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Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Should Duke be allowed to sell the Bush family's secret recipe? Why?

Asked by Noel_S_Leitmotiv (2719points) August 3rd, 2009
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28 Answers

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

But he would ruin the company!!!

filmfann's avatar

If he does, he’s a dog!
oh, yeah…

monsoon's avatar

But he pushed a pig on a skateboard off a roof. That’s commitment.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

No. Grandpa Bush started that secret recipe, & he didn’t men for a dog to give away family secrets. Duke should keep his mouth shut.

tullbejm's avatar

Bush shouldn’t have told his dog the secret. It’s his fault if the family loses its fortune. GO DUKE!!! Get your money where you can.

filmfann's avatar

Bush has issues. They had him spade.
Wouldn’t you want revenge?

AstroChuck's avatar

What’s he going to tell us that we don’t already know? It’s no secret that Prescott Bush had dealings with the Nazis.

mangeons's avatar

No! Otherwise that would ruin all the great commercials. ):

Plus the fact that Bush would go broke. But who cares about that, anyway? All we care about is entertainment, money, and power; not other peoples’ suffering…::mutters to self about society these days::

FrogOnFire's avatar

No he shouldn’t be allowed to.

Even if he was allowed to sell the recipe, no one would listen to him; he’s a dog.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

@FrogOnFire But everyone listens to Brian!

FrogOnFire's avatar

Old Guy: “Son, I’ve had a lot of dogs, which one were you?”
Brian: “I was the one that could talk”
Old Guy: “Oh, Brian!”

kyle94481's avatar

Nobodie likes a betraying retriever :(

Supacase's avatar

If he could figure out a way to communicate it without the ability to speak or write any human language, then I say go for it! What are they going to do, sue him?

Then again, every good dog obeys his owner. This would be worse than chewing up all of the shoes or crapping all over the house. He might want to think twice about it. He could end up in a shelter… or worse. Any dog who can remember a recipe probably knows that already.

kyle94481's avatar

If he could weasel a friend animal into saying it then sure

ShanEnri's avatar

He’s a talking dog and quite intelligent. If he really wants to, he will!

samanthabarnum's avatar

No. He’s a bastard dog and should be punished for liking baked beans and for being a large dog that has learned to talk and hire people to fly planes and such.

Jeruba's avatar

What in the world are you guys talking about, if you don’t mind my asking?

samanthabarnum's avatar

@Jeruba It’s a commercial line for Bush’s baked beans in America. They don’t have it in Canada and apparently wherever you live either, though.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

one more reason I avoid watching television.

Jeruba's avatar

I live in California. I don’t watch any TV. Didn’t realize this was about television. Thanks for the explanation. It sure sounds peculiar when you don’t have a context!

AstroChuck's avatar

Me lurve TV!

mangeons's avatar

You don’t lurve TV. I lurve TV!

BBQsomeCows's avatar

As soon as he writes it he can publish it

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