How judgmental are you about other people's sexual natures?
I’m sure that we all disapprove of people who use sex to hurt others. However, aside from that, in what ways (if any) do you find yourself judging others because of behavior that you think is sexual? Where would you place yourself in the spectrum of opinions about sexuality?
I see a spectrum that extends from the idea that anything goes so long as no one is hurt to the idea of some communities that we should abstain from all sexual activity entirely. You might see other end points to the spectrum of ideas about sexuality. Now, many people have a standard for themselves, but don’t object to other people having other standards for themselves. However, if you have a standard that you think should apply to everyone, what is it, and what rules would you include in that standard?
Some people believe that there should be age boundaries on sexual activity or implied sexuality. Others believe some behaviors are harmful, no matter what. Some believe there is no age too young to start discussing sexual issues. Some believe that two (or more) consenting adults should be allowed to do whatever they want in privacy.
I’m having a little trouble, I think, putting boundaries on what I’m asking about, but I’ll put this out there, and maybe try to refocus the discussion as we go along.
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The only standard that I would want others to conform to is that the partner(s) in the activity are adult humans and consent to said activity.
Yeah, I have a hang up about people having sex with animals. No, I don’t know why. Probably something to do with the animal not being able to say yes or no.
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I’m really one of the least judgmental people where sex is concerned. As long as the parties are consenting, of reasonable age and mental capacity, and no one is being harmed mentally or physically.. whatever floats your boat. I’m with tedibear39, though, in that I think bestiality is wrong. After all, you can never get the animal’s consent, and to me that smacks of abuse.
Here in the USA we live in a very sexually restrictive, Christian fundamentalist society.
It is difficult to break free of those pervasive attitudes and understand the Christian need to suppress pleasure. (We are not to give in to it!)
Sex is fun and you can get better at it with practice. As long as both sides are old enough to decide for themselves, and both sides are willing, leave them alone.
As long as it makes sence, to me, all is good.
Any sexual activity undertaken by two or more parties of the same species, wherein all participants are fully willing to participate in all activities, and wherein all participants are of sound ability to make decisions for themselves (regardless of age), as long as no one participant wields any undue influence (direct or indirect) over any other participant or participants should be legally permissible.
“as long as no one participant wields any undue influence (direct or indirect) over any other participant or participants”
Once you bring it outside your house you involve others. Those others now become participants.
As long as everything is truly consensual and age appropriate I have no limits on what I consider to be acceptable to others.
I am of the opinion that, as long as all participants are aware of what they are doing and consenting, people can do what they want. That rules out kids and animals, which I suppose are my only hang ups.
No more or less judgmental than I am of everything else.
I do believe consenting adults should be allowed to do what they want behind closed doors (unless it’s illegal of course)
Personally, I have issues with certain sexual acts and I feel they are demeaning. My sexual taste has changed drastically over the years. These standards apply to me, and to others in theory. I know I sometimes project my view onto others, but I wouldn’t go up to someone and tell them they’re gross for doing it I’ll just think it
I think discussing sexual issues is different than participating in them. I don’t know when I’ll start discussing them with my son. I’m sure I’ll know when the time is right.
@ChazMaz – it is a private activity for some, I do believe it is a personal decision, but the part about undue influence and participation really have nothing to do with it. I would say others who might see you are potential spectators, they are not participants unless they actively participate in the activity, though I do believe that you infringe upon someone’s right not to be exposed or have their children exposed to graphic depictions of live sex acts. I don’t condone spontaneous street fucking, because it does then infringe upon others’ rights, so there’s a case to be made there. I would not necessarily say though that you are doing anything wrong if you have sex in a secluded place which is out of doors, if someone discovers you that’s unfortunate, but it’s part of life, if you have a reasonable expectation of privacy, or are in a setting where you know you do not have privacy, but everyone observing knows what they are going to see, then I wouldn’t say you have to be inside the home of one of the participants, period, end of discussion.
But undue influence does not have anything to do with that, so I’m not sure why you cited it. By undue influence, I mean there could be a 15 year old who really wants to have sex, is fully cognizant of what it involves and the consequences and is ready to engage in that activity…they could be very bright and have a great understanding of sex from a theoretical standpoint and be the most competent person to make that decision for themselves. Whereas you could also have a 20 year old who might just not get it, who might well be able to be manipulated into having sex with say her doctor because he holds a position of respect and power over her. I mean you have to actually BE willing, not be convinced that you are willing by someone who has some sort of mental power over you.
