General Question

VoodooLogic's avatar

Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?

Asked by VoodooLogic (732points) January 11th, 2008

Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

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17 Answers

sferik's avatar

Ben stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

ben's avatar

Who me?

ben's avatar

Couldn’t be!

sferik's avatar

Then who?

ben's avatar

VoodooLogic stole the cookie from the cookie jar.

syz's avatar


VoodooLogic's avatar

Couldn’t be!

ben's avatar

Then who?

VoodooLogic's avatar

Kelly stole the cookie from the cookie jar!

omfgTALIjustIMDu's avatar

My little cousin. He got in trouble for it too.

VoodooLogic's avatar

I was guessing that the song was invented to teach my little sister to tattletale on me.

jgoose's avatar

I bet it was Gail’s mice… they got tired of eating garage plastic and automotive parts

gailcalled's avatar

Since you, jgoose, were thoughtful enough to bring the subject up again, I have captured three (not blind) mice in my little Havahart. They have all been assigned to the Witness Protection Program…. this was after I killed one, but my sister said that it was bad karma and would redound on me…So instead I drop them off in the driveway of some very inconsiderate neighbors. That seems fair..I could have FedExed them to Kevbo, also.

.And The Wheels of the Bus Still Go Round and Round.

kevbo's avatar

Yes, and I would have taken them to the nearest airport, reported a suspicious package and we’d be all set for a bomb disposal.

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