What role has resisting temptation played in your life?
I am very interested in the topic of temptation and resistance of in that I think for some people life is all about giving into them (I probably would put myself into that category) and for others life is all about resisting and benefiting from that resistance…I am aware that a lot of the connections will be around religion or lack there of or whether or not you think temptation is sin…however I would like to steer clear of the usual religious banter, as we have plenty of that around here…and just tell me this: when was the last time you resisted the urge to do something you really wanted and why? have there also been periods of time in your life when you, perhaps, were obsessed with temptation? How did it all play out…
I’ll tell you mine…yesterday I passed this young guy sitting on the ledge looking at me as I passed by…I winked at him letting him know that were I not in a hurry and also in the middle of a lot more important emotional journeys in my life, I would totally ‘go there’ with him and rock his world…he followed after me slightly but I shook my head and he smiled and went off in the other direction…it was a small temptation but one nonetheless…
My example is not indicative of the kind of temptation I’m necessarily discussing above…I want to hear about temptations that have truly affected you…
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23 Answers
A lot of the temptation issues in my life have had to do with food. For many, many years I was massively overweight, and suffered through the cycles of temptation, failure and regret.
Somehow (I think because I stopped dieting, and started eating) I broke out of that particular vicious circle, and have maintained a normal weight for many years now, without much conscious effort.
Now I am tempted to watch TV, or play on Fluther, or nearly anything else distracting when I should be studying or doing homework.
There has been A LOT of temptation in my life and very rarely do I resist it. This has proven to be good and bad. If I want something I go for it and very rarely think of the consequences, there have been times where, if I had resisted, my life would probably be easier now but I don’t regret not resisting.
The role. Funny. The variety of roles I have played and continue to discover within me, which emerge from a simple response to a vibrant stimulus, especially forbidden ones, have always been fascinating excursions on the journey of life. Temptation? I am a Curiosity Seeker. There, for me, is the first step. Then the endless foray into developing a role which will not only fully experience and appreciate the fruits of the temptation, but also weave a deceptive double as a clever mask to prevent anyone from finding out. Finding out. Finding out that I have been tempted and I have succumbed to the fates of temptation. The Curiosity Seekers. Well, honestly, aren’t we all curious? All of us? Is this a good thing? You judge. For me, it is just another role I play upon the stage of my life . . .
I saw a beautiful woman the other day. Checkout counter at the store.
She was talking to the register person, next line over. Telling here what she does and all.
Turns out we are in the same business. I noticed she had no ring on her finger.
I really had that good feeling vibe. When I went to my car, I could see where she was in the parking lot. I so wanted to say hello, I even drove around the lot for a second trying to convince myself to go for it.
I just could not do it.
If she would have winked at me, noticed me. Any form of response I would have said hello. Maybe.
The point I want too make here is that you ladies have all the power. Ya smile, Ya wink and the walls comes down. Even when I have “their attention”. For me at least I get a mixed message. Are they just smiling as a vague hello? Or are they interested?
You girls can just walk up, no harm no foul.
I resist and fall to temptations everyday. The common ones I fall to are lustful/adulterous thoughts. I’m also trying to diet and workout and food is way too tempting. Let’s see…laziness, road rage, language are the ones I resist most.
Let me tell you about Sally. I was on a business trip with about a dozen people, Sally included. We all went out to dinner together, taking several cars. We had trouble with one of the cars and through no plan of our own, Sally and I were left to wait for the rental company to replace the car. In the meantime, we had a few drinks and were felling fine. We got the new car and proceeded back to the hotel.
When we got to the hotel, Sally, who was a gorgeous, shapely young lady, said, “I think I might be getting a headache. Do you have any aspirin in your room?”
I may be slow, but not that slow. I was tempted to take full advantage of the opportunity Sally was clearly giving me.
We went to my room. I went into the bathroom, got two aspirin from my bag, gave them to her and said good night. She looked stunned.
Why did I resist? Clutter and consequences. Things would just become way more complicated and cluttered up after that. I was married, but probably could have kept it a secret. I didn’t want to cheat, but resisting was more related to keeping my relationship with Sally (and the others on the trip) simple, uncluttered and uncomplicated in the future.
I still look back on this event as a lost opportunity whose outcome I now will never know
It has taught me how incredibly difficult it can be to resist temptation.
None whatsoever.
Really, I resist the temptation to walk out of my job every day.
@tinyfaery do you hate your job? can you look for a new one?
I hate working period. I wish I had an excuse to be a stay at home wife. Alas, no children.
well you’re thinking of adopting so that may be the answer. also, it’s really hard to be a stay at home parent, fyi.
I am tempted by many things, but it’s pretty easy to talk myself out of it. Underneath it all, I believe that if I gave into the temptation, and attempted to get what I wanted, I’d get shot down anyway. So if I don’t give into temptation, I save myself the trouble of another shot to my ego.
On fluther, though, I pretty much give in. I say whatever is on my mind, even things that I believe will not make others think well of me. So far, no one seems to have built some kind of gun that can shoot me over the internet. And also, the moderators probably save me from most of the vitriol.
So tempt away! I’ll say pretty much anything. Should be good for a yuck or two.
It’s not been a big challenge to me but very very rarely and then I’ve been more glad than sad to make the choices I have for the bigger picture stuff rather than instant gratification stuff.
Being a devout catholic as a kid growing up, temptation and its resistance were drilled into us by a variety of robed individuals. It did little good and at times tasting the fruits of temptation may have heightened and been more irresistable in their allure as a result. Temptation is just desire channeled to our genetic predispositions, filtered by environmental non sequitor resistance.
@dannyc nicely put, as always
are you ignoring my messages? i will complain publicly then
I resist the temptation to fall back into my comfort zone. To not live my life as it could be, but instead hiding away from everyone and everything. That is my temptation. I know a guy is interested in me but I don’t have the temptation to throw myself at him. I’m tempted to run away in the opposite direction and avoid him completely. Funny how we’re all so different.
I’ve resisted the temptation to ring you or web cam, quite successfully so far.
I’ve resisted the urge to commit homicide on numerous occasions.
@SeventhSense are you a good person? then I say that’s a good thing
Well it’s hardly a resistance…more like a %^%&^ gOd DammiT mother%^&67 shit…OK I need some Haagen Daz.
I am big on knowing oneself and believe in avoiding or at least running from temptation.
Knowing our weaknesses and having the foresight to not act impulsively is important for inner happiness and to avoid damaging or destructive outcomes.
I know myself well these days, so there isn’t much struggle.
My biggest temptations surround my moderately hedonistic side, eat, drink & make merriment! lol
I’m 50 lbs lighter and I no longer have sleep apnia so that was a good thing probably my biggest victory in that department is no longer poisoning my self with junk food. I now know it’s as bad a smoking and will kill you just as easily. Other temptations like junk cars, junk in general and tinkering when I should be working on other things is still an issue but not to bad.
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