How has high school shaped you as a person?
Asked by
Ailia (
August 1st, 2009
I am about to attend high school in the fall and I am interested in everyone’s high experience. Or lack of. I want to know what you all thought as you entered those doors and what you came out believing, achieving, dreaming or whatever. I want to hear all colors of the spectrum.
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70 Answers
High school is the time to absorb and learn as much as possible and learn how to interact with other people. I remember chemistry totally blowing my mind because of how it explained things in the real world. And yet, I don’t do anything relating to science now. I also fondly remember how the literature we read in English class opened up my mind to ideas I never would have dreamed of. To this day, the friends I made in high school are the best friends I have.
Enjoy high school. It was the best time of my life. If could go back and do it again, warts and all, I wouldn’t bat an eyelash.
I was always distracted with problems at home, so I didn’t really have a normal school life most of the time. For a bit of the time, I wasn’t with my parents so things were better.
I was a member of the Drama Club, and acted in plays. I did stats for track and got my varsity letter for “Team Management”. I was a columnist for the school paper and an editor for the Literary Magazine. I took courses I loved like Journalism, Spanish (all 4 years even though the req was 2), and Theatre. I didn’t have many friends and kept to myself but I didn’t mind. I had amazing teachers who were willing to work with me to excel at what I loved. My journalism teacher always gave me recommendations for good books, ways to improve my writing and other things of that sort.
I got into things that I enjoyed, and it was easy to take my mind off of other things. It was so worth it.
I wish I hadn’t had so many problems at home so I could have done better in school (grade wise). But I wouldn’t do it over, as I have turned out pretty well (so I think).
High school is what YOU make of it. Everyone has completely different experiences. It all depends on who you are, what you’re willing to do, and how you spend your time.
People say high school was the best years of their life. For me, they were the hardest/worst.
Sounds like you’ve had some emotional stress. Sorry to hear about that. But I think you turned out right; you’re here aren’t you? And thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.
And on the topic of HS do you have any tips on avoiding drama? My town has a lot of drama in it and I am very focused student who wants to steer clear of that. But I bet you know all about drama as High schools usually have the same kind of things(e.g. pregnancies, suicides, murder, highway accidents…etc.)
I learned so much in High School that i decided to skip college and go straight into life.
@Ailia You’re welcome!
Drama is a hard thing to avoid, especially in high school. My advice would be to not talk bad about anyone – if you don’t then there’s no reason for people to get mad at you (unless they’re just drama-prone), don’t take sides during a fight – being neutral about it is best.. people may get mad about that, but in the long run, it definitely prevents you from getting caught up.
Focus on what you need to focus on, if you keep your head in the right direction and make your priorities clear, you shouldn’t have a problem. Even if that means during school keeping to yourself (not socializing AS much) and just keep that outside of school, do whatever’s best for you.
Be the best person you can be. If someone DOES talk crap about you, let it go. In the long run, who cares what silly people think of you. You know exactly who you are. Don’t let nasty rumors or petty people get you down.
I don’t think my high school experience shaped me at all, unless you count making me glad I’m not like the majority of my classmates.
Thanks so much chelseababyy you really have great advice. I will definitely integrate that into my outlook. With all this great information I can go into high school prepared. :)
Facade In what way? Like not prone to be all dramatic and ridiculous?
@Ailia You’re welcome! If you have any other questions, any at alll, ask away :D.
@Ailia They (now) like to get drunk, party, do drugs, listen to the ridiculously degrading music I hate, have sex with random people, the list goes on. I don’t do any of that nonsense, and I’m glad.
Facade Oh okay, that makes sense now. And I now exactly what you mean, although the people I know are probably much younger then who you are talking about. But still they do the same which I think is so sad for our society.
Facade out of all the people you knew in high school would you say the majority made it? Or were you a small minority?
What do you mean by “made it”?
Facade I mean people who didn’t dabble too excessively in drugs, didn’t have mulitple partners, didn’t become criminals etc… Need I say more?
Oh, well I don’t know what the kids did while in high school, I just know what I see (as stupid as it sounds) on facebook. So I can’t really say whether the majority did those things or not.
