Anyone from the Uk are you for or against ID cards and the goverment having our information?
Please explain your reasons.
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1 Answer
I guess it depends on the amount of information and how it is used, stored and shared.
Ultimately if amongst other things you have a job, drive, receive working families tax credit and travel abroad the following is true:
1. They have your photo on record already
2. They know what countries you visit
3. They have your bank account details
4. They know your address and your personally identifiable information (Date of birth etc)
5. They know whether you vote or not
6. They know who your children are
So bearing that in mind what more are you going to give them?
Biometrics is something entirely different, and something I’m not up on, but I don’t fancy them holding anything like my DNA profile and the like. – If, say, the BNP ever got into power who knows what they would do with such information (blondehair /blue eyes anyone?)
Personally I think having an IDcard that quickly identifies you as opposed to you having to wait however long at the roadside whilst various systems are checked is not a bad thing.
Like I say I suppose it depends on how your information is shared, and with who, that is the real issue. Used to identify me quickly to a relevant authority I don’t have a problem. Used to profile me and segregate me or target me in some corporate or discriminate way causes me real concern.
I guess it all depends on how much you trust “them”
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