Do all pregnant women "nest?"?
In case you’re not familiar, nesting is basically the strong urge to clean or generally fix up your home for the coming baby. I’ve heard of women going so far as removing the screws from fixtures and polishing them.
Last pregnancy I did not nest at all. I think it was partly because the baby’s room was occupied by my husband’s douche bag friend until 3 weeks before the baby arrived. By the time he moved out, I was too tired to do anything.
I’m already itching to do some stuff, but I’m too nauseated to execute it right now. I’m worried that this feeling will go away, or that I’m just not a nester in general.
Do you nest with every baby? Does everyone nest? Does it mean something if I don’t?
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13 Answers
I “nested” with my son. I had my babyshower at 36 weeks, and came home that night and put everything together. Well, I made my husband do it lol. All the baby toys were assembled, everything had batteries, I sorted the laundry and washed all the clothes and put them away. This lasted until 3 in the morning…but we were ready for that baby! haha
I didn’t feel any urge like that until the third trimester. I don’t feel anything now, and I don’t expect to since it’s so early. I usually like to know the sex of the baby before I start buying things. (Although, I have a really cute outfit for the possible take home from the hopsital outfit! It’s neutral, but adorable)
There are definitely varying degrees of nesting. And some women don’t nest at all. I believe my wife nested some with our first baby, hardly at all if any with the second and is nesting with our third but it’s somewhat different we have 2 boys and are now expecting a girl. BTW – Congratulations!
All afternoon this is exactly, what my wife has been doing . She is 20 weeks today, she was like that with the other two also .
It is safe to say that “all” of any group “never” does “anything.” My point is that there are no absolutes. There is a range of response. There are degrees of nesting and ways of nesting.
I also do not think that how much one nests has a thing to do with your skills as a mother. This is just not something you should worry about.
Whenever I clean or fix up the house, my SO refers to it as nesting, but I’m not pregnant, never have been. Wishful thinking on his part?
It doesn’t mean anything if you don’t. Maybe you’re more laid back, maybe everything is fine with your house, maybe it’s just not an instinct you have. From an evolutionary standpoint, it makes sense that women have the instinct, but it’s not really relevant today aside from an instinct, so you’re good. Don’t worry about what everyone else does, worry about yourself and your happiness. Better yet—don’t worry at all, you’ll do enough of that when the baby comes and grows up.
I had little attacks of it. But mainly I was exhausted through my first pregnancy and spent most of it napping. During my second, I had a two-year-old on the hoof and just remember a lot of awkward running, a lot of junk-food meals (we called it vitamin J), and, yes, exhaustion.
I agree with Marina: to every “Do all ~~ do x?” question, I think the answer has to be “Some do, some don’t.” Remember, both for you and for your little ones: the range of “normal” is very broad.
I nested both pregnancies and fortunately or unfortunately I didn’t stop after my second was born – weird
Whenever my SO and I lie in bed doing absolutely nothing, she calls that nesting, but I’ve never been pregnant. Wishful thinking on her part?
Oh, and we have to look at each other. If she can’t see my face while we’re laying in bed, it doesn’t count as nesting.
I did in my first pregnancy, not in my second one!
The nurses at the antenatal clinic gave me a list of stuff that I had to acquire over the coming months: diapers, diaper pins, baby clothes, etc. etc. etc. It even included instructions about storing baby’s things (separate from other children’s, avoid the use of camphor) and so on.
No, I don’t think so. When I was pregnant the last time (30 years ago) I went to work every day of the week until they forbid me to come back. I was also very active in a club I belonged to, including planning and attending events nearly every weekend. I didn’t have time to do anything like that. (Plus I threw up every single day through the entire 9 months)
I wasn’t much of a nester, but none of my pregnancies were easy ones either. Maybe I’d have been more enthusiastic if I’d felt better. I did have the nursery ready before the babies arrived, but it wasn’t something I felt some compelling urge to do. It just seemed like common sense.
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