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desiree333's avatar

How do I clean the top of my Dell Inspiron laptop?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) August 11th, 2009

I have a red dell inspiron laptop. It has this like rubbery, velvety feeling texture that is hard to explain and impossible to clean! Does anyone know how to get the fingerprints and smudges off of it?

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9 Answers

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

Dont clean it, replace it with the top of a MacBook. But if your going to do that you might as well just get the rest of the MacBook to go under it.

Buttonstc's avatar

I can’t remember the brand name offhand, but I’m describing this in hopes that someone else reading this can chime in with it. It’s a square soft block sort of like play dough and it erases scuffs off of floors, sneakers etc.

After that, I would suggest going and getting a Gelaskin cover for it so you can just wipe it down when it gets dirty or anything. They have some seriously fantastic pics and designs. There’s everything from VanGogh and Monet to Keith Haring and everything in between. They come in all sizes and they are absolutely gorgeous. Just spend a little time browsing thru all 9 or 10 pages of designs. Incredible.

They are easily applied as well as removable if you ever want to sell the laptop in the future and reapply to your next one.

Buttonstc's avatar

OK my brain fart has abated and it popped back into my head. Just don’t use it on the scree.

stratman37's avatar

are you kidding?

Buttonstc's avatar

No, actually I’m not; are you??

stratman37's avatar

Warm damp cloth… does this sound familiar to anyone?

Buttonstc's avatar

Yes it sounds quite familiar and it doesn’t work. Did you read his description of it.

Velvety is vastly different from metal or hard plastic. I had the exact same texture on my first iPhone case and it was horrible. Needless to say it went back to the store. That isn’t an option for him.

Some fancy pants designer thought this was cool and it’s just annoying.

Buttonstc's avatar

The reason I also suggested the Gelaskins is because it will give a smooth texture which can be wiped with a damp cloth. But ideally they should be applied to a clean surface.

I have a suggestion for you. The next time you consider just tossing off a snide remark why don’t you try reading the details of the original question instead of just throwing out unhelpful snark.

desiree333's avatar

@buttonstc I appreciate the answers, but I’m a girl.
By the way I totally agree with you, snide, unhelpful remarks are my pet peeve!!
I looked at the gelaskin things and I think they are a great idea. I just don’t really like the styles they have to offer, plus I love the red colour of the top of my laptop, thanks anyways though.

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