Ladies.How do you feel when it's all gone South?
Asked by
Terrier (
August 9th, 2009
You get your man and he gets the Son he always wanted,you get stretch marks,mood swings and bits going South.
Do you resent the above when you become a slave to the child or to the kitchen?
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26 Answers
What a very old-fashioned and limited view of life. Take a look around you at all the accomplished and highly esteemed women who are also mothers, and who are fulfilled in their careers and in their motherhood. What planet do you live on?
Exactly, what an old fashioned view of life you have. Why aren’t you living your life for yourself? The child is your son too you know, did you never want a child? Because that’s what it sounds like here. It sounds like you resent getting yourself into this situation. And just as you got yourself into it, you can get yourself out too.
You are only a slave if you believe you are and act like one.
When it all goes south I feel southern and we southerners know how to cook! No I don’t often resent it, but I do have my days when I want to go postal!
The stretch marks went away, the mood swings died down after a couple of months, and not too many bits have gone south. I work out six or seven days a week, keep myself in shape physically and mentally, and I am not a slave to anyone or anything. Life is about choices, you can love that son with all your heart and bask in the joy of being a woman, wife, and mother, or you can waste your time wallowing in resentment and feeling enslaved.
If my “bits are going South”, odds are his are, too.
This user’s account is no longer accessible. Gone so soon?
What a distorted view of marriage and childbearing.
What a distorted view of men and of women.
It doesn’t sound like he makes you feel important. Your marriage, I’m sorry to say, is my nightmare and it’s sexist and unequal and you need to have some introspection here. Just to humor me, read Betty Friedan’s “The Feminine Mystique”, then talk to your husband, then be brave – you have strength like all of us and you deserve better.
@Simone_De_Beauvoir You wrote some pretty good stuff yourself. The Second Sex wasn’t exactly chopped liver.
I’m jut curious. Some of you assumed this poster was a woman. I felt certain he was a man. I wonder what your clues were.
@pdworkin hmmm, I should not have assumed that, you’re right…still stand by my book rec though
But what made you think so?
@pdworkin that, sadly, it is much more likely for the woman to feel this way
Good point. I thought I heard misogyny.
I like to go south on my ladies if you know what I mean
@pdworkin I assume the questioner is a woman because of the way the question is phrased, e.g., “you get your man, he gets the son…”
@SuperMouse but he can say that as well and the you can be his wife…and he can speak of himself in third person
Odd, I also assumed the questioner was a man. And a misogynist to boot.
Isn’t it interesting how things filter through everyone’s perception just a bit differently?
I have found that ‘mood swing’ stuff is a crock of crap promulgated by men. Generally women are too busy to react to all the stupid things their husbands and children do. We sublimate in order keep things going and finally there is the last straw that does it. It’s not about the occasional negative reaction, it’s about the miracle that we can deal with life’s pressures without reacting every day.
As far as geographic displacement, what about when men’s behinds travel around to their bellies. Goodbye firm tushie, hello flat ass. Goodbye six pack, hello beer belly. The inevitable movement of the land masses affects us all.
I assumed Terrier was female, because of way “he gets the Son he always wanted, you get stretch marks” is phrased. Sounds like a trophy wife complaining about not being the center of attention…
I thought it was a dude thinking he was so sensitive and in touch with women by saying “he gets the son… you get stretch marks.” Like look, I can totally imagine how you must feel!
Terrier is back under a new name, in case you are interested. He or she is now muslimsrcomming (sic).
Ahh, perhaps because I outed him in a different question.
Stretch marks and mood swings sound feminine to me. Don’t women have more bits to go south anyways?
Correct me if I’m wrong. Please.
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