Many of you mention “as long as nobody gets hurt”. Does this mean you’re ruling out S&M between consenting adults?
I tend to look down on slutty behavior because I think it reflects a complete lack of self-respect. Other than that, I find “deviant” sexual behavior interesting (society’s label, not mine). Oh, and the obvious no children or animals.
Undue influence is any ones behavior or anything that can be seen as improper or a distraction.
In your example, putting behavior in front of a 15 year old that is improper. No matter what it is is undue. That goes for any age.
But, if what you are doing you feel is and should be ok for anyone to see or accept, then it should be ok? Common sense should kick in at that point.
Unless you just want to make a point or a statement.
@ChazMaz: “anything that can be seen as improper”? We’re talking about sex here! :-)
Yes, and the same rules aply.
@ChazMaz: So, kisses on the cheek then? Holding hands? There are people who find those things improper.
@dalepetrie I agree with you
I am pretty non-judgmental in that I’m the one that will never raise an eyebrow as to what you want to do, like to do, fantasize about doing even if you think these are socially unacceptable things…
“So, kisses on the cheek then? Holding hands? There are people who find those things improper.”
You are stretching it. But if that behavior makes your friends or family uncomfortable. You can show some respect to them and avoid it. Not going to kill you to not suck face at the thanksgiving dinner table.
Or don’t, do what you want. But then do not be upset if they are upset. They have a right to express themselves too.
A person’s sex life is their business and that of their consenting, adult partner (consenting and adult mean that rape, other species, and children are excluded). I would prefer that most of it be carried out in private, but I am not going to go out of my way to make sure you are where folks can’t see or hear you, as long as you aren’t messing with my kids or frightening the horses.
But then I also believe that consenting adults of any sex should be allowed to form a legal union granting next-of-kin rights to each other. I don’t mind how many consenting adults want to join together legally, as long as they don’t mind that I prefer to be joined to one person at a time.
However, if you are seriously into S&M perhaps you need a rider on your insurance, just as sky divers, smokers, and SCUBA divers might, to cover increased medical costs.
“perhaps you need a rider on your insurance”
That goes for all examples.
I don’t know where you live, @PerryDolia, but I live in the USA and do not consider that I live in a “very sexually restrictive, Christian fundamentalist society.” I’ve spent half my life on the East Coast and half on the West (so far) and have known some people such as you describe, but very few are true fundamentalists, and I have never lived in a fundamentalist community. Yes, there is still quite a lot of Puritanism lurking in our culture, but I would not dream of making such a generalization about the USA as a whole. I’d like to hear from some former Iranians whether they think this is a restrictive fundamentalist society or not.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir I agree. Love and sex is natural and whatever someone does is just okay with me. @ChazMaz I can agree but sex and love isn’t really inappropriate, we are just told they are. It is something natural. You are right how it wouldn’t kill you to just avoid doing certain things around certain people but I think we should stop that. I mean if someone has a problem with something natural then it is just their problem. Don’t you think it’s funny how we show children violence on tv but hide the most natural thing in the world? People have grown to think sex is something “dirty” or “gross” because of these “teachings” that we have been taught through our lives. Think about it.
I try very hard to not judge people based on their sexual preferences! As long as that preference does not include children below the age of 18, for adults of course. I mean there are boundaries and they are going to be crossed, but if a 19 yo wants to have sex with an 18 or 17 yo then fine. I sometimes think I could be gay or bi I have never admitted that to anyone so in lieu of that, I try to think more open minded than say my parents (and husband)!
Not much at all. I think my judgment is reserved for prudes and people who remain virgins for sooo long. I think there is something about denying one’s natural, animal self that is inherently destructive.
@ChazMaz – Clearly I’m referring to undue influence to cause engagement in the activity at hand. What you’re talking about is example. I agree that it is an individual’s choice what to view and what their children should be allowed to view and for many, sexual intercourse (which I agree with everyone else is completely natural and is something our society shouldn’t be so damn afraid of), is one thing which people should be able to avoid being confronted with if that is not their choice. And as I said, I don’t condone random street fucking. But I’m also not going to say that some place out of doors that should be private, where you are not in the direct path of view of people and would not reasonably expect to come into the path of view of people, I’m not going to demonize that. I say, you come across something like that, like let’s say you’re hiking in a rarely used trail, so rarely used in fact that a couple decided that no one ever walks by this spot and it’s safe to get their freak on, and it JUST SO HAPPENS that someone who thinks sex is dirty and wrong happens upon this activity, well first off, when you hear it, don’t go TOWARDS it, and second, if they’re being really quiet and you see it before you hear it, just turn around. Not going to kill you to see naked people.
