Would everyone like to help me extend a hearty "NEE!" at our newest 10k club member?
@Aprilsimnel. . .C’mon DOWN!
Your taste in music and movies parallels my own, making you very cool in my book. You are a fantastic addition to any collective.
Tell her how cool she is in your book Fluther!
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59 Answers
Let me be the first in what is sure to be a happening thread to say, Congratulations to one rockin’ jelly!
Congrats Dude!!
You’re as cool as your musical taste and cute kitty avatar!!
@Sampson That seems to contradict this, don’t you think?
April, you. are. awesome. Congrats!
@augustlan . . .Leave him be. He just smells some attention. Let him earn it the right way.
@augustlan And you’re taking me far too seriously.
Mucho congratulations Miss Simnel.
hip hip hooray
@Blondesjon I just find it funny how this question doesn’t get modded, since Fluther’s question quality is so high.
Congratulations Aprilsimnel.
@Sampson . . .I would normally berate you in an unintelligent and undignified manner for even crying a single tear about the moderation process on Fluther. This however is for somebody I respect a great deal here and, because of that respect, I will simply tell you to take it up with management in a PM.
earn a bit of respect for yourself and see if that helps your outlook
@Sampson The mods have typically let these congratulatory threads go, since they’re presented in a friendly manner. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time here before you started criticizing the way things work, you’d be a bit happier.
@Sampson This kind of question seems to be the only exception to the quality rule. At least, the only one I’ve ever seen.
[mod says] Ahem. Lets get back to the congratulations, shall we? Further off-topic posts will be removed.
I shall now bring you a shrubbery for the occasion of your joining the Knights of 10K. Also I say Huzzah and wish you good day.
What a treat to be able to congratulate @aprilsimnel! Here’s to many more.
@Sampson, this is a party. Please be a good guest. You’re trampling on someone’s celebration, part of the culture here.
Congrats! Cake all around for the lates 10K member.
@Blondesjon Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!
Oh yeah, Great Job April!
@Aprilsimnel Congratulations to a Flutherer that I almost always agree with and enjoy hearing from. Well deserved, kitty cat!
Way to go aprilsimmel, now the sticker has another honor next to it. Congrats.
Hefner has the Playboy Mansion. We have the Jelly 10k Mansion!
Congrats on your key @aprilsimmel!
OMG! It just hit me, I now understand the 3 thumbs up! Ewww…
Does she receive a fluther T-shirt to commemorate the 10k milestone?
Another one I missed, sorry, but better late than never!! Congrats and congrats.
Just out of curiosity, How do you pronounce your name??? I get flustered (not fluthered mind you) when I can’t pronounce names!
Congrats congrats congrats. Why so many 10Kers nowadays?
Congratulations! I baked 10,000 jellyfish cupcakes to celebrate.
I have to say, I’ve been on many a participatory site, and this one has shown itself to be one of the most sharing, warm and delightful sites a person could be a part of. I’m grateful for all your kindness and support since I’ve been here. And I look forward to being a Jelly for a long time to come. I thank you, and my shy kitten thanks you!
@Rooeytoo, it’s basically April Simnel (sim-nell); I took it from Michael Palin’s drag character in “The Piranha Brothers” sketch from Monty Pythons’ Flying Circus.
And since this is one of the few places where I don’t get the “NERD!” eye-roll for my love of the Python, now, @AstroChuck, you must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest… with… a herring!
Hurrray!!!!! Whoo hoo!!! :D I’m sooo happy we’re celebrating another 10k jelly! Congratezzz @Aprilsimnel! :) You are awesome and your avatar is adorable! :D
@dalepetrie 3 thumbs up??? what??
Yessssss!!! The party is going Monty Python! I have a parrot to bring! And he happens to be for sale.
@Dog, but he’s dead!!!
@Saturated_Brain, I think there were a lot of newcomers right around the same time who all became very active. It’s like a little Baby Boom coming of age.
Oh, what sad times are these when passing ruffians can say Ni at will to old ladies. There is a pestilence upon this land, nothing is sacred. Even those who arrange and design shrubberies are under considerable economic stress in this period in history.
One, two, five!
Three, sir!
what an eccentric performance
…You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest… WITH… A HERRING!
Don’t like her? What’s wrong with her? She’s beautiful, she’s rich, she’s got huge… tracts of land.
We are now the Knights who say… ”Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z’nourrwringmm.
“NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition! Our chief weapon is surprise…surprise and fear…fear and surprise…. Our two weapons are fear and surprise…and ruthless efficiency…. Our three weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope…. Our four…no… Amongst our weapons…. Amongst our weaponry…are such elements as fear, surprise…. I’ll come in again.”
Awright…everyone silly walk!!
Well, holding 10,000 jellyfish cupcakes would make anyone walk silly!! :0)
Way to go, april! I always enjoy both the written quality and the thoughtfulness of your responses. I also feel we’re roughly in the same generation so I identify a great deal with your cultural taste.
@aprilsimnel…..Heartfelt congratulations to you and sincere apologies for my tardiness (I’m actually glad it was a slow night allowing me to do some catch up and discover your achievement).
I always appreciate your posts. I know when I see that adorable avatar of yours that I will be reading sensible friendly words from a level-headed, well-balanced and interesting jelly with something relevant to say. And, you have never disappointed me in that expectation. I count you among those jellies that I feel I can safely say haven’t a mean bone in their body nor an axe to grind and who are always pleasant and thoughtful. And that counts a lot in my book. Thanks for being you and thanks for putting those chopped hot peppers in my tuna salad. Again, congratulations on your well deserved induction into the 10K Lurve Lounge, where, I trust, your entry was greeted and treated to the sweet sounds of Darryl Hall & John Oates. Sending much lurve….Gary aka wtf
@aprilsimnel is very cool in my book. congratulations! :DD
i love your kitty avatar,
and the massive amount of monty python lovin’ your name brings to this question.
Late for the party here. Just wanted to wish Aprilsimnel a big ol’ congrats on her 10K! A cool chica who’s responses I’ve always enjoyed reading. =)
bah, typo “whose” meant to say..
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