Facade Well it would be interesting to find out. Maybe they did maybe they didn’t. Its kind of a strange world that we live in now. We have all these different groups, ideas, religions, crimes and wars that I wonder sometimes how we can make sense of it all. Have you ever felt that way?
I did my share of smoking weed and drinking (when possible), but I didn’t have sex much since I didn’t really care to. I don’t smoke anymore, and I do drink occasionally (since I’m 20, my boyfriend is almost 24 and the people we hang out with like his brother and his fiancee are in their 30’s), but it’s good to not get caught up in that stuff.
Weed won’t mess you up, although people say it’s a gateway drug, there’s really no harm. It’s the harder stuff you need to stay away from.
I don’t really feel that high school shaped me.
I kind of just drifted through it. I was the same introvert going in as I was coming out. It wasn’t a bad experience, but it’s not like I became inspired for things in it. Most of the knowledge I gained in high school is already well gone (I graduated in 07).
@Ailia I have, but I like to just take things as they are. It’s less stressful to me.
@chelseababyy by “drugs” I didn’t mean weed (it’s not a drug imo). These kids were doing coke and prescription drugs and whatnot
chelseababyy, I’ve heard a lot of people say that too. But I’ll just err on the side of caution and stay away from it all. Because my experience has taught that one step and I fall off the hill completely; if that makes any sense. But everyone is entitled to their opinions and I enjoy hearing from everyone; everybody is really unique.
Facade I get what you mean but sometimes I stress myself way too much and I forget to take things as they are; I could definitely learn from you. One step at a time. Anyways I am so glad I found Fluther. All the people and great discussions and answers are amazing. Don’t you all agree? :)
@Facade Oh! I wasn’t saying weed is a drug :] I was just saying what I did! Haha.
@Ailia So true. Do what you need to do to be you. Don’t get caught up in everything/everyone else.
@Sarcasm Class of ‘07 FTW
Sarcasm O7’? Really? I know some people who graduated then. I bet you must have been excited, if not just a tiny bit, about leaving? Even if you say you drifted on through, you must have learned something. No matter how small an experience is, it is always worth something.
Don’t kid yourselves. Weed is indeed a drug.
chelseababyy Thanks again for the advice. I will do my best. :)
@Zendo Everyone has their own opinion.
I agree that weed is not a drug also
BTW, ask me anything about HS, it’s going to be my second year
@chelseababyy Indeed. However, this is not an opinion. It is a fact. Marijuana is a drug. I have been smoking it for nearly 40 years. I think I know a little bit about it.
Tink1113 Really? And how did you enjoy it? Learn anything that you didn’t expect?
@Ailia Freshman year was fun, I met new people. At first I was scared of going like others are, but then I learned there is nothing to be afraid of.
Tink1113 I am glad you enjoyed it. I hope I can enjoy it as much. I have a question to ask, did you go to a big high school, with thousands of kids or a small one, with barely a thousand?? I’m kind of curious to see what people’s experiences are on the size.
@Ailia Thanks, I hope you enjoy it too. I think it was one with more than a thousand kids. But it doesn’t really seem like alot once you get used to it. You start recognizing people and socializing with them.
When I was there the only time it seemed like alot of kids was at around lunch time when I saw everyone. But then I saw some were actually going to class and I was relieved.
That sounds like my school too. Was it hard getting a lunch table? I kind of wondered about that. I pack myself lunches and I was wondering if I have to stake my claim for a table or something. Was that true for your HS?
No it wasn’t hard, the cafeteria was small so most of us chose to eat out in the grass. I take my own lunch too. I don’t think the whole claiming concept is real, it’s not like it appears on tv. Just eat where you want to and have fun.
Thanks, but thats not where I got the idea. My older friend told me about it and I was kind of worried but I’ll try out your suggestion and see if it works. :) And if you don’t mind my asking why do you pack your lunch? Any special reason other then the cafeteria food is gruesome?
Oh, alright then :)
Well I’m a vegetarian and what they serve I don’t eat. But I remember they used to serve fatty food anyways.
Thats cool. I was thinking about going vegetarian for a while. If I did then I would officially been vegan as well(allergies to dairy). But its already hard enough for me to find something to eat now(let alone that is especially healthy). So I’m kind of iffy. What do you think?
