What is the most complicated coffee drink you've ordered at Starbucks?
I work at a Starbucks store. Just out of curiosity, what do you order? Do you feel embarrassed ordering something so complicated?
I know customers who feel a bit embarrassed ordering their drinks.
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31 Answers
Cafe Americano, accept no other
Usually a decaf Americano.
Starbucks decaf drip coffee is usually very burnt tasting from sitting in the pot too long.
I don’t spend the money or the calories on a latte or its ilk very often.
tall white chocolate mocha!
or tea =)
What is an Americano? I used to think it was just straight-up coffee, but then I was told by a barista that it is actually more like a shot of espresso with hot water added.
@Marina: Yes, we have a habit of letting it stay longer than we should. It’s mostly because we rarely have people ordering decaf drips. At least at my store, anyway.
I used to ask for a short cappuccino but it’s been a while since I’ve been to a Starbucks.
Grande Americano in a Venti cup, with an extra shot.
An Americano is espresso with hot water, yup. That’s all. Some people add a bit of milk though.
To everyone: Are you all sure you’re ordering ‘Americanos’? Or regular American coffee? There is a difference.
Strawberries and cream + 3 – 4 Squirts of cinnamon dolce syrup + some cinnamon on top ITS THE BEST!
Caramel Frap + Extra Caramel, double blended..
A tall mocha frap with a pump of vanilla and extra shot of espresso. I call it my elixir.
Venti, non-fat, extra-hot, two pump mocha with no whipped cream.
Venti Iced half-caf Toffee-Nut Soy Latte – light ice, no whip
Yes, I do feel bad if the store seems busy, but mostly it doesn’t bother me considering how much money I’ve spent there!!
Tall white peppermint mocha, half-caf.
Nothing fancy
anything with more than 3 ingredients at starbucks probably will make me feel sick.
I used to work at Starbucks a few years ago. I’m used to all the crazy drinks.
My usual this time of year? Iced Triple Grande Caramel Macchiato, light caramel, with whip.
I’m such a yuppie :[
A triple-shot latte.
Honestly, my local Starbucks has this dude that will pre-mix the drinks in the morning, put them in the fridge. When they’re ordered, he will pour the proper amount into the frothing pitcher – steam and pour. No joke.
A little off the subject, however, a must tell.
@Grisaille What does the “triple” mean? I get that drink in the summer time too! Just not you fancy smancy way. ;)
“Triple” is the amount of expresso shots. Three, obviously. Double, two. Quad, four.
I only order it all fancy schmansy because I’m cool like that.
Oh geez, that would make me so sick! I figured that’s what it meant. I’m too weak for that much coffee.
I’m mantastic.
I eat lightning and crap thunder. ROAAR
@Grisaille want some fun times? i dare you to go in and ask for a “cinco shot” americano. i’ve done it. no sugar. a little 50/50. that’s it.
and no, that’s still only 2 ingredients: water and espresso
I will drink the expresso straight from the machine, hot. When my teeth have melted away, I’ll chew on the grinds.
Then punch the barista.
@Grisaille obviously the baristas in your area aren’t as lovely as the baristas in my area. well, except for the dirty hippie barista, who looks like an emaciated Chris Robinson. I’d punch his lights out. damn dirty hippie.
<—-never been in a starbucks or a coffee place that has baristas. I always thought a barista was a short bannister in a small hotel.
I brew my own coffee at home. For the price of a Starbucks cuppa, I can buy a pound of Sumatra or Costa Rican beans.
Starbucks intimidates me. I’m with @evelyns_pet_zebra. I like my coffee black. No strings attached.
You know what they say… once you go black, you never add milk again.
Grande Caffe Latte. It doesn’t get more complicated for me.
iced green tea latte with low fat milk.
usually i just get a tall black coffee though.
When I go to Starbucks, depending on how big a boost I need, I order a grande or venti mocha w/extra shot, whipped. I usually pass by Starbucks for locally owned coffe plases like this one.
Drove them nuts.
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