@tinyfaery – Spoken like someone with a strong sex-drive who can’t imagine that sex just isn’t that important to everyone.
I am extremely judgmental of people who wish to abstain from sex until marriage. I believe it is foolish to “wait,” and I judge those people harshly.
I am somewhat judgmental of people who have odd (but not harmful) fetishes…but only to the extent that I would laugh at the person.
I am not at all judgmental of anything else.
@Darwin Let me say, except for those with no sexual urges. But how many people would that include?
I’m don’t agree. It’s nature.
@tinyfaery – It is only nature if all hormones line up appropriately and the correct situation comes along. You are still leaving out folks who simply do not have a strong sex drive. I suspect you must be young and can’t conceive of a time when sex doesn’t matter.
@Darwin I agree, I know a lot of people that identify as asexual and many of them have no sex drive
Besides the aforementioned children/animals/force issues, I am quite accepting within certain boundaries. Whatever your fetish, fine.
What I sometimes have a hard time with is what is referred to as “friendcest” in my circle. Everyone sleeping with everyone in a group of friends, even though it causes a lot of hurt feelings and broken alliances. There are just some people you shouldn’t touch, for the sake of your friendships.
I’d just like to say, I love reading all these responses that say “I’m fine with whatever!” and then add on different versions of “except…”. People like to think that they’re more open-minded than they really are.
@girlofscience : while I don’t always understand their willpower or agree with their reasoning, I see NO cause to judge or disrespect people who wait until they are married to lose their virginity. The fact that you judge “harshly” is kindof astonishing – how do you justify your opinion?
I don’t want to judge people on behavior that does no hurt to others period. On the other hand, I realize that I still might, subconsciously.
Not even talking about any sexual acts that hurt others, I realize that unwillingly, I will find people that want to dress up in diapers to get a sexual kick, or need to lick feet, or want to be hit with a whip while tied down are somewhat silly.
I cannot help but look at Max Mosley with some taste of disgust, but I feel many will share that. Even the typical gay lisp, however, will color my perception of people that speak that way. I know that people are not better than others because their sexual preferences are the same as mine, but I also realize that I have a subconscious bias to think of them as somewhat silly.
@Darwin and @Simone_De_Beauvoir, I agree. People have varying appetites for a lot of things, and sex is just one of them. It’s also natural to eat, to move, and to seek the company of others, but people may differ greatly in all those dimensions. The range of “normal” and “natural” is very broad. There are healthy men and women who have low desire, and this is a problem only when it does not match their partners’ level.
I’m not judgmental at all. If I don’t actively enjoy doing it, then whatever, there’s lots of things I like that other people wouldn’t. As long as it’s safe, sane, and consensual, then all is fair game.
I won’t lie – I’m pretty judgmental about certain sexual acts. For instance, if there are two consenting adults acting out pedophilia – that’s not okay in my world and I really don’t care if no one is actually harming a child or not. The idea that people would even want to act something like that out is extremely weird and creepy and I fully believe that something is wrong with people who act things like that out.
When it comes to S&M… I have mixed feelings. If it’s two people acting out the whole “slave and master” aspect of it – yeah, again, I think there’s something wrong with people like that. Now, if it’s the kind of S&M people take part in simply because their pain and pleasure receptors cross, well, whatever. It’s not based on a creepy psychological factor.
My feelings have been put out there. Blunt, yeah. Can’t change the way I feel and frankly, I don’t want to. So there ya go…
@LC_Beta: I justify my opinion on the basis that I think abstaining from sex before marriage is a hazardous idea and loaded with a lack of self-respect. For the following reasons (which I previously articulated on another thread):
1) “Waiting for marriage” may push people to get married sooner than they would otherwise, thus, putting them into a marriage with a less-than-ideal partner, which would either end in divorce or unhappiness.
2) Many people may never marry; they should not be denied physical pleasure for the duration of their lives, simply because they are not interested in marriage.
3) Sexual compatibility is an important part of a successful relationship. Just as all other forms of compatibility are explored before tying the knot, so should sexual compatibility be explored.
4) Sexual experience is a wonderful life experience that contributes to an individual’s knowledge and personality. A person should love another person because of all of the experiences that made him/her who they are, including sexual experience.
5) The awkwardness of first-time sex should be out of the way well before the wedding night. Talk about killing the mood.
