Do you think less of someone if they are not an animal person?
I realized while my kids have been out of town that, while I do like Jack the Pug, I don’t feel a strong attachment to him. I treat him well and take good care of him, but I don’t think I feel the way that so many animal lovers seem to feel about their pets. I came to the conclusion that I am just not a huge animal or pet person. Does someone not being a pet person make you feel differently about them?
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53 Answers
No, it’s just a preference. I was trying to think of a friend of mine who doesn’t have some kind of pet. I’m at a loss. Doesn’t mean they’re all pet lovers, though. I love cats and that’s pretty much it. I don’t really feel much attachment to other animals, but I seem to like all cats, even other people’s cats.
I don’t think less of them, I feel sad for them. They are missing out on what is to me not only an integral but a necessary part of my life.
I don’t really think less of people who are kind of indifferent to animals, but I definitely think less of people who say that they actually dislike animals. I’m not really sure why, but my instincts tell me to stay away from people who actually dislike them. I don’t trust people that hate animals.
That said, I also think there’s a big difference between liking animals in general, but still not wanting one as a pet. I feel this way because sometimes it’s hard work to actually take care of an animal and some people just don’t have the time.
Being a huge animal lover myself, I can’t pretend to understand indifference toward animals, but I won’t look down on someone unless they actually dislike or hate animals.
I don’t think less of them either. Not everyone will like what you do and you got to accept it.
Jack the Pug? Awww how cute ^_^
I do, actually. And I have no legitimate explanation.
Really. It’s one of those things that I’m dead-set on, I have no logical reason as to why, yet I hold it anyway.
I mean, I can’t say I think less of them, or dislike them in anyway, I just think of them differently. This just stems from me being an animal lover, I suppose.
I would only think less of a person if they were harming pets.
I always thought that compassionate people had a soft spot for animals and that if they didn’t then they weren’t compassionate people.
Nah, not everyone is an animal person. I would, however have to consider that in a S.O.
I’m with @rooeytoo – I feel sad for them that they are missing out on what is so important in my life. But then they may feel that way about me because I don’t live to fish, or whatever their passion is.
However, I do feel differently about people who dislike animals or treat them like objects and not sentient creatures. I may still chat with them or wave when I go by, but I won’t really be comfortable with them.
As to people who actively harm animals, I have contempt for them and if they are breaking a law in so doing I will report them, unless they are children, and then I will attempt to teach them.
@DrasticDreamer thank you for differentiating between people who are more “indifferent” to animals then anything else and for pointing out that not wanting to own a pet and not liking animals do not have to go hand in hand.
For the record, I do not dislike animals nor would I ever mistreat an animal. I love the way my boys feel about Jack the Pug every time we have talked while they are out of town they have asked me to put him on the phone I just can’t deny that he is their dog more than mine and I don’t feel that same connection.
@SuperMouse No, that’s cool!
As I said, I don’t think that anyone looks down on someone that does not have an emotional connection to animals. It isn’t a choice; we know that. I suppose it’s an intrinsic thing (maybe even nurtured), and not all people have it. It’s totally fine.
@Grisaille I think you are right about it being nurtured. When I was growing up our house was full of pets (at one time we had five cats that all had kittens at the same time). Mine was also the poster family for irresponsible pet ownership (hence the five simultaneous litters of kittens). I can honestly say that while I was surrounded by animals, my love for them was never nurtured.
Maybe it’s not animals so much as it is Jack The Pug. I am OK with my roommates’ dog, for example, but she’s their dog. And she is not as connected to me as she is to my roommates.
In that sense, it’s almost like when a person is good friends with one of my roommates, but not with me. I’m friendly, I say hi and so on, but we’re not buddy-buddy.
I do, however, miss my cat who died some years ago.
If someone doesn’t think that kittens are cute, it means they are evil. It’s the one, bona fide test.
I cannot understand being
indifferent to animals in general. All animals, really? I can see not liking a certain
animal; pugs are snorty and needy.
If you cannot find one animal you like I forbid you to use a mouse as your avatar. Forbid.
@SuperMouse Yeah. That might be a case of over-exposure.
Me? When I was growing up, I had one cat – a beautiful, fluffy Maine Coon-esque cat. Words cannot describe how much I loved her.
She died 16 years after we first got her, and – man. Despair doesn’t even cut it.
Even though we had picked up a stray that also passed away a few years before she died, it was because I had this cat since I was a youngin that my heart tore so badly. Perhaps because all of my emotional attachment is focused on one animal, it may have affected me more than, say, if I had 5 litters of kittens. :P
Maybe that’s what is happening with your kids?
I personally just don’t understand them. To me, animals bring happiness. My cats are awesome, even though I’m allergic..I’d never get rid of them. They cuddle with me, entertain me, make me laugh. What’s not to love?
I guess I do judge people who dislike animals. I know for sure I could never be in a committed relationship with someone if they didn’t like pets. Especially cats. And dogs.
I just can’t get into the mindset of someone that doesn’t like animals.
@tinyfaery I can’t deny it, I think kittens are cute. Very cute. I also think puppies are cute, and there is a special place in my heart for Stuart Little. Jack the Pug is a bit boring and it probably doesn’t help that he’d rather find a quiet area in the house to relieve himself then ask to be let out.
@Grisaille it makes me smile when I read about someone being so attached to a beloved animal – I’m sorry for your loss. Maybe you and @aprilsimnel are right, maybe I’m just not attached to this particular pet. I really feel like the boys are developing a very strong attachment to Jack the Pug and that makes me very happy.
