Any good tips for brewing your own beer?
I recently have gotten into the hobby of beer brewing. I’ve only completed a couple brews so far and both have turned out pretty good. There hasn’t been any problems I’m just wondering if you have any good tips for brewing that make your beer excellent?
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11 Answers
Get plenty of books on the subject. There’s plenty of them, they’re full of great info and directions, and have plenty of recipes.
just experiment. try adding more exotic ingredients like certain fruits and such. it’s all about creativity.
Try many professionally-made beers to find what you like best and try to make that. If you’re brewing your own, you might as well aim for perfection!
don’t water it down like bud lite
Send some to me for taste test and then I can produce a better answer.
Make sure that all of your brewing equipment is VERY clean.
Try filtering your finished beer through flavoring agents, instead of adding them during brewing.
For example, straining some amber beer through some orange zest will make quite a nice, light beer.
I use to home brew. One time I made a wonderful tasting Double Diamond Ale recipe. My friend and girlfriend had dinner with us, I offered them my fresh brew and both loved it, she wasn’t even fond of beer. However, I had used a new, but very strong sanitizing agent to clean my lauter tun for this brew cycle. The next day when I asked him how he felt after drinking such a copious volume of vitamin rich ale, he said he felt amazingly good, all things considering. Then, I asked him if he had gas like I did; he told me he had an extraordinary volumes of gas, then I knew I had blown it, literally and figuratively. Never in my life have I ever felt like I was going to set the Guinness world record in gas production, in volume and duration, but I did then. Even though I thought I had it clean and rinsed, I still must have had agent residue remaining
Be careful with the cleaners.
@Garebo It wasn’t the cleaning agent that caused the gas, it was the yeast in the beer. Yeast will produce copious amounts of gas in the human body if you drink it, but it also contains a lot of vitamins.
When drinking homebrewed beer, your best bets to avoid this are to carefully decant the brew from the bottle into a glass, leaving as much of the yeast (which should have precipitated to the bottom of the bottle) behind.
Absolutely. Here’s a tip. Why waste time brewing when you can be taste testing all the beers out there !
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