I was told to stay down for ten minutes after they had gone. I waited about one. I was suprisingly calm during the whole ordean. It’s not that I’m brave or anything. I think in situations such as this your mind goes into a state of shock in order to protect you. A few hours later it really kicked in just what had happened and just how fortunate I had been. When it sunk in that I could have been killed I started shaking and that’s when the fear really started. It passed a little later but I can tell you from that point on I was never the same working early mornings and overnights.
I once lQQked in a mirror!
Let’s see, rolling an 8 ton truck on the Interstate in the snow ten years ago comes to mind, riding out a tornado in a mobile home back in 1987 also comes to mind, being chased by a tornado when riding in the back of a station wagon as a kid (I was nine yrs old) while my Mom was driving comes to mind, wiping out on my bicycle at age 11 and cracking my skull open and being covered with blood comes to mind, being buried alive at age 16 while helping a neighbor dig a trench comes to mind, and last but not least, the ‘suicidal thought’ three months ago to throw myself under the wheels of a passing semi. There are probably more, I just can’t think of them at the moment.
It’s been an interesting life, to say the least.
I was walking to the bus stop with my kids, who at the time were 6 & 9, when a pack of about 5–6 dogs came at us growling and showing their teeth. Luckily, my landlord’s son saw it and came out with a gun! I almost forgot. One tax year my husband and I went to the bank to get our check cashed, and we walked in during a robbery. Of course we didn’t know we were standing next to the robber the whole time until after the deed was done!
@evelyns_pet_zebra Omgosh!! Your lucky your alive!! That’s soo scary..wow…Im glad your still here =]
@AstroChuck Woah! That’s scary 0_0 I dont know whatI woild do if that happened to me…
@irocktheworld yeah, hard to kill a hard-headed old Belgian like me. =)
@evelyns_pet_zebra Yup!! =]
Omg I could never imagine what it would be like to get chased by tornadoes 0_o thats just to scary to imagine.How did it feel? :O
Well, I recently climbed to the top of a three story building, but that’s not scary in and of itself (except to my mom). My route partially consisted of jumping from the top of a 10’ tall platform to grab the side of a 15’ wall around 8 feet away. Not a particularly hard jump, and on the way down all I barely had to do more than step off of the higher wall. But the wall was capped with metal sheeting, which was apparently less snugly attached than I had anticipated. I learned this in the instant that I pushed off, when it shifted under my foot; the adjustment I had to make to my jump to keep from slipping robbed me of my momentum, and I landed right on the end of the platform, with my heels jutting over the edge. If I had slipped, or if I had been forced to soften my jump any more, I would have fallen fifteen feet, probably on my back, onto concrete or a couple of rusty oil drums. Which would, one can only imagine, have sucked. But lesson learned, I need to more thoroughly inspect my environment before I commit my safety to it. Anyways, this was probably not my scariest moment, and I certainly can’t complain about it, seeing as it was entirely my fault, but it was at least the most recent.
My mother’s driving.
She really likes driving on the left side of neighborhoods (especially with corners coming up), and coincidentally I’ve had a very non-eventful life.
@irocktheworld well, the adrenaline rush is something that is beyond words. I’m not a big fan of andenaline rushes, I prefer the endorphin rush that comes from eating hot peppers.
@evelyns_pet_zebra Yeah…I’m not either :P LOl same here, I like eating spicy things for a dare,the look on my face makes me laugh! :D
Tornado warning in southern Indiana.
I’ve had 2 supernatural experiences in my old house.
One time, about 11 at night, I was lying in bed and my bedroom door was open about ½ an inch. I was just staring at the door because I couldn’t fall asleep. Then, through the dark hallway, there was this cloud of bluish-white light that passed by my door. I couldn’t see it well because the the door was almost closed. The light passed by and went the other way. My initial thought was that my brother was roaming around the hallway with an LED flashlight, and I was curious why he didn’t just turn on the light switch. I asked him the next day about this and he looked confused and reminded me he hadn’t been at home at the time I had described seeing this.
This next occurrence happened in the same hallway: It was about 2am and I was also just staring at the door because I couldn’t sleep. The hallway light was on. This hallway light had two switches- one in the hallway, and one on the opposite side of the wall which my bed’s headboard rested against, in the garage. With everyone in the house asleep (If there had been anyone awake I would have heard them because the whole house creaked like no other), I heard a light switch flick in the garage behind me; the hallway light turned off. Freaked the hell out of me.
@FrogOnFire, the second one doesn’t seem supernatural, it sounds like someone got into your garage and was trying to find the light switch.
@Jayne Yeah, but as I mentioned, that house made noise like crazy. I would have heard if someone was walking around in there. I don’t know: burglary or supernatural event, whatever happened I was scared.
My daughter choking on food.
I hear coyote every night outside my window. Nothing scary about that.
It was scary because its face was all bloody
AND IT LOOKED like he wanted to eat me
@monkeygirl I’m sorry. I’m so used to seeing and hearing coyote that I sometimes forget they can be scary to some people. :)
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