I don’t enjoy dairy either, but I’m not vegan. So you would be allergic to tofu and stuff like that? Did you go to the doctors when you found out that you were allergic to dairy? If you did they should have told you what you could or couldn’t eat.
No I didn’t go to the doctors(and no I am not allergic to tofu thankfully even though I don’t eat it), it was only through my little brother and grandmother that I found out I had allergies. Not severe thank goodness but enough to bother me. Acne, stomaches, decreased mental ability and focus, and diabetes are some things that I don’t want. Which I got with my allergies. Except for diabetes, although if I had kept on eating the way I had I could have gotten it very easily. And I don’t prefer doctors I’m more into alternative treatments and DIY kind of stuff. My diet usually works for me. Although I have lost some friends over it…
So what can you actually eat? If you don’t mind me asking.
Its fine with me. I can eat everything except for corn(its in everything, no lie), milk and gluten(its basically in every kind of bread). But I enjoy myself though. Because I have alternatives to all the things I used to eat.
Although now I am thinking about going on a no meat, no sugar lifestyle change with not as much rice. No meat because its the right thing to do and healthy too. No sugar because its not good for me and I’m heavily addicted and not as much rice because it really fattens me up(mainly the stomach). So HS will be when I start this or maybe just before. I want to be healthy for the rest of my life I just need willpower. But of course don’t we all? :)
Oh yeah, they are in everything. It’s good that you have alternatives though, so thats a good thing.
It wasn’t hard for me to give up meat, it was a sudden impulse that came over me at the time. I was 12 and decided I wouldn’t eat any kind of meat at all.
I’m not that much of a sugar person either. And the rice does tend to fatten people up, I eat the whole grain rice and pastas though.
I would start it soon so I could get accustomed to it.
Haha yes, willpower :)
Thanks for the tip. I am trying. Its just I have bunches of homework to do and those little easy but deadly snacks(rice especially; makes me sleepy) get me off course. So I try to attain balance but I’m still working on that willpower. Anyways I’m about to pass out from exhaustion so I think I’ll fluther on tomorrow. So goodnight everyone and thanks for all the great advice! :)
You are welcome.
I’m going to sleep too now goodnight Jellies!
It was the worst year of my life! But the High School completion program and college weren’t bad.
quite fun actually comparing to my current life. Carefree.
I actually have a recurring dream where I have to go back to high school for 1 year, because I somehow forgot a course. Maybe this is my brain telling me I would love to do it over again, but I would only return to that hellhole if I could retain my current attitude/understanding/view towards life and the people around me. Without that I would just be doomed to relive every horrible mistake I made.
I would also appreciate the opportunity to learn so much more than when I was a kid.
I’ve finished 2nd year of high school, going to third in September. In first year, I joined debate club and at the end of this year, I was a candidate for the national WSDC (world schools debate championship) team. I’ve developed my interests for politics, photography, computers.
I’ve also made friends with people I wish to never forget or lose contact with. And all the nerdy stuff aside, the high school life is a high school life, so start living it and don’t waste the time inside, go out, hang out, party and have fun.
Broadening my horizons, knowing what it’s like to be in relationships, forming great friendships, starting stuff up, being a leader…
Sigh… High school has shaped me a lot… If only it never ended…
I loved high school! I was quite the nerd though. I loved seeing my friends, but more I looked forward to what I would learn that day. I loved all my English classes and Art and World History! High school made me more aware of the different kinds of people you run into in life!
High school is no place to be if you are an individual, if you strive to rise above the social norms, and if you think popularity is over-rated. High school sucked dead camel balls for me, and it is one chapter of my life that will NOT make it into my autobiography. what my biographers do is up to them.
Life is about choices, your results may vary.
I’ll be a sophomore in a few weeks, and I guess I could give a bit of advice.
First off, what kind of high school are you going to? Is it private? Public? Small? Large? That has made a huge difference for me, going to a smaller public school.
Either way, though, when I first entered those doors, it was a cold, foggy day that perfectly matched my mood. I can’t say I really wanted to be there, but by the end of the first week I could tell that this was the place I wanted to be for the next 4 years. 5 made friends, met new people, and had time for schoolwork in between.
And this is pretty much the first year I have not really minded going back to school.
Or you could check this question. I think it has excellent advice.
High school (so far) hasn’t shaped me. Music did.