6) Perhaps most importantly, allowing some religious or governmental institution to dictate when and what one do with one’s body is an extreme form of self disrespect. A person would have to be lacking in self-respect in order to allow some arbitrary, external force to inform him/her of to engage in a pleasurable activity with his/her body.
I generally judge people harshly if they are unable to think for themselves. Waiting until “marriage” for sex indicates a clear inability to think for oneself, as the concept was born out of cultural and religious concepts that should not be considered valid by any critical evaluation.
I’m surprised that the moderators didn’t pull this question. Your question is better suited for the chatroom, which can be found here. If there’s nobody there, hang out for a while until someone turns up. Enjoy!
@girlofscience While most of your reasons are good ones, you’re not right. You can’t possibly think that everyone holds off on sex because they disrespect themselves. Simply because you choose to view it that way doesn’t make it true. A lot of people hold off because they respect themselves and view sex as something more than a physical act.
My sister still hasn’t had sex and she doesn’t plan on having it until she’s married. She’s not religious – no one told her to feel the way she does – she just does. She wants to wait until she’s in love with someone, period. That’s admirable because she’s staying true to herself.
Like other people said, no animals, kids or anything nonconsensual, but I also think its pretty shitty to be having sex with other people if you are in a monogamous relationship. I think non-monogamy is fine if thats how you wanna do your relationship, but if you agree to be “faithful” you better live up to it.
@DrasticDreamer: Ok…so she wants to wait until she’s in love with someone, and being in love with someone is linked to marriage how? Isn’t love supposed to come before marriage? If she really wants to wait, why not choose some other milestone, like engagement? Marriage is a random date on which people enter into a legally binding contract to be with each other permanently. It has nothing to do with sex or love. And if she needs the contract to make sure a person is in love with her, that person isn’t worth marrying in the first place.
I don’t think that people hold off on sex until marriage because they disrespect themselves—they don’t realize that they’re disrespecting themselves, but they are, by allowing a government or religious institution to dictate such an intimate act of theirs.
And ok, if people view sex as something more than a physical act (which it isn’t, inherently—it can be more than a physical act with the right person, but it doesn’t need to be), and they want to “hold off” until the right person (which is completely stupid anyway), what does marriage have to do with the holding off? What I said about your sister implies to these other waiting people as well.
If there are 3–7% gay people then there are about 3–7% of people with hormonal problems that cause a reduced sex drive, I’m just going on a spectrum here. and that is not a lot.
Hmm, call me crazy but I think some people do believe marriage has to do with love.
@casheroo: You think that marriage and love are simultaneous happenings?
Call me crazy, but I think people should be in love before they get married.
Obviously, marriage should result from love. You’re missing my point—that the moment of marriage is not inherently more loving than other loving relationship moments. It’s just a legal contract.
@girlofscience First of all, she doesn’t believe marriage to be some kind of sacred institution or proof of love. She would never marry anyone who believed that to be the case, either. Honestly, the only reason she actually wants to get married is because she thinks a wedding sounds fun. She would absolutely wait to have sex until she was in love with someone and believed that they loved her back.
You’re wrong about people disrespecting themselves if they choose to hold off on sex until they’re in love with someone. You’re absolutely right that a lot of people let their lives be dictated by religion or government, but not all of them do, which is what I think you’re failing to realize. I have yet to meet anyone in life who respects themselves more than my sister. She also knows herself far more than most people I’ve met, too.
No one said sex needs to be more than a physical act – but a lot of people prefer it to be more than a sexual act – myself included. Ask me why and I won’t be able to tell you. Does my sister look down on people who have sex with people they aren’t in love with? Do I? Absolutely not. It’s just not our thing.
If you say people holding off until they find the right person is stupid (which I did, by the way. Not married, but definitely waited until I was in love.) then I can come right back at you and say that the people who don’t hold off until they’re in love is idiotic.
But will I? No, I won’t. Why? Because it’s all about preferences and a lot of times – people have different preferences. I won’t look down on someone or call them stupid simply because they have a different motivating factor than my own…
@Simone_De_Beauvoir: Haha, when I first looked at this, I thought you said, “I think the two of our are disgusting”!!!
@DrasticDreamer: If she only wants to get married because she thinks a wedding sounds fun, then why not have sex with the person she loves and decides to be with forever when she’s in love with them and decides to be with him forever? Why wait until marriage specifically?