One of a number of reasons that I decided to marry the man I did was that he was the only human being besides me and my vet who had ever seen all of my cats, including the feral ones. He fell asleep on the rug in front of the fireplace and they all came and sat on him.
On the contrary, the cats really, really disliked a man I dated briefly. I broke up with him because I discovered he was married. However, I also found out several years later that he was wanted in Houston for killing a man during a road rage incident, running over him numerous times and leaving him by the side of the road.
Sometimes animals are smarter than people.
No. It’s a life choice and only they know the reasons. Just like childless couples. That’s not a choice I’d make, but it’s not my place to judge. They are doing what is best for them.
@Darwin Obviously, he didn’t need coricidin for allergies.
Nope. I don’t think any less. But I agree with @The_Compassionate_Heretic in that I do if they harm animals.
At the same time I would appreciate it if my wife would quit swerving at 55 mph towards trees, a ditch or the other lane in an attempt to avoid hitting a chipmunk when my kids and I am in the car.
I think it’s silly to think less of them. Like I’m a dog person but not a cat person. I don’t think I’ve missed out on life by not liking cats, by not living with cats, by not squealing at cats. So if someone isn’t an animal person, I don’t think less of them, I just think it’s not in their personality.
@Bri_L I think your wife is justified in swerving. I also get out of my car and help turtles across the road.
@chyna – on a two lane highway at 55 mpy with a drop offs and my kids and I in the car, she is not justified in swerving. I say without regret that my children’s lives are more important than the risk of her getting hit head on or going off the road because she lost control for something that will react differently anyway. They run out, they run back they stop. You can’t even see by the time your car gets there. My children are worth more than that. with out question.
At slower speeds or by myself it’s different.
And I to will help a turtle. I have helped two. One of them didn’t quite care for it either.
@hug_of_war Luckily, there is a solution to your problem.
Step 1: Go to pound.
Step 2: Purchase cutest kitten.
Step 3: Take kitten home.
Step 4: Watch it nose around your apartment curiously.
Step 5: When it isn’t looking, clap really loud.
Step 6: Watch it jump four feet in the air.
Step 7: Repeat until endearment level is reached.
@Bri_L The comment about your wife swerving was said with tongue in cheek. Your children and you are more important than whatever runs out in the road.
@chyna – Oh, sorry. My mistake.
@SuperMouse – Ok I have finished taking my aggression out on this puppy by hitting with this cat due to the thought of the “less than enthusiastic” or “demon eyed hate filled” realization that you didn’t feel a strong attachment to him. Of course we don’t think less of you!~
@SuperMouse I do have to tell you that I was at the dog park today and a black male pug was mounting every other dog there, male and female. I was getting a bit out of sorts that my dog was getting molested, but the owner did keep pulling it off all the other dogs.
While I’m pretty darn sure I’d bond with Jack the Pug, I sure don’t fault anyone who doesn’t. More Jack for me!
@aprilsimnel that made me laugh! Jack the Pug does have a very cute way of looking at me with those big bulgy eyes and cocking his head…
My mother is so not an animal person. My father was. I feel so lucky to have gotten the animal love bug from him.
I feel sorry for those that do not have animals in their lives.
As to how it affects me about others, I find that animal people are usually good, kind people. Not to say that non-animal folks can’t be.
I think this may just be my personal experience, but I’m a bit wary of self-proclaimed animal lovers. I once knew a person who was a tiny bit obsessed with animals, and she is an ingeniune person. And cutesy.
That being said, I love my cat.
All I care about is that someone is kind to animals. If they do not treat them well, I lose respect for them.
No but I’d think less of them if they were abusive to their pets or aggressive/abusive towards mine.
that’s like thinking less of someone for not being a sports fan.
I feel the same way about people that do not choose animals in their life as I do about people that are vegetarians. They made their choice, they are comfortable with it, and nothing I do or say will likely change it. None of my business. That is, until they abuse animals, then they are in a big world of hurt, because I will make it my business.
@SuperMouse, You know, I also am not a huge animal person. I like other people’s pets, I think dogs are totally cute (even the most average, old black labs), but I just am not a master type person.
However, I think part of it, also, is finding the right dog.
No, because I wasn’t born one and I’m still not completely one: I’m a dog person and like other animals but there are animals I don’t care for at all, like cats. But if someone made a demeaning comment about my boxer daughter, I wanted to rip his eyeballs off.
I wouldn’t think that,I don’t judge people if they are an animal person or not,sure if they would we’d have some stuff in common but it’s perfectly fine. You have to like the person for who they are, not if they lke animals or not.Aww! Pugs are soo adorable! :P
Supermouse, can we form a club? I’ve been made to feel real bad for not being an animal person. I’m very loving to PEOPLE, just not animals.
@irocktheworld you must be a nice person because your avatar is so cute.
@stratman37 quick, mention how much you like baby turtles!
I am very suspicious of those who are loving to people. People are so disloyal and demanding!
@monsoon Haha thanks! I’ve been told many times that I’m nice and I think you are too :)
I like your avatar too! Im a sucker for adorable dogs :P
I’ve seen a cat like that wandering in my neighborhood =]
If you don’t like my little dogs then I’m sorry but I. Don’t like you.
I agree with @DrasticDreamer and @rooeytoo
I couldn’t imagine my life without animals and so I don’t understand people who are indifferent to animals but just because something is important to me doesn’t mean that it is to everyone obviously.
I do find it difficult to be good friends with people who are not animal minded though (generally, not always that is).
sadly , yes. animals are a huge part of my life and when someone doesnt like animals it just makes me .. not interested
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