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photographcrash's avatar

Any tips for making a DIY headboard?

Asked by photographcrash (809points) August 13th, 2009

I want a headboard for my bed. I want to make one myself since I am currently, as the french would say, le broke. Keep the following parameters in mind:
1. I have a full size bed
2. I have very little money to spend
3. I have very little DIY skill. I can handle basic sanding/painting/nailing, etc. But no power tools should be involved (I am a klutz).
4. Cannot take forever to make, because I get bored easily and will surely abandon a project midway if I get bored.
4. The colors in my bedroom are currently red, black, and white.

Any ideas/tips would be appreciated, for the assembling part as well as the designing part. I am not the least bit creative! Even specific websites to check out for ideas would be swell. Thank you, fellow flutherites!

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14 Answers

avvooooooo's avatar

On the design shows they would often take a piece of wood, put batting on it (fluffy stuff), cover it with fabric and staplegun it on the back side where no one can see. Easy upholstered headboard. You could use any fabric that coordinates and even get creative once its done with fabric paint or something.

augustlan's avatar

This site has some great ideas.

SeventhSense's avatar

If you saw the tremendous deals that I have seen lately at auctions you would run to the closest one and find an antique one for under a 100 bucks. Probably cheaper than you could buy the materials. This is a phenomenal time to buy antique furniture.

photographcrash's avatar

@avvooooooo I like that idea! sounds easy enough for someone as creatively-challenged as me.
@augustlan great ideas on there. I like the one with the fiberglass and fabric.
@SeventhSense any idea where I can find info/listings on auctions near me? I live in CT.

marinelife's avatar

I am totally sold on HGTV. A lot of the headboard ideas they present are gorgeous and easy.

SeventhSense's avatar

SURE photographcrash

avvooooooo's avatar

If it were me, I’d probably end up with the hot glue gun and some trim around the top and making random (read: abstract) brush strokes in a contrasting color, or even in almost the same color, as the fabric to make it more interesting. Of course, this only really works if you have plain bedding… :D

jca's avatar

i have one that was less than $30. i bought a piece of plywood and on the corners, put a paint can to trace the roundness, to round the corners. a friend with a power saw sawed the corners to make them round, tracing the outline i did from the paint can. then i used batting and staple-gunned it to the plywood, and wrapped and stapled over top and sides. then i took a sheet that i outlined the design with fabric paint, just to add some detail. staple-gunned the sheet over the batting. sheet matched my comforter at the time. now, about 8 years later, i was bored with that, so i ripped it off, added more batting, and put a piece of upholstery fabric i bought half price for $10 at Jo Ann Fabrics. this fabric has maroon stripes, which matches my maroon bedside table.

the hot glue gun sounds ok, but you want something durable because the pillows and your head are going to be brushing up against it, you can’t have it coming apart. staples work pretty securely.

SeventhSense's avatar

I just give her a helmet. :)

avvooooooo's avatar

@jca I was talking about around the top/outside edge that doesn’t get much contact and just for the trim. :)

YARNLADY's avatar

OK, I get making your own, and I am a crafter, so I love making things. But…..If you only doing it because you can’t afford one, I can guarantee you would have a free one with the week if you sign on to Freecycle

jca's avatar

the nice thing about a fabric headboard is that if you get tired of the fabric or it gets dirty, you can rip it off and change it. if you get a different comforter, you can change the headboard. if you want a different look in your room you can change it. my suggestion for a large piece of fabric that is cheap is either a sheet (twin flat sheet will fit fine over a double size headboard) or a piece of upholstery fabric you can buy at a craft store, in fabric section. (my last was $10 for one yard, at half price). if you want to embellish you can put on some trim, fabric paint, decorative studs or tacks. you could criss-cross ribbons and put tacks at the intersections to hold it. the possibilities are endless.

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