General Question

JLeslie's avatar

What do you put on a sandwich? Mustard or Mayo? Tomatoes and Lettuce? Are you ever surprised when you travel what condiments are automatically put on your sandwich in different places?

Asked by JLeslie (65936points) August 2nd, 2009

Recently I had a facebook post that veered off onto what people put on their sandwiches, and also what condiments they use with particular foods. One comment from a woman who lives outside of Toronto said she found it odd that American’s don’t butter their bread for sandwiches. She said she even butters peanut butter and Jelly.

Many Americans think I am a very picky eater, I guess it does seem like I am Sally from when Harry Met Sally, but when I am with people from outside of the US I have no problems.

Personally, I never like mayo on anything but in tuna or chicken salad. The idea of it smeared on bread is icky to me. A lot of restaurants automatically put mayo on sandwiches and burgers.

I don’t like pasta or potato salad, generally I don’t like a lot of cold foods. I have a lot of trouble at picnics.

I hate fresh tomatoes and blueberries. I need to 86 tomatoes all of the time in restaurants.

I hate creamy salad dressings. For a while there it was hard to get dressing, finally balsamic vinagrette is back in vogue.

I don’t eat cream cheese.

I don’t like cold cheese, only melted. Most premade sandwiches at office lunches have cheese on them.

I don’t like whipped cream, which is piled on top of most every dessert.

The idea of ketchup on a hot dog is yuck! Has to be mustard.

I would never drink a glass of milk with a meal, I was tortured by that in school when I was young. I was SHOCKED when I went to college in the midwest and students actually chose to drink milk with a meal.

I drink Coca Cola with no ice. My husband ordered this on our first date and I knew I could marry him lol. He was not born in the USA, just to support my statement above. In fact, if you come to my house I rarely have ice in my freezer.

What do you eat that is unusual? Or, what do you find different from one country to another, or from one region of the US to another?

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22 Answers

kenmc's avatar

A perfect sandwich for me would be…

2 slices of whole wheat bread
perfectly made chicken salad
Swiss cheese melted into the chicken salad
Sweet Baby Ray’s BBQ sauce on top.

I just came thinking about it…

YARNLADY's avatar

When I am in a restaurant and ordering a sandwich (rare occurrence) I tell them exactly what I want on it, whole wheat bread, mayonnaise, ham, lettuce, onion, tomato.

efritz's avatar

This is non-sandwich related, but I hear some Europeans prefer mayonnaise with their french fries.

also I like some kinds of salad dressing on my sandwiches. I never realized it was strange till I thought about it.

jonsblond's avatar

Sweet hot mustard, salad dressing (no mayo), tomato, lettuce, bacon, turkey, co-jack on toasted sour dough bread.

I am also one of the few that puts ketchup on their brat in Illinois.

JLeslie's avatar

@YARNLADY what you like on a sandwich, mayo, tomato, onion, lettuce, is what is basically put on most sandwiches in America, so I would guess you have few problems.
I wish it was always you order what you want, but usually restaurants automatically put those items, and you have to tell them to take things off, they screw it up all of the time.

@efritz Yes, I think Germans put mayo with fries, maybe other countries too.

chelseababyy's avatar

On a hoagie roll:
Banana Peppers
Jalapeno Peppers

YARNLADY's avatar

@JLeslie Any sandwhich I receive at a restaurant better have what I order, or it gets sent back. Why would anybody pay for a sandwich they don’t want?

JLeslie's avatar

@YARNLADY I’m not saying I eat it when they screw up, I’m just saying they screw it up all of the time, because they just automtically put the same thing all of the time. If I order a sandwich or burger it would be just lettuce, many waiters say they have to write no tomato, no onion, no mayo, instead of writing lettuce only. Or, if the sandwich is chicken breast with bacon, and I say just lettuce, they might leave off the bacon, which to me the bacon is not the same as the other stuff, because the otehr stuff is on every sandwich they serve. I’m just not good with sandwiches :). I am too atypical. In Italy I have no problem, they just give you fantastic bread and a little meat, none of the other stuff.

And, when I order coke with no ice, or I used to when I drank coke all of the time. It is almost impossible for a waitperson to remember rnot to scoop on a whole bunch of ice. I would say they get that right 20% of the time.

rooeytoo's avatar

@JLeslie – You are a picky eater, you should have listed the things you do like instead of what you don’t! But I do agree with quite a few of your dislikes.

I can’t talk about the perfect sandwich because I rarely eat bread, I do like sang choy bow where lettuce is used instead of bread and I love springrolls made with rice paper.

