General Question

gggritso's avatar

What's the most effiective bug spray against sand flies?

Asked by gggritso (5464points) August 8th, 2009

I’m going to Cuba for a week and apparently there are sand flies on the beach, and their bites are very annoying. Can anyone recommend a good spray that will keep them away? I don’t have any allergies that would prevent me from using specific sprays.

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6 Answers

whitenoise's avatar

DEET, in my experience.

lloydbird's avatar

Eat a good amount of garlic. That should render you inedible to them.
Have a nice time.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

the use of garlic varies from person to person, depending upon how well your body metabolizes it and is not foolproof. Stick with DEET, as it works with better efficiency.

lloydbird's avatar

@whitenoise @evelyns_pet_zebra I have never used nor even heard about DEET until you brought it to my attention. However, I’ve just done a quick check to see if there are any adverse side effects and am quite shocked at the allegations. I think I would try to find a safer alternative. If there are any out there, then garlic would be a help as well, and a tasty one too.

lloydbird's avatar

There is some useful info on making a natural insect repellent using garlic on

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@lloydbird there will always be allegations about chemicals in our lives. I have used DEET for years, and as long as you don’t eat the stuff or lick it off your skin, you should be fine. The people who come up with alternative medicine/products should be viewed with a great deal of skepticism. Some herbal remedies are worthless; others are unregulated by the FDA and can contain up to 50% lead and other poisons. If you are a proud subscriber to the guy who prints the booklet Natural Medical Cures Doctors Don’t Want You To Know About then you are beyond even the help of rational thinking and true skepticism.

@gggritso, If you are still confused, check it out here as they are completely unbiased towards the truth about most everything.

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