General Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is your opinion on sexual/romantic interspecies relationships?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) August 10th, 2009

like animal – animal, human – animal, human – extraterrestrial

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38 Answers

erichw1504's avatar

They’re hot!

brinibear's avatar

no, thank you that’s nasty. I wouldn’t go around saying I was apart of a interspecies relationship. There’s something seriously wrong. I’m not saying that what you do on ur own time is my business, cause it’s not.
But if that’s what floats ur boat….

DominicX's avatar

I don’t tend to think they are a good idea. Animals can’t give consent to something like that and I don’t think humans should be taking advantage of animals in that way. Obviously, I know you can’t make a hybrid or anything, but you can’t know whether the animal is okay with it and I just don’t think people should do that to animals. Obviously I understand that people don’t choose to be attracted to animals, only a moron would think that. But that doesn’t mean I think you should act on that attraction.

Also, for my own selfish reasons, the people who were against homosexuality will turn around and say “see? what did I tell you? Acceptance of bestiality immediately follows acceptance of homosexuality” and it will only strengthen a case against accepting homosexuality and I wouldn’t want that since I’ve spent so much time pointing out how the two are not connected in any way, which they aren’t.

dynamicduo's avatar

Uh, no. Animals cannot consent, thus there is an ethical issue regarding such relationships. Plus most animals do not have the intelligence nor methods of expressing emotions, if they even have any, thus “love” with animals doesn’t really exist at all. If an alien could consent, then by all means bring it on.

Bri_L's avatar

@lloydbird – Sure, I think fowl would be allowed.

But how do you feel about it?

MrItty's avatar

A relationshp, by definition, is two-ways. There is therefore no such thing as either a romantic or sexual relationship between a human and an animal. An animal does not posess the sentience required for a romantic relationship, and does not posess the physical attributes required to initiate sexual relations, nor the mental capacity to agree to receive sexual relations. Anyone claiming to be in such a relationship with an animal is simply guilty of animal abuse. Nothing more.

wundayatta's avatar

Kinky. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Especially if you are a shepherd!

CMaz's avatar

Why get it on with a dirty annimal when there are so many eager and willing humans.

Mozart's avatar

what is this i dont even

eponymoushipster's avatar

@ragingloli i didn’t know you were from Iowa. kooky.

seriously, though, that’s gross. really gross.

MrKnowItAll's avatar

It’s ok as long as the children are raised by decent people.

nebule's avatar


ragingloli's avatar

i would be a good mum for my spiderlings

RareDenver's avatar

Loli stop fantasising about cartoon animals and get yourself a human girlfriend, or boyfriend.

Bri_L's avatar

@lloydbird – hehe. good one.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

aliens= teh sex

CMaz's avatar

aliens= anal probing

Supacase's avatar

It is repulsive.

Mozart's avatar

And damn it ragingloli, I don’t know whether you’re a really epic troll or just really sick.

Maybe both.

lloydbird's avatar

@Bri_L Thanks for the feed. (-:

Bri_L's avatar

@lloydbird – heheh. You realized you just befriended a Lemur.

Blondesjon's avatar

It’s not all that baaaaaaad.


They’re Grrrrrrrrrrreat!!!

whatthefluther's avatar

Well, I do love a good steak, medium rare, please.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Aliens are probably not looking to mate with us, but to destroy the planet for an inter-universal bypass.

4truth's avatar

That is sick!!

ratboy's avatar

Fuck aliens!

brinibear's avatar

Don’t you think the MEN in Black would take care of our “aliens?”

mattbrowne's avatar

Does human/vulcan love count as interspecies relationship? Remember Charles Tucker III…

eponymoushipster's avatar

@mattbrowne actually, remember the episode where Trip got pregnant by the trippy aliens, and he had an embryo growing off his ribs? a true explorer…

mattbrowne's avatar

@eponymoushipster – Yes, wasn’t the third nipple on his wrist great?

eponymoushipster's avatar

@mattbrowne yes. i forgot about that! nice.

lloydbird's avatar

I’m feeling a little horse.

Bri_L's avatar

@lloydbird – HAHA. That reminds me of Top Secret.

CMaz's avatar

I could never understand how people can do that.
I have seen pictures of women having a good time with a horse.
I cant understand why, if they are that horny just go to the local bar.

Don’t take much for you ladies to get laid. That is if you are so hungry you would do a farm animal.

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