General Question

serenityNOW's avatar

When a soldier's rank is increased what is the process for getting the new badge sewn on their uniform?

Asked by serenityNOW (3643points) August 4th, 2009

Do they get a new uniform? is there a service they send it out to? If so, how long is the turnaround? I don’t think a soldier should be walking around without their jacket on….

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6 Answers

dUc0N's avatar

Usually we’ll just buy the new rank from Military Clothing Sales (run by AAFES/NEX) and then haul it off to the base tailor shop. It’s not complicated at all. Some bases will get it done while you watch (about five minutes), others may take a few days.

Zaku's avatar

“I don’t think a soldier should be walking around without their jacket on….”
Soldiers tend to own more than one set of clothes. Sometimes they get dirty or something. ;-)

theichibun's avatar

Depends on if the soldier knows how to sew or not.

If the soldier can sew then the new rank can get put on by the soldier. If not, then the soldier finds someone who can sew and gets it done.

For what it’s worth (at least in the Air Force) the new rank is sort of sticky on the back and when a person is promoted the patch is placed where it should be and someone punches it on. Obviously that isn’t going to stay forever though.

dUc0N's avatar

I got this private comment, but am posting it and its reply here, so everyone knows the answer to the question:

“How come the American flag is displayed reverse on military uniforms? (i’m assuming you are u.s military sorry if you are not)”

Yes, I’m currently serving in the US Air Force. To my understanding, the Army displays the flag backwards on the right shoulder because the intent is for the flag to appear to move with the soldier as s/he advances. That is, if it were on a flagpole, you’d be seeing the reverse from that side. You can read more about US Army uniforms here.

YARNLADY's avatar

There is an entire industry of people supported by military personnel that sews rank on uniforms. As mentioned above, it has a sticky back for the temporary placement, but the final placement is subject to a regulation with an exact measurement. Many military dependents (read wives) do odd sewing jobs to suppliment the pitiful pay soldiers get.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

E3’s and below tend to stall on this as long as possible… wearing different ranks on different uniforms.. and even a different rank on their shirt that differs from their cover. when asked why their rank is wrong they will inevitably say something like: “Well I lost my cover..” or “I don’t have money until payday” or…“I haven’t had time” .. etc etc..

E4’s are hit or miss.. some will act like E3’s.. some will act like E6’s.

E5’s and higher generally replace their rank before the day they are pinned so that they can be pinned wearing the correct uniform… at least where I come from…unless of course it is an army working uniform and the rank is nothing but a velcro patch.. in which case it takes nothing more than a swift punch to the sternum to attach..

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