If you had the ability to create your own planet, how would it differ from earth?
What on earth would change for you?
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48 Answers
No gender norms, no sexuality labels, no religion.
@NaturalMineralWater kind of hard, for me, to think about one, not the other…in terms of the planet, I’d make it so people can live under water
Well, it would have less empty unusable wastelands: The Sahara, Siberia, northern Canada, central Australia, etc. I would get rid of stuff like that, and I would create it so that it didn’t get destroyed so easily. Don’t ask me how that would work, though. I just mean that I wouldn’t want there to be global warming and expansion of deserts and such. I would also abolish hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes; they don’t do any good for anything. I would also make more freshwater sources and less poisonous animals and plants. I would keep lightning, though. Lightning is awesome, and we need something dangerous.
I would want it roughly to have the same ratio between land and water, but I wouldn’t want a place like Australia to be so isolated that it takes 14 hours to get there no matter where you are in the world; I would make the continents closer together.
I actually have drawn a map of my own made up world and I drew in all the countries’ names and all that. So many made-up words. I did that when I was 13. Don’t think I still don’t do stuff like that, though. :)
You probably would not find any too large landmasses as they tend to have deserts in the middle. You would also not find any deserts.
I would also remove land based volcanoes, i think plate tektonics is enough for pressure relief.
I would also plant a huge everlasting computer complex on the backside of the moon containing all the (encrypted) knowledge of the universe and beyond that the inhabitants could tap once they gain the technological ability to get there and read it.
i would keep tornadoes.
apparently we need them to build boeings ;P
some other thing.
i would prevent dead plants and animals from turning into coal and oil.
the inhabitants should not even have the temptation of using them for energy generation.
im pretty happy with what we got.
I would like for there to be little pollution, but I just wonder how solar, wind, and water would be enough for energy production. I certainly would make those the primary source. Also, down with landfills. If there was just some other way to get rid of non-decomposable material. But that’s getting into more of how the people on the planet would deal with things more than how the planet itself would work.
I would make the climate not too humid and not too dry. My oceans and lakes would teem with life, but be safe for swimming.
There would both forest and plains areas.
More island continents rather than one giant landmass.
most of the things people are commenting on “changing” are things that people brought about. they weren’t here before people.
they would be forced to develop alternative energy sources earlier, inlcuding fusion.
Hmm, I think I’d add some more unusual animals. Eight legged horses and six legged chickens, for starters. No wolves, or coyotes, or mountain lions. I’d add plants that eat animals and non-toxic fog that comes in pretty colors, just to watch it mix and swirl around on windy days. I’d add spiders as big as cats that cannot bite because they only eat the pollen of flowers. I’d add flowers six feet across and let bats pollinate them instead of bees. I’d give people tails and make everybody’s genitals even bigger than they are now. People’s tails would be different according to their preference, and we would have to redesign chairs, but we could decorate them and braid them and do all sorts of things with our bushy tails to keep the hair stylists busy.
I’d leave the landscape alone, except I’d make quicksand slower, so that it would take a month to sink down far enough to die. That way, even the laziest person could wriggle his way out.
I’d make all the poisonous mushrooms with markings that were clear enough that you could tell the bad ones just by looking at them. I’d make plants that bore meat-like fruits so that no animals had to be harmed to satisfy the cravings of carnivores, and the vegetarian animal activists would have to get real jobs and stop being a pain in everybody’s ass. =)
Trees would be sentient and able to speak any human language, so that we could spend an afternoon sitting in a tree’s branches and have a wondrous conversation about the many wonderful things it had seen in its’ long life.
Damn, I need to go write some fantasy fiction about this subject now. =)
@evelyns_pet_zebra w
why no wolves? they are awesome animals, and so se.. i mean, so beautiful.
Because I don’t like wolves very much.=)
i love wolves. i would come to your planet with my space ship and put them on your planet, so you too can enjoy their beauty.
My planet would be an ocean. Merpeople would coexist with humback whales, eat kelp and put on concerts with crabs named Sebastian. :)
If I could make a planet, I’ll make it smaller, a little bigger than our moon so easier to manage. I’ll make the gravity less balance. So we can glide, fly or float.
I would let my meat eating plants eat your wolves, so if you come to my planet with wolves, they will die horrible deaths in the jaws of vicious meat eating plants. Do you really want to be responsible for that?
i would exterminate them plants first of course.
the eight legged horses would trample you first.
In Digimon, there was a tree that had fruit called “meat apples” and the apples had different flavors of meat. I thought it was such a great idea. :)
the eight legged horse (soo ripped of sleipnir) would stumble over its own legs.
and then get eaten by the wolves.
@DominicX that is awesome! I liked the idea you wrote way ^ up there about drawing out your own planet when you were younger, that sounds so cool!
