Social Question
Why do people continually compare animals to children?
In a recent discussion about the practice of using a whip to train a horse, some folks kept making the comparison between chidren and animals. This is erroneous. While our pets are sometimes a replacement for kids, to compare ALL animals to children does not only do the animal a great disservice, but also sends the wrong message.
I am an amateur naturalist, and I have studied animals most of my life simply because I find them to be fascinating. All animals have distinct characteristics; and while I have my favorites, I look at them realistically. Carnivores are not evil, and bunnies are not Thumper. A doe isn’t Bambi, and any animal, given the right circumstances, can and will harm a human. Too many people assume herbivores cannot/will not attack you. All animals are dangerous, given the right circumstances.
You commonly hear of the family dog biting someone’s child, and while the animal usually gets the blame, the fault most likely lies with the parent/owner.
I don’t know how many times I’ve heard of people feeding wild animals, only to find out that they have started a chain reaction that ends up in someone being hurt or killed. The bears that you are not supposed to feed in national parks come to mind. There is a reason they have signs saying not to do it, but too many people disobey the signs because they think the bears are ‘just so cute!’
This isn’t a flame at the animal activists, but it is a way to start a discussion about looking at animals in a realistic light, and finding out why so many people mistakenly assume animals are the equivalent of children. What are your thoughts?