@evelyns_pet_zebra I totally agree with what you said.
My biggest suggestion is to take advantage of all your recourses, me i gained popularity by being very good in the drama club, join a club you like and take full advantage of your advancement.
I went to 4 high schools with 4 different cultures: traditional segregated Southern, small (100 students) Catholic, California beach community, and brand new 3,000 student suburban. What I learned was how to get along with a variety of people and without the drama of cliques. I learned to be resourceful self-reliant and independent. I learned to make the life I want and not take what others tell me I should do too seriously. Maybe I was already on that path because I was in 5 schools K-8. And I knew right from wrong.
@chelseababyy I couldn’t help but address you because your answer was so typical of a significant number of jellies. You are sure that pot won’t mess you up, you just have to stay away from the hard stuff. I am not sure where you have done your research but about 20% of people who step into that arena become addicted. You played Russian roulette and claim to not be in that 20% yet. I am willing to bet you smoked because your friends did, what if they move to other drugs, will you be able to cut them off?
You only drink now? At the age of 20 that is illegal in most states. Smoking was also illegal when you were doing it, which puts you in a place where you think you are above the law, a dangerous state of mind.
Why do you drink, why did you smoke? Just to relax, to chill. Anybody over the age of 30 will tell you life’s stress gets exponentially stronger and you need to find less destructive coping skills. If it weren’t so sad it would be humorous to see how people with such limited life experience think they have the world all figured out.
dverhey I am going to a small-medium public school where they is probably around 1000 kids. How would you say your experience was better at a small public school? Was it the familiarity? And thanks for the link, it had good advice. Although I’m not scared for HS; I think its going to be some of the best years of my life. Thanks again to everyone for their experiences, tips and advice I really appreciate it. :)
Don’t worry, I did ‘drugs’, had ‘multiple partners’, etc. and I made it then and am making it now – high school was amazing, for me, I took many opportunities to have a fulfilling and exciting life – I did cancer research, directed musicals, ran the Italian club, danced in a troupe, took a course in college to see what it was like, wrote a lot of poetry, developed the GSA in my school, etc…I had a great time
High school had very little impact on who I am today. As you enter high school there is all this hype at first about how the next few years will be the most important of your life. Not true. At least not in my case. I didn’t even stay in touch with anyone from high school other than my best friend and boyfriend. Everyone else went their seperate ways. I’d say the couple years following high school grauation will be the ones that shape you the most. You’ll start making friends that will stick around through your adult years and start getting jobs that turn into careers. You’ll also learn what it’s like to support yourself, pay bills, and become a real adult.
@Ailia I have found that smaller public schools are in general more welcoming. It’s also a lot easier to find friends, make connections and just enjoy yourself a little more. There’s also smaller class sizes, less drama, and the teachers are always a little more laid back.
dverhey I don’t know about the less drama part. My town is full of it; comes with the whole boring small town theme. But thanks for the observations, they’re very helpful.
ItalianPrincess1217 Thats probably true.Did you go to college or any kind of school afterwards? Or did you go to straight into the workforce? Oh and thanks for the personal history, I enjoy learning about other people’s wisdom and experiences. :)
@galileogirl No, I didn’t smoke because my friends did. I smoked because I wanted to try it. None of the people I hung out with smoked pot, half of them had never even tried it. (and I’m not even friends with anyone I was friends with in high school) I tried it, I liked it. I’ve been around coke, heroin, etc, and have never done any of that. I was able to stop smoking pot, after smoking for a few years, very easily. Just quit cold turkey. If my friends started doing harder drugs, that’s their choice. Would I be able to stop them? I’m not sure. But I like to think that I surround myself with people who wouldn’t get into it in the first place.
I came from a co-ed elementary to an all boys high school. Stayed with the same class/ group of people for 4 years so we all really bonded well. It’s where I got substantial networking that I still manage to use until now that I’m working. And since we were all boys, we all bonded in oogling whoever came around campus with a skirt and a cute smile. Also got a little taste of the poisons of adolescence in high school, you’ll find out soon enough.
