Meta Question

Bri_L's avatar

What, if anything, have you learned from your participation in Fluther, that is to say the specifict act of taking part in the Fluther site.

Asked by Bri_L (12224points) August 12th, 2009

For instance I now can hit the ”@” symbol without looking because of the function of referencing other Fluther members.

I also more easily remember where ” and : are without having to think about it.

My thought process is a little cleaner as well. When I do have a question I search a little differently now.

What about you?

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37 Answers

Tink's avatar

I can now type fast without having to look at the keypad.
(But I still do sometimes since the letters are small and I’m inclined to make mistakes.)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I have learned that the most important thing we can share with others is ideas. I have also learned just because I don’t agree with someone, and that I might think they are an ass, that doesn’t mean that they can’t teach me something valuable.

my typing skill still suck, I still look at the keys and I have a tendency to not see my spelling or grammatical errors until AFTER I hit the Answer button.

drdoombot's avatar

When I first signed up, the lurve was distributed freely. Now, not so much. Why? I don’t know.

wildpotato's avatar

It reminded me how to articulate friendly disagreement.

AstroChuck's avatar

That I am hopelessly addicted. I didn’t think I could be addicted to anything before Fluther came along.

Damn you Bendrew! <<shakes fist angrily>>

Garebo's avatar

At first, I looked at the whole thing, not too seriously, just another social site with people blabb’in. However I have grown somewhat addicted to it, in that I am curious to read peoples views, see their responses. I have gotten some good answers too some of my questions, but usually not to great satisfaction.
I also learned, how people really do crave attention.
And yes, it has improved my keyboard skills and my horrendous grammar-somewhat.
And, how it feels to be a minority in a majority.

aligator's avatar

I just joined. It’s a really neat site if you need advice! I just downloaded the app.

whatthefluther's avatar

I discovered fluther can be an appropriate medium for proposing marriage.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I learned that I do have ideas worth sharing.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’ve learned that there are a lot of intelligent, friendly, and down to earth people here who make the Fluther website worthwhile not only for their engaging personalities but also for their great contributions that are always valuable in some form or another.

sakura's avatar

@whatthefluther no way, that was awsome I missed teh thread totally but have my belated congratulations any way! I hope all went well and your live reception was as wild as your online one!

One thing I have learne using this site is that in some cases I am not alone in my thinking and in others I am!

augustlan's avatar

I, too, can now type ’@’, ’(’ and ’)’ more easily. Somehow, I missed the week in typing class that taught the number row. Fluther has also reminded me that there is a wider world out there, and has reignited the love of learning I once took for granted.

@Tink1113‘s spelling and grammar have improved significantly, too!

mattbrowne's avatar

All in all, there are more pros than cons for a moderated approach. The nice people / jerk ratio is about the same as in real life.

dynamicduo's avatar

Fluther is helping me improve my communication methods. More specifically, it has helped me to quickly communicate my thoughts in a clear and concise way. This helps in the same way with my verbal communication.

Although I do have to admit, in comparison to other communities I participate in, the shrill from some of the newbies here both in terms of their quality/style of comments and the questions they ask tend to be a bit louder, harsher, and more unsophisticated. That said, those users tend to conform or leave, and there are plenty of intelligent folks here to make it worthwhile. And I feel that people here have a bit more color or personality showing than in other places.

Bri_L's avatar

@aligator – Welcome to Fluther! This should be an interesting question for you in that you will have these answers in your mind as you experience the site.

Adding to what I already answered, I have learned that there are more kind and generous people out there than not. And that even if they believe the opposite of you when it comes to certain ideals, they still wish you well when your down.

ShanEnri's avatar

I have learned that I do not have a PhD to be able to answer questions because I more than likely have the experience. And that a lot of the questions require answers based in common sense! I also enjoy reading other people’s answers whether I agree with them or not. And that fluther is far better to me than any social networking site!

CMaz's avatar

I have learned that it takes all kinds.

Oh, wait I already knew that.

Nice to see it played out.

mammal's avatar

I have learn’t how effectively moderation can insulate a group from the discomfort of realism in favour of vapid escapism.

Bri_L's avatar

@mammal – I am sorry but I don’t understand that.

El_Cadejo's avatar

well now, isnt someone a bit grumpy.

filmfann's avatar

Atheists can be self-rightious pa-ricks.
hides in corner

Bri_L's avatar

@mammal – No I literally don’t understand what your attempting to get across. I don’t mean I understand your point but not how you can think it. I don’t get what your trying to say.

JLeslie's avatar

That there are still people out there who enjoy discussion, debate, who can admit when they are wrong, and who can change their minds.

augustlan's avatar

@JLeslie Isn’t it refreshing? :)

JLeslie's avatar

@augustlan I am eternally grateful to you.

augustlan's avatar

I knew it was the place for you! :D

JLeslie's avatar

@augustlan I made the mistake of posting on fb a comment about the crazies losing control in the town halls—oye.

augustlan's avatar

Haha… can’t wait to read the responses from your neighbors!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Moderation is a good thing.
Site administrators who are responsive and active are a good thing.

Bri_L's avatar

@JLeslie – Cheers and welcome! I have enjoyed your participation right off the bat!!!

JLeslie's avatar

@Bri_L Thanks for saying so :).

janbb's avatar

I’ve learned how little I know and how much there is always to learn. I’ve learned that there are a lot of brilliant people with a lot of time on their hands. I’ve learned that my typing sucks and is much slower than my thinking. And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, I’ve learned that there are at least 1,000 ways to ask, “Why has he dumped me and can I get him back?” (And generally only one true answer.)

@JLeslie I, too, have really enjoyed your contributions from the get-go.

jlm11f's avatar

As a Flutherite, I now truly understand that it is possible to have several justified and rational opinions about a controversial topic. I am more willing to listen to different viewpoints and try to incorporate them into my own ideas. As a moderator, I’ve learned that people have different degrees of sensitivity, all of which should be respected.

As for using the site itself, I’ve learned that fast and smart interfaces with real time interaction are pure genius.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i try to GA things on youtube, livejournal, etc.
i try to @ people on facebook.
i can more easily view others’ perspectives, and appreciate differing ideas.
i can avoid homework and not feel too guilty like a pro.

AstroChuck's avatar

I’ve learned that a flawless profile, a perfect body, the right clothes, and a great car can get you far in America – almost to the top – but it can’t get you everything.

SundayKittens's avatar

That comiserating and getting advice/suggestions from others is priceless. Also, that AstroChuck is mah real diddy. DIIDDYYY!!!

NewZen's avatar

You asked what I’ve learned from fluther – though your continuation is more the technical aspect of fluther – e.g. how to PM or use the @Bri_L sign.

GQ – but I choose to answer differently: I’ve learned from fluther you can make friends online – even if you’ve never met them, exchanged photos or even emailed them. Just from PM and a little chat, but mostly from questions and answers. Real friendships, flutherships, that will (I hope) last.

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