What exactly happens when a (hypothetical) antimatter black hole merges with a 'normal' black hole?
Let’s look at two cases
1) Both black holes have the same mass
2) The ‘normal’ black hole is slightly heavier
What happens when the antimatter black hole disappears beyond the event horizon? Is there an explosion, but all the photons remain trapped? If not, is the new black hole simply twice the size?
For case number 2, can the additional normal matter somehow reappear, e.g. as a result of the enormous explosion?
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11 Answers
I don’ know but I just almost had a ‘black out’ trying to get my head round this question.(-:
@lloydbird – Do I have to worry about a law suit? Maybe we need a new Fluther feature ;-)
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Scenario 1: Ok, I think I got it, because both are so massive, they would combine almost instantly (by accelerationing since their gravity started affecting the other. by the time they join, they are going VERY fast.), thus annihilating all their mass into pure energy creating one of the biggest explosions possible (which could escape because their is no ‘mass’ left to hold it back).
Still thinking on number 2
Baby black holes.
Awww. Ain’t they cute?
I’m not sure the antimatter would get past the normal black hole’s event horizon. If it did though, I’d imagine it’d be a pretty large expulsion of energy and radiation, but in the end I think the matter black hole would consume it’s anti matter counterpart.
This is, of course, assuming anti matter black holes exist in the first place, which, has always been something I have a hard time getting my head around.
@ABoyNamedBoobs03 – Would an explosion happen even before the two event horizons touch? In this case the gamma ray photons could escape.
wait a sec.Black holes are completely characterised by electrical charge, mass, and angular momentum, so how can we talk about matter or antimatter black holes.It’s useless .Even if one would be matter and the other one would be antimatter all this would be beyond event horizont so it would be relevant just for electrical charge(the black holes would have opposite electrical charge).So I think that the 2 black holes would merge and it will result an electrical neutral black hole until a non-neutral object would go beyond the event horizon.Probably inside it the matter and antimatter would annihilate each other releasing high energy photons(gamma rays)but this would be hold inside by the radiation energy.
@Christian95 – Well, I was talking about an (hypothetical) antimatter star of, say 30 solar masses going supernova with all the antineutrons collapsing into a “antimatter” black hole. Antimatter stars might not exist. Heck, we haven’t even found antihelium anywhere in space.
Well, that settles it:
The universe was created when the fist of an angry god smashed into the antifist of an angry antigod.
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