Funny food things in Australia are many. Ketchup is mostly called tomato sauce and it is treated like liquid gold. You never find a bottle on the table, you have to buy a tiny little packet or beg for it, except at Maccas, they still give it away there.

Here they often put shredded carrot and red beets on sandwiches (sangers) and capsicum which I call peppers. And a hamburger with “the lot” includes said beets and carrots plus a fried egg.

Interesting how different the customs and foods are even in the english speaking countries.

drdoombot's avatar

Whatever you put on a sandwich, add some Sriracha (or Rooster Sauce, as some people call it) and your sandwich will be better. Guaranteed.

jonsblond's avatar

@drdoombot You need to be over here.

derekpaperscissors's avatar

I don’t like ketchup on my sandwiches, and if you put onions, it has to be caramelized/grilled. I like tomatoes and cheese, and mayo too.
Not much of a butter fan also. And bread with fruits only works if it’s a jam.
No creamy sauces with tons of veggies that makes you think they put a salad between two pieces of bread.
I know some people who put ice cream in sandwiches. Others put rice noodles in bread. I could never get that.
Some just get bread and dip it in coffee, like a soft spanish bizcocho. Then you just let the bread soak up the coffee before eating it.

knitfroggy's avatar

I am a sandwich person. I eat a sandwich almost everyday for lunch. My favorite is a ham sandwich with a LOT of lettuce and mustard. My husband laughs at it and says I should just leave the meat off and eat a lettuce sandwich, which doesn’t sound like a horrible idea, actually. I’ve been trying to eat better and I’ve started leaving the cheese off to save some calories. Honestly, I don’t even miss it.

Jack_Haas's avatar

Bacon, lettuce, Tomato. Nothing else. The only sauce I really like with other sandwiches and even Freedom fries is the variant of the Big Mac sauce that’s available here. I like it so much I’d put it on ice cream.

aiwendil's avatar

I really don’t like mayo on sandwiches or burgers. It’s kinda gross, if you as me. I also do not like butter on my sandwiches. I can’t understand the appeal of either combined with meat, veggies, and bread.

Also, I don’t like ketchup. Can’t even stand the smell.

Bri_L's avatar

Mayo, turkey, cheese, more cheese, then a little onion salt and finally some cheese.

casheroo's avatar

Putting butter on the bread before making a sandwich is definitely not common where I live. I don’t know anyone that does that.

It depends on the sandwich, for what condiments I want.

I like plain ham & cheese with mayo. But, I like ham & cheese melts with mayo and mustard.
I put ketchup on my hotdogs, and sometimes relish.
Hoagies are different, but I’m not a big fan of Italian hoagies, so I actually wouldn’t be able to order one properly. (and yes, I’m from Philly lol)
If I get roast beef, it gets horseradish sauce (not straight up horseradish though).

I do like mayo with my french fries, but it has to be flavored mayo. Otherwise, ketchup is fine.

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fireinthepriory's avatar

I’ll eat mayo on a sandwich, but I usually leave it off out of laziness. I like to put cream cheese on my sandwiches (I’m partial to roast beef, also with lettuce and tomato), which most people think is very strange. I’m not very picky though – I’ll eat almost anything on a sandwich except for raw onions.

aprilsimnel's avatar

@efritz – I love mayo on my fries.

I have gone off ketchup, though. It’s too sweet.

For sandwiches, my favourite is mustard, lettuce, tomato, onions, ham, provolone and turkey on toasted seven-grain. Or a tomato and mozzarella sandwich with a basil /olive oil spread on flatbread.

JLeslie's avatar

@rooeytoo I just live in the wrong country. If I go to eat at my husbands parents, they would never even serve sandwiches orpotato salad, it would be rice and beans, and probably chicken or steak, maybe a salad with just vinegar, lemon, and oil. If I visit my Italian friends they might have some sort of antipasti with a vinegar type marinade, salami, or some other meats, maybe lentil soup, or some legume type soup, pasta, turkey or meat. None of these people would think I was picky, but I agree I don’t like many foods that most Americans like, and I am more “work” because generally I want a cooked meal, not just some prepared cold thing.

@knitfroggy I like my cold sandwiches with lettuce and mustard…lots of lettuce :).

rooeytoo's avatar

@JLeslie – Now you’re talking, most everything in the last post sounds good to me too. I love leftovers for lunch, make extra the night before and then have it hot or cold the next day, that beats a sandwich for me!

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