@ragingloli and yet a centipede does not, therefore your logic is flawed. =)
Yeah, it was pretty cool. I still have the map, too! I just looked at it now. The planet Meddivos. The names for everything were so cool. The oceans were called Ariel, Umbriel, Miranda, Tethys, Spring, and Nasadatian. I also drew in cities and capitals of some of the countries and I even typed up stuff about it on my computer. I’ve always been an odd kid. :P
fine then
i will put one single huge monster wolf on the planet, double the size of godzilla (the original)
@DominicX not odd, creative. I used to paint weird planetary landscapes loosely based on some of my more outrageous dreams. I also wrote stories based on these landscapes and created beings that inhabited them. If you are odd for making up your own imaginary world, then what am I, as I invented my own imaginary god named Evelyn? =)
@ragingloli fine, leave that single wolf, he has no mate and will die of loneliness soon enough. That is, if he doesn’t fall into the Jell-O volcano first. You know, there’s always room for Jell-O.
He can mate with himself :D
I vill equip him with both systems so he can produce offspring himself.
And he vill have two heads so he can talk vith himself.
lol…good. That’s pretty cool, though. It’s good to be creative, even if it’s eccentric.
I even wrote up history for my made up world. I found a document, it begins “The city of Divina was a cultural center of Vincula for hundreds of years. In 383, however, the city was destroyed. It began with the rise of the Procacians and their leader, Procax. Procax began to gather forces in significant numbers around October of 381 and…” Oh my God…lol
that reminds me of the sci fi fantasy story i started some months ago
@ragingloli that adds a whole new meaning to the phrase ‘go fuck yourself’
i still have the file. last edit in december last year. still at 7 pages.
it involves time travel, high tech, magic, evil wizards, the whole lot.
More fresh water.
less strip malls
I have been thinking about this one since it had posted because the question gives great possibilities toward improving what we have here via environment.
Some have referred to unusable land. But even land deemed by man to be unusable has unique traits and biological life forms, flora etc… so I would not remove anything.
I think the biggest issue with the earth is mankind and the aggressive, hostile, greedy traits that mankind inherently has which lead to wars, strip malls, consumerism, over development and crime. So again- I thought about this and how a new planet could help slow the progress of these traits and preserve the planet longer.
Thus saying I would love to “play God” and experiment on a new planet- by having cannabis available everywhere and add to it complete nutritional value so that, like beef jerky to a Western cowboy, it would be enough to sustain life. I would like to see if the negative traits of mankind would diminish in a society where marijuana was a daily staple.
I realize that this is really “out there” thinking- but I would love to try it out and see if mankind would benefit or if it would backfire and cause even more social issues. It just seems to me that everyone I ever knew who was a regular pot smoker did not have the negative traits above while using. In society now this would never work as society is driven by those who have made our world so complex that it requires complete attention just to survive. But a new planet- without cars, jobs, insurance, lawsuits, schedules, time clocks and the daily grind- what would happen then?
I am enjoying thinking on this…
The followup question to this, I suppose, would be: How would your changes affect the earth? E.G. If all the wolves were removed, or all the insects.. what would happen to the earth? Granted this is your planet and things would work out.. it’s just a curious exercise to see how things would be if you eliminated some things that you don’t like. Would it be a detriment in the long run or a benefit?
I’d make a small change I move Greenland, Siberia, and northern parts of Canada down around the equator. Siberia and Canada would go in the Pacific and Greenland in the Atlantic. Greenland would be kept as a natural rain forest to buffer the inevitable climate changes.
Oh, and I’d introduce the glow-in-the-dark genes into mosquitoes so we could find them easier.
It would be populated exclusively by conservatives.
I’m more of the plant person. I would get rid of the deserts. That’s all.
I would add more islands and for people to STOP poluting and clean out the dirty beaches every once in a while and stop all the bad stuff that’s happening to the world.
I changed my mind.
Now on my new planet celery will taste like chocolate and tofu will taste like French fries.
Both will retain their healthy and low calorie status.
@cyndihugs you are welcome to come live on my planet. :)
i’d put no poison bearing plants or animals in there…fair enough teeth and claws but i liek a sporting chance to exist in wilderness not to be subject to whimsies of tiny spiders that get no benefit in turning my blood into jelly but do it anyway,...other than that i guess it’d be much the same..also no pigs ..or wasps, or sharks or parasitical insects that feed on humans (namely me) definatly no spiders…more large woodlands and forests more big rivers and giant trees…more plants that are healthy but taste amazing like @Dog…basically it’d be uk/ newzealand but bigger
“but taste amazing like @Dog”
how do you know how he tastes?
How about 25-hour days? Sleep in late every day…
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