I view marriage as one of the ultimate acts of love. So, to me it is more than just a contract. Being married is different than being in a long term relationship. But, I believe people who cannot get married because of legal reasons are the same as married couples. That’s just how I feel on marriage.
I agree with you to a certain extent on the sex thing. But, I understand why people do wait to find the right one to sleep with. For me, there can be multiple right ones…so I’m not sure if that’s the same for people who wait for the “right one” or whatever. I do think waiting for marriage is an archaic practice.
@girlofscience I just said I don’t think she would. She would wait until she knew that it was love, though. Which you said is stupid. And I think that’s sad.
@DrasticDreamer: Sad? I think that sex is such a fantastic event that it would be sad to deny oneself of sex until love. What if love doesn’t come until late in life? What if love never comes?
We clearly have different opinions on this matter, but my opinion is not “sad.”
@girlofscience Sex is fantastic, you’re right. But you can’t seem to understand that certain people who choose to wait to have sex until they’re in love don’t feel that they’re denying themselves anything. They feel, in fact, that they’re waiting to gain the greatest thing possible – which is sex with someone that actually matters to them. Which is, in their opinion, the best reward possible.
I say your opinion is sad to make a point. You have no problem saying people’s feelings and beliefs that oppose the ones you hold are “stupid”, so why can’t I state that I think the ones you hold are sad?
If people deny themselves of sex for a stupid reason – like the government or because religion tells them to, if they don’t truly feel that way themselves, then we disagree about nothing. Because that is stupid. However, there are plenty of people out there who hold off for personal reasons, because they’re being true to themselves – just as you are.
@DrasticDreamer: Ok, so what it is coming down to is this: Are these people of which you speak waiting for marriage or just waiting for love with their “right person”? If the latter, then, while I disagree with the choice, I understand your point and don’t think that is necessarily “stupid.” If the former, however, the date of marriage itself is simply a government/religious contract, and there is no reason that this date should dictate the date of physical intimacy, even for those who choose to wait for love with their right person. And I still think that is stupid.
I can’t say it even crosses my mind to wonder or think about. After reading the others above me, I have to say that I am at one edge of the sex drive bell curve, so that might explain it.
@girlofscience Just waiting to truly be in love, not for the honeymoon. I completely agree that waiting to have sex until you’re married because you view marriage as some kind of “be all, end all” is stupid. Waiting for love, on the other hand, is something I completely understand. Which is why I did it. If people know what they’re doing and why they’re doing it and they’re doing it to be true to themselves though, it’s not something I’ll ever disagree with. People are different, period. They have different motivating factors. Some like sex for sex, some like sex and love combined. Either way, I have no problem with the different choices.
It’s how the choices make people feel that matters.
Personally, I don’t care. I do find a lot of things others do to be disgusting, or in any case not sexually pleasing for me, but as long as they’re not harming anyone, it’s none of my business. Sometimes I’m baffled and really try to imagine what the pleasure could be in certain acts (was thinking about foot fetish today for example, what’s with that?). But other than that, I simply don’t bother.
@DrasticDreamer: Ok, so you agreed with me on the concept of waiting until marriage, specifically. Which is what my initial post was about.
@DrasticDreamer: So then we never really disagreed entirely, as you implied. The lack of self-respect idea came from the waiting until marriage concept…because waiting until marriage specifically would imply that your physical intimacy was being dictated by the government/religion. And you seem to agree with that.
@girlofscience Well, what I actually disagreed with you about is when you said waiting for love was stupid. I don’t think a preference can be stupid (so long as people truly know why they want to wait and are doing the best things for themselves) which is where we differed. But for the most part, yeah, we definitely agree: Waiting for marriage because you’ve been raised that way or brainwashed by religion that it’s the best thing to do – is stupid.
I respect how some people say love should come before sex but there is nothing wrong with it being the other way around. Sex is natural and plays a huge role in a relationship. There is nothing wrong with waiting for love but waiting for love to have sex is unnecessary. If you do it it’s fine but you don’t need to. For people saying it is to be “true to yourself” please elaborate.
@TheCreative It is necessary for some people to wait to have sex, until they’re in love. I’m the kind of person who, if I were to sleep with a stranger or someone I didn’t care about, would feel disgusted by it. Not because I think it’s immoral or wrong, but because it’s just how I am. It’s the same as people being able to sleep with people who don’t matter to them, just on the opposite spectrum.
