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Will aiming a wireless router antenna at my computer help signal strength?
I KNOW I’m going to get a ton of flak for this question, so READ THE DETAILS.
I need this PURