When replying to another Flutherite, how do you link back to their post?
I’ve tried clicking all over the posts of Flutherites that I wanted to respond to, but there seems to be no “quote” button. And yet, I see people replying to ”@somebody” all the time. How are you all doing it? It’s driving me crazy!
And please don’t say you’re doing it the long way by typing out ’“link”: yaddayadda. com’ every single time
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27 Answers
You do the little @ symbol and it will come up with a list. Like this. Click on the person you want to respond to @drdoombot
Simply type @username.
Fluther turns it into a link for you after you post. It only works for users who have also posted in this question. Fluther will suggest usernames for you as you type.
@drdoombot: Type @r: There he is. vv. Click on vv.
@richardhenry Dammit, I can’t believe I missed this
**smacks forehead* *
Thanks for the help everyone! Hopefully this question will help some other confused Flutherites out there.
Some percentage of the time, the pick list fails to come up when you type the @. I haven’t figured out the pattern to this. But if you copy and paste the user’s name after it, it will turn into a link when you post.
You’re quicker than I was, @drdoombot. I was here for some days before I even figured out that the “at-sign” remarks were addressing somebody. (That was before they made automatic links, though, and people did use nicknames.)
Another trick is that if you mouse over the paragraph symbol at the end of the post, you can see when the post was made. If you click it, it will put the quip URL into you address bar, and then you can use it to create a link to the specific post if you want to refer to it, such as in a PM or another thread.
@Jeruba I’ve noticed that, too. And it always doesn’t give the whole list of posters if they’ve posted way up top.
That drives me nuts. Especially if you’re trying to reply to someone with some uncopyable
screen name like “hiiiiiii” or “random_user17847” or “hugescreennamethattakesyouhalfaminutetocopymuhahaha”.
As for the pattern, my working hypothesis is that the list only shows up if you start typing the @ at the end of your post. I notice it doesn’t work if there’s something after it, anyway. I think that’s the only condition that keeps it from appearing.
Also, if the user has made multiple posts and you want to reference one that is not their last response, right-click on the little red ΒΆ that appears when you bring your cursor next to the “flag as” button on that response. Select “copy link location” and use this as the location after the colon in a “link”: location configuration. I don’t think you can use ”@user” for the “link”, but you can say something like @dverhey, regarding your post,....
Fyrius…I’ve also found if you place the @ immediately following phrase marking symbols, the list does not pop up (e.g., _
= no list)
I see.
The same seems to apply to any other kind of character, by the way. If there’s anything other than a space in front of the @, it doesn’t work.
The powers that be probably did that on purpose so as not to annoy people typing out e-mail addresses.
Also, I just figured out how you get that serif font, and realise that you probably didn’t do it on purpose.
@ signs on both sides.
@Fyrius….Sssshh….the kid thinks I did it on purpose. It’s our little secret, OK? Cool! See ya wise one.
@whatthefluther Hah. Me and my fancy computer. I thought you did that on purpose.
Darn, he heard me. Sorry, wtf. :P
Can I do that? Holy broiled tofuburger!
I’m going to start answering like this
@@Fyrius…Look what we started…well, you knowingly, me unwittingly! See ya….Gary aka wtf@
Fyrius…Please note…with an extra
before @Fyrius and one at the end, I got that crazy font in the “Life Preview” but it reverted to normal in the actual post. I’ll leave that in your capable hands to sort out and report back. OK? See ya….Gary aka wtf
Sorry to be pedantic, but this
is a monospace font, not a serif font. A font such as Times or Georgia is a serif font, a font like Helvetica or Arial is a sans-serif font, and a font such as Courier is monospace.
@richardhenry…Perhaps pedantic to some, but no need to apologize. Some of us actually give a font and your correction is appreciated. Good to see you and congratulations on your 10K lurve (and many more). See ya…Gary aka wtf
@whatthefluther Good news. I shall continue on the path of font nerdery then. Oh, and I recorded a video reply to that thread but I had trouble uploading it, when I get a moment I’ll try again.
@richardhenry…Excellent! Speaking of fonts, I’m doing a personalized carving at the moment and chose Edwardian Script ITC and it’s working out very well.
Apparently the preview software is slightly different from the actual post software. Perhaps this thread would be a good opportunity for the powers that be to figure out where the discrepancies lie.
<small>Another such anomaly are the tags that will appear around this paragraph, when the monospace font is combined with small text. In the preview I just get slightly smaller monospace letters.</small>
I stand corrected.
@Fyrius….Excellent job once again! Take a break…loosen that tie.
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