I think a reason I might feel that way is because I prefer my life to full of meaning. Without meaning, life is pointless in my mind. I like doing things for reasons and I like it when things are special – because special things are what make life great. If I had sex with someone just to have sex with them – it cheapens that particular life experience. But that’s just because it’s how I feel, and I don’t expect everyone to feel the same way or look down on people who feel differently. It’s about being true to my feelings, just as people who sleep around because they view it as “no big deal” are being true to their feelings.
Whatever consenting adults want to do is fine by me.
@DrasticDreamer That is just who you are but it doesn’t mean everyone should (I’m not saying you said people should wait Haven’t read all your posts I’m just saying most people shouldn’t have to wait) Sex is something natural. Meaningless sex is fine, it doesn’t have to mean anything. I’m just saying two people could have meaning less sex then develop a strong attraction to each other, then get married. There is nothing “gross”, “bad” or just plain “wrong” with meaningless sex. You prefer waiting for love then sex? That’s fine (because you’ve described how waiting for love puts a bit more meaning into life for you) but i’m just saying how people shouldn’t tell others “it is wrong not to wait.” Because then that would be wrong.
@TheCreative I don’t disagree at all. All my other posts talk about not looking down on people with opposing views. Just how everyone should be true to themselves, regardless of what their beliefs are.
in agreement with jack79…. are you sure you don’t “judge” someone for any of their sexual preferences or activities? (i just think we all judge, so when people say they don’t, i have to wonder)
i mean sure you can say “what 2 (or more) consenting adults do in private is their own business” but if you find out about that business, let’s just say by accident, you honestly wouldn’t judge?
can you honestly say you have no judgments about bloodsports? you’re cool with them, and anyone who ‘plays’ them? (you just googled bloodsports, didn’t you?—here’s the “poper” term: Hematolagnia, or Blood fetishism)
my own personal judgmental example is this:
a female friend of mine slept with this guy she met at work… ok, sure, 2 consenting adults…
well here’s where i judge: my friend was not aware of the fact that he had been with over a seventy other women before her (yes maybe she should have asked, but who’s to say he would have told her the truth)... ok having many partners, ok i can deal…. but he was BRAGGING about it and that is what really irks me.
i will freely admit that i judge men who brag about the number of sexual partners they have had like it is an accomplishment, and as if it makes them more of a man.
(warning, judgmental comment: it just makes you more of an ass hole.)
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@alive – I guess if you interpret judgmental to mean do I think differently of people who do x, y, and z, if I personally have an aversion to x, y and z, then yes, I think different things about them, but I don’t consider myself to stand in judgment of them….I don’t think what they do is “wrong”, just not for me. Case in point, a friend of a relative is dating a guy and has 2 kids by him, even though he’s married to another woman and likes to sleep with other men, while she has sex with other men and women as well, and pretty much isn’t sure if she loves him or not, but he makes a lot of money and she spends it. They live together and raise 4 kids…their 2, and one she had with another guy and one he had with another woman (the two that are not both of theirs were born only 2 weeks apart). I “judge” them in that there’s no WAY I would EVER want that kind of drama in my life. I think she needs to grow up and decide what the hell she wants. But what she does and with whom she does it is her decision, so I don’t say she’s wrong, I say she does things I would never consider.
I am pretty judgemental in a way i mean what happens between two consenting adults is their own business but i remain sceptical of any behaviour where the attraction is to degrade…that always seems like more of a mental health issue and you have to wonder about people who want to degrade someone or want someone to degrade them…I guess that’d be the only thing I am against
Everything is fine with me as long as there are two consenting adults. I’m very judgmental about pedophiles committing heinous crimes.
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I really don’t care about what consenting adults do in their own bedroom (or any other room for that matter)
if these people are not having sex w/me, why should I care?
I don’t care. I just don’t want it in my face! Any of it! I don’t care if they’re gay, bi or straight, it’s their business and I have no desire to know the details. (assuming adult consensual sex, of course.)
I have zero issues of other people’s sexual nature….to each his own. Except when filming sock monkey porn…that is where I draw the line!
I am pretty open about sex and sexuality. There are only 3 or 4 things I can not stand to hear about
As long as it is consentual, between adults and doesn’t involve me I couldn’t care less.
I too think that all harmless & consensual sex between adult participants is perfectly fine.
Sex is healthy, natural and pleasureable…duh! lol
I Do have an issue with much of the hardcore depraved porn that seems to be popular as amusement for a lot of younger people these days. Smearing others with feces, vomit, exploitive sexual acts with animals, midgits, amputees, whatever….just horrible, nasty and waaay beyond depraved.
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