General Question

HeNkiSdaBro's avatar

Windows XP Internet Connection Sharing LAN+WiFi

Asked by HeNkiSdaBro (392points) January 10th, 2008

I have a DSL box with only one physical port, it has no router functionality.

One network cable comes out from the box and gives me an IP address through its DHCP server. ( it gives my computer). I want to share this connection with my friend over wifi that we both have on our laptops.

IOW – Internet comes in from the DSL box into my Ethernet card in the laptop. If I try to start InternetConnectionSharing on that connection in WindowsXP it tries to change the IP address of the Ethernet card – which will ruin my internet connection. HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE TO ESTABLISH???

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2 Answers

gooch's avatar

hook up a router to the one ooet on the modem then you and your friend will be able to wirelessly access the router to have Internet access

HeNkiSdaBro's avatar

Thanks for your answer, but the whole point is that I don’t have a router right now and I don’t intend getting one either since we are both moving to a backpacking situation in some weeks… But this is a problem I have run into more than once. Would be great if there would be a solution.

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