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Lightlyseared's avatar

What is MobileMe sync (PC) doing when it is not syncing?

Asked by Lightlyseared (34799points) August 3rd, 2009

Today I needed to use task manager on my windows laptop and while it was open I noticed that a service called applesyncnotifier was using 50% of the CPU resources (in fact one whole core as it’s a dual core chip). I assumed, hey, mobileme must be syncing and ignoreded it. However about half an hour later it was still using an entire core all by itself so I investigated a little further. My desktop also shows applesyncnotifier is using 25% of the CPU (1 of the 4 cores) contantly and even with syncing disabled in mobileme and logged out, it still keeps on going.

I’m currious to know if anyone else is experiencing this and what exactly mobileme is doing with all that processing power.

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