Doing a lot of stupid things(and they were really stupid) in high school helps you move on pass them and be a bit more mature in college. Other people also saw us as somewhat confident, arrogant, cocky maybe because of the boys culture we had in high school. You get into your certain niches, be it the alpha male, the prophet, the jock, the geek, the bboys, the skaters, the weird ones, etc. but you always manage to interact with each other and aren’t usually confined to such stereotypes. Good and bad things overall.
You really notice how much you change from the 1st year to the 4th year of high school not only physically and appearance wise, but mentally, psychologically, and emotionally too.
The good friends you make in high school are usually the friends you’ll have for quite a while if not for life regardless of whether you see them often or not. I sometimes see High School friends only once a year but the bonds are still there. You can always look back to the memories you’ve made and had.
derekpaperscissors Thanks for sharing your experience and it was very insightful. I have two questions for you though. Just curious, but why did you go to an all boys high school? Did you choose to?
@Ailia It was actually suggested by my older sister to my parents. She went to high school in my old school and thought it was a bit lacking. Didn’t want to move at first, they tried “bribing” me just to take the entrance test. One thing led to another and I somehow ended up there. It’s a fairly known school around here so it was an easy choice for them.
You can’t always stick to what you know. Sometimes you just got to take it and say, “Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there.”
High School was, of course, ups and downs, just like life.
derekpaperscissors Thats true. But what would you have to say about temporaily going to a school for a year or less, in another country that doesn’t speak your language? Would it be worth the experience? And have you ever done anything similar?
@Ailia Haven’t gone to school in a different country but I lived for a while somewhere. I’d say it’s definitely worth it. I love traveling, and learning different cultures because each has something to offer, good or bad. And that’s what keeps life interesting, those tiny discoveries you get along the way. Looking back, I do wish I took more advantage of my time there and perhaps should have studied but I think the lack of funds at that time made me prioritize on other things. Learning is almost always good, you never really know what you want or end up to be until you get to taste the different things life has to offer and where you can probably enjoy and be good at.
One tip though is, wherever you are, don’t lose yourself. Don’t be led by fads and trends just because everyone says its in right now. Be open, explore, absorb and interact. At the end of it all, make yourself.
i’m starting my senior year this monday.
high school is basically the reason i have a lot of the friends i have.
i have learned a lot.
i am good at secretive texting.
i am a lot more interested in people, and better at understanding them, because i took a psychology class. that’s probably the thing that has affected me the most.
i am more motivated to positively change things, but also pretty disenchanted and disheartened simultaneously.
i’ve grown to hate printers with an intensity.
i’ve read some great books.
i…have learned how to procrastinate better? (or worse…hmm.)
not gonna lie though, i feel like a zombie when i’m in school. even when i’m hyper, i feel like i’m just going through the motions until i walk out the doors of the school.
@tiffyandthewall Thanks for sharing. It certainly sounds like you did learn a lot. And I can totally relate with procrastination and going through the motions. School seems to very repetitive that way. But I think you should try to hold on more to your motivation to change things for the better. I can often feel disenchanted but I find if I focus on positive things it helps me get motivated and stay centered. Just a thought. Well thanks again for putting your “two cents in” I really enjoyed it and appreciate it just as well.
aw dang i wanted to add more to my answer, but my internet went crazy and wouldn’t load the page back in time.
i feel like i don’t try as hard anymore (not academically, but socially i guess). high school is so small, in comparison to the rest of the world. sure, it’s an important part of your life, but that’s exactly the point. you don’t want to spend those 4 years trying to fit into different groups and trying to accommodate other people. also, drama. i have little to no tolerance for drama anymore. it’s just so silly. when you see it from the outside, you realize how stupid it is. people get angry at eachother over the silliest things, and create big ordeals out of it. it’s so silly.
and you’re welcome. yeah, i have some motivation problems for sure! i don’t hate school, but i feel like it’s so systematic. it’s great to have a class you look forward to though. that really breaks up the day and gives you something to look forward to and be excited about. (:
Yeah drama is pretty ridiculous, especially on an outside perspective. I just wish people could solve their problems more peacefully. And I get your point about the smallness part. High school is just a tiny dot on our life, unless we make dumb choices….which I know of a few who did.
But yeah it is nice when you have a favorite class, but my schedule doesn’t seem too fun so I don’t really know what to expect. Bascially my electives are all buisness related. Not something I would have expected. What were some of your favorite classes?
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