What is the best way to permanently get rid of morning glory?
It is a blight taking over everything in the garden, and just pulling it out doesn’t get rid of it. In fact, it seems to come back thicker and stronger after pulling. Digging it out by the roots is a chore beyond me. Is there a safe chemical to use? It’s a jungle out there. Suggestions welcome.
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16 Answers
hmmm….what’s “morning glory”? because I thought this question was about something else. The best way to get rid of weeds is in fact uprooting. Maybe pay someone else to do it?
totally thought of something else as well…will move on now
“Roundup” will do the job and is safe (though you have to make sure it doesn’t contact anything you don’t want killed). It’s a systemic herbicide that will kill down to the roots, but it quickly breaks down in the soil and doesn’t leave any toxic products.
Here is a quote:
Because it is an aggressive twiner, morning glory can produce a significant amount of foliage (i.e., vertically, upon shrubs, trees or structures) on a small amount of open ground; the roots and rhizomes will be much more laterally extensive. Vegetative growth produces sugars (from photosynthesis), which feed the rhizome network, creating a vast reservoir of energy for continuing growth or regrowth. This is why cutting the top off of a morning glory hardly slows it down.
Control is simple in theory, but seldom achieved. Calystegia is ultimately not very tolerant of heavy shade, infertile soil nor extended drought and so, tends to favour moist, rich ground in sun or semi-shade. However, because it usually has a huge root and rhizome network with plenty of reserves, it can tolerate horrible conditions for a long time before it starts to suffer. For example, it often emerges from the ground in heavy shade, under shrubs, or through stony, dry soil, but eventually makes its way into sun. Keeping the morning glory restricted to the sub-optimal areas by regularly and continually cutting off photosynthetic tissues in more optimal areas will eventually weaken it. Unfortunately, while you mght be controlling its growth, your next door neighbour may not. In other words, there’s usually a monster on the other side of the fence, waiting for you to lower your guard. However, if you can involve everyone in the process, the chances for success are increased.
The most effective approach to control is exclusion of light. It will usually take less than a year to completely kill off morning glory if it is prevented (completely!) from seeing the light of day. There are various ways to accomplish this, the most effective being covering the ground with carpet, cardboard, layers of newspaper or turf. Notwithstanding European chafer infestations, few things are as good looking while effectively starving out perennial weeds as a healthy stand of turfgrass. Together with repeated cutting where new shoots emerge, the light exclusion method is very effective.
Here is the source
but why.. they’re so pretty :)
As much as a chore it is, you have to get the roots gone, or else it’ll come back! That’s just the way plants work. So get down there and dig out the roots. Then again you can also just blanket the garden in pesticides if you feel lazy.
For what it’s worth, even The Nature Conservancy uses a generic form of Roundup to kill unwanted plants on its preserves.
Spray it in the cool of the morning with a mixture of 4 parts vinegar to one part salt.
Repeat weekly until the foliage is dead.
Mulch the soil with two layers of newspaper covered with hay to prevent the million seeds in the soil from sprouting.
I yank the wild morning glories ( I believe that they are called “bindweed”) up after a rain so I get the roots. I pour boiling water on intransient interlopers like poison ivy. It is a labor-intensive method but successful.
Even with The Nature Conservancy’s seal of approval, I am reluctant to use Round-up.
I was about to answer with something along the lines of going to bed with an empty bladder !!
@RareDenver: We’ve tried that approach to repel the deer. Neither male nor female bladder contents make a difference. I’m now emptying the dirty kitty litter on invasive plants. They seem to thrive.
Nature always wins; ask a farmer.
I would try to get rid of it the same way I get rid of poison ivy. Boiling water poured onto the base of the stem and the roots. I have also found that rock salt gets rid of grass in a driveway. Not sure if you want to use salt in your yard, as it will keep other things from growing in the future.
Avoid Round Up, that stuff is expensive garbage, and is over-rated. I used it once, and will never spend a dime on that overpriced crap ever again.
I have been gardening for over thirty years, I know what works and what doesn’t.
Oh, boo hoo. Hubby and I wanted morning glory to span the garden arch we put in and it all died out. I even replanted it this year and it still died off.
@YARNLADY: Try an old-fashioned clematis or better yet, two of them. As long as the arch gets sun, they will be beautiful. I like my morning glories but they don’t start blooming until August and the blossoms close by afternoon.
My sister used wisteria on her loggia; it is gorgeous, the birds love to nest in it, but one must prune it severely yearly or the stems grow into ropes big enough to moor the QE II.
You may just want to glory in your mornings and move the garden elsewhere. Morning glories have to be one of the top 10 miracles in the flower world.
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