General Question

marinelife's avatar

Where do you keep your remote control for the TV, etc?

Asked by marinelife (62485points) August 8th, 2009

My husband has a habit that drives me nuts. He puts the remote controls for the TV and DVD on top of the TV!

To me this seems to totally defeat the purpose of a remote if I have to get up and walk to the TV to find the remote.

I leave it on the coffee table in front of the sofa we sit on to watch TV. My husband says many people leave their remote on the TV so they can grab it and walk to their seat.

Where do you keep yours and why? Also, do you and your SO have differing ideas on this?

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30 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

coffee table

though i have a grandpa who keeps it on the TV, even after it’s on. and thereby he completely misses the point of the remote.

dynamicduo's avatar

My man controls the remote, which means it’s on his side table.

That said, it doesn’t really do much because we don’t have any TV channels. It’s really only used to switch the inputs, to change from interacting with his PC to the game consoles etc.

I like the idea of putting it on top of the device to be used because then you always know it’s there. Then again, as long as there is one place for it and it is in that place 100% of the time, that’s really what matters.

chyna's avatar

My ex husband used to put it on top of the fridge so I couldn’t find it and turn the channel. (That’s right, EX)

dpworkin's avatar

After having misplaced a couple, I keep all my remotes together in a drawer in my dresser, and bring out the specific ones I need at the time. It’s expensive to replace a lost remote.

Quagmire's avatar

It’s not so much WHERE a remote is put as it is how long it takes to find it. If you know he puts it on top of the TV, then you always know where to find it. Similiarly, the same goes for him and the coffee table. That’s actually a GREAT situation. Don’t complain! Imagine having to look all over for the thing? By the time you find it (inevitably in the side of the sofa or under it) your show is over.

You might also consider TWO remotes.This might not be an added expense if your dvd player has a remote that will also control your major television functions.

sandystrachan's avatar

If the TV is off i put the remote on it sometimes , normally the remote stays beside whoever is watching the TV .

marinelife's avatar

@Quagmire Good point. I do know to look there when I can’t find it.

All: Does this break at all along gender lines? It does not seem so from this sample.

Ame_Evil's avatar

Whilst the TV is turned off I usually place the remote near it (so you can turn the TV on and grab the remote before sitting down). When I am using the TV I usually stick the remote wherever I am sitting down. I’ve always questioned people who place the remote in strange places which are neither near the TV or sitting locations – like someone in my family sticks it on a bookcase in the corner of the room.

AstroChuck's avatar

@Marina- Why does it drive you nuts where there the man puts his remote control?

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

I used to set it on my cat. But then he’d take over the remote control and watch things like The Jerry Springer Show or Infomercials

Quagmire's avatar

@Marina, if I were your husband, I WOULD tell you where you could put the remote, the television and the family car as well.

Jack_Haas's avatar

The virtual remote is on my TV screen, the physical one is my pc mouse so it’s close at hand or on its dock, charging for the night.

Facade's avatar

I keep it by me, wherever that may be.

kruger_d's avatar

On a basket tray on the coffee table with remotes, whatever book I am reading and a wrap.

ubersiren's avatar

Coffee table, within reach of both my husband and me. We used to have a remote caddy, but our son broke it within months of having it.

Tink's avatar

I don’t know where, I always loose it. So I use my sisters. Then later on in the week I find it under my bed, the back of my dresser, under my drum, in a shoe, etc.
And it all happens again.

ekans's avatar

I don’t think that any TV that I have ever owned has had a remote
at least, not for long.
One less thing to worry about, I guess
plus, I could use the exercise.

augustlan's avatar

On the ottoman, unless the kids have been here. In that case, it can be found behind a couch pillow, where the last child to have it has hidden it from the other children.

Lightlyseared's avatar

on the TV (not, i admit, the handiest place when your sitting across the room).

casheroo's avatar

In the living room, we usually put the remotes on top of the tv…to keep our son away from them. Or they are on the counter.
In the bedroom, they’re usually on either side of the bed. No specific location.

aprilsimnel's avatar

In my room, the All-In-One is on the nightstand.

In the living room, seven remotes (two PlayStation 2 controllers, two Wii controllers, cable, TV, DVD player) are on the coffee table. This set-up is Boy Roomie’s and not mine.

Jack79's avatar

Your husband is right, I keep mine there too (not on the tv, but on the cupboard right next to it). But I never use the TV, so it makes sense that both remotes (TV and DVD) should be there so I can find them easier when I do use it. And of course I’ll have to walk up to the TV anyway so I can switch it on to start with. A set on “standby” mode burns almost as much as one that is turned on, so even when I did watch TV daily, I always turned it off at the end of the day.

Darwin's avatar

It is supposed to go into the specifically designed decorative wooden remote holding box that sits on the table between our two recliners, but my son likes to leave it on the couch, where it ends up under (and sometimes bits of it inside) the dog. She loves to chew on electronics.

I have also found it in the microwave, next to the stove, in the downstairs bathroom, and deep down inside my husband’s chair.

jonsblond's avatar

It is always left on the couch, never to be found in the morning.

The couch has a mind of its own and likes to play head games with us.

sakura's avatar

The sky remote is kept on the sofa or the table at the side of the sofa. The remotes for the surround sound and other various toys my hubby has decorating our lounge are kept with the t.v. as they aren’t used as often!!

tiffyandthewall's avatar

well i always thought that the purpose of remotes were to have something to look for during commercial breaks.

Jude's avatar

Another one who leaves it on top of the tv, when the tv is turned off. While in use, it’s usually resting on the sofa in front of me whilst lounging.

Darwin's avatar

I wish I knew where my son leaves the remote. We haven’t been able to find it all day, and he won’t be back for several more hours.

jalexander123's avatar

Honestly I don’t really have a habit or where I should leave it, most the time it’s on my bed or computer desk. But sometimes I misplace it and I frantically start searching for it, lol.

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