General Question

Lightlyseared's avatar

What is MobileMe sync (PC) doing when it is not syncing?

Asked by Lightlyseared (35084points) August 3rd, 2009

Today I needed to use task manager on my windows laptop and while it was open I noticed that a service called applesyncnotifier was using 50% of the CPU resources (in fact one whole core as it’s a dual core chip). I assumed, hey, mobileme must be syncing and ignoreded it. However about half an hour later it was still using an entire core all by itself so I investigated a little further. My desktop also shows applesyncnotifier is using 25% of the CPU (1 of the 4 cores) contantly and even with syncing disabled in mobileme and logged out, it still keeps on going.

I’m currious to know if anyone else is experiencing this and what exactly mobileme is doing with all that processing power.

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5 Answers

chronohart's avatar

I’m not at all familiar with MobileMe and applesyncnotifier, but a lot of processes that are supposed to automatically synchronize or update stuff over the internet or a network tend to use a lot of processor power even when it’s just waiting for something to do.

For this reason, I generally disable anything automatic that I can do manually, as long as it won’t cause any significant inconvenience. You may want to search around the net and see if you can find a way to disable the process more permanently, if your situation is similar.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@chronohart even with syncing diasbled the process still runs at full capacity.

chronohart's avatar

Have you tried completely restarting your computer after disabling synchronization? Sometimes these processes don’t stop on their own.

styfle's avatar

Open up terminal, type top to see running processes, when you see that applesyncnotifier look at the PID and remember it. Hit q to stop the top command and type kill PID 123 where 123 is the PID of applesyncnotifier. Let me know if that kills it because it might launch itself again.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@styfle I’m using a PC not a mac. It is possible to end the process but at the next reboot it is back and using resources. Even when logged out of mibileme completely applesyncnotifier is still running and using an entire core. For the time being I have uninstalled it.

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