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Amilia94's avatar

What are the little things you find absolutely beautiful?

Asked by Amilia94 (11points) August 7th, 2009

Here are some of my own.
The creases in a leaf, the feeling of riverbank against feet, listening to a shell, 4 AM air, the indistinguishable curve where the cloud meets the sky, the smell of pokemon cards, etc.

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19 Answers

mattbrowne's avatar

Inspiring quotes like

“I’d rather have a moment of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special.”

jonsblond's avatar

The sound of a foghorn. The smell of rain. A snow storm. Falling leaves. My daughter laughing in her sleep.

seVen's avatar

New born animals, well mostly mammals that are so cute and cudly.
Sea breeze in early sunrise morning or after nice thunderstorms.

Tink's avatar

Babies, mis-shaped cookies, stars at midnight, my puppy, rain, and his smile. That’s all I can think of right now.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Rain on a sunny day

Les's avatar

When you open a book for the first time and the pages are crisp. The way books smell.

nicolas's avatar

@barumonkey great link!

Some of the things that I love are the way the air smells earthy and rich right after a heavy rain, the sound of gently falling snow late at night, and seeing the evening sun at the horizon, lighting the world with a golden hue that could never be truly replicated.

samanthabarnum's avatar

Spiderwebs. In the early morning light, still covered with dew.

CodexNecro's avatar

Warm weather
The smell of freshly cut grass
The ocean
The sky
My girlfriend’s perfume and shampoo

ragingloli's avatar

pc hardware
if only the cables didn’t ruin it.

irocktheworld's avatar

My puppies and my dogs =]
The smell after ran,
The moon,

Corey_D's avatar

The way my love smiles when she is happy.

chanteezer's avatar

The way a book smells when you first buy it, my boyfriend reading out loud to me CONSTANTLY in the car, waking up under a warm blanket when the house is really cold, rain, drawing my little cousins do for me, people laughing in their sleep.

augustlan's avatar

This question makes me happy. Beautiful. :)

Amilia94's avatar

good, im glad it does haha

CodexNecro's avatar

Anything involving space is, to me, the single most beautiful thing I can look at. I can spend hours laying in the grass looking up at the sky on a clear summer night, just waiting for a shooting star.

There is something about how its just so empty and abysmal, yet I can’t pull my eyes away from it. Every star out there could be surrounded by thousands upon thousands of other planets with the potential to hold people just like me laying on purple or blue grass wondering if I’m out here, and all I want to do is yell to them, “yes, I’m here and I would love to meet you.”

Amilia94's avatar

thanks “CodexNecro” that was a beautiful answer xxx

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