Anyone recommend good India Pale Ales to try?
I have recently been exploring my beer palate. It took almost 24 years for me to pick up a beer, but I have been quite successful in developing a taste for it.
Like food, I like complex flavors. Lager’s are nice, and I enjoy the flavors of Red Stripe, Peroni, and Sam Adam’s Boston Lager. Recently however, I have been approaching IPA’s (India Pale Ales) with a hope to find an outstanding beer.
My personal favorite comes from a brewer called Goose Island (Chicago, IL). The beer is called “Matilda.” The flavor is outrageously complex and I love it. I recommend it to anyone.
But I want some recommendations for IPA’s to taste. Off the top of my head I can remember the following I’ve tried. Thanks!!!
-Goose Island
-Dogfish Head
-Sierra Nevada
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19 Answers
IPAs make my tongue happy.
Lagers, do, but not as much.
Sierra Nevada makes one of my favorite IPAs along with Bells.
I hate you cause I can’t drink. More power to you and I will stop following.
Sampson Great answer
Bells two hearted IPA… FABULOUS!
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@scotielee not sure if you can find it in your neck of the woods, but Bent River Brewery has a nice Pale Ale that is very hoppy and sharp, a great beer for those that like ales. Persoanlly, I prefer stouts, and BRB Oatmeal Stout is my favorite. Smooth and has just a hint of sweetness, but not too bitter.
Trippel IPA from New Belgium Brewing Co.
One of my all time favorites!
I just had the pleasure of tasting Russian River’s Pliny the Elder… it knocked my socks off It’s an American Double/IPA
it was paired very nicely with Sun dried tomato/spinach sausage, served along side of stewed back eyed peas and a port/balsamic reduction…
Pliny the Elder? He was killed by Vesuvius in 79AD. What would he know about pale ale?
I can’t explain the name of the beer, @AstroChuck LOL, but it was a REALLY enjoyable beer
here’s one of the many good reviews from Beer advocate
A – Poured a gold-copper color, with about a finger’s width of off-white head.
S – Had to back away when I opened this one! Felt like I was sitting in a bin full of hops. Heavy floral, citrus, and pine notes as soon as the cap popped off, with gradual honey and grapefruit as the beer warmed up.
T – Excellent, is the best way to describe it. Very floral and citrusy up front, with the pine notes and hop bitterness taking over towards the back.
M – Perfect carbonation, with a rather light mouthfeel for an IIPA.
D – Only category I dropped it slightly in. Because of the very upfront taste and full flavor profile, not something I could session or drink all night. I guess the fact that I’m on the wrong coast to get this beer has something to do with it too. :)
Overall, though, a fantastic beer that I hope my friend in California will send me more of. I’d love to try Pliny the Younger, and many more from Russian River wherever I can get my hands on them.
I find IPAs give the sensation of drinking in a funeral parlor. The floral bouquet just seems to be consistently over the top,
If you want to ask another question, regarding beer in general, I can give several good recommendations in pretty much the whole rest of the beer spectrum.
@erniefernandez I like beer in general. I’d love to hear some of your thoughts.
Stone IPA, all the way. This is a very good beer. From Stone Brewing Company, I believe there in San Diego, Ca. If I remember correctly it sort of taste like…
Sierra will always be my favorite I think. I’ve enjoyed a Bells recently. Smuttynose is a good IPA- maybe check that out if it’s available near you. I like Southhampton’s IPA. I like Rogue’s IPAs. Harpoon is pretty good and while not quite up to the standard of some of the other beers mentioned here like Sierra it’s available easily.
you might look up some beers to try here- I think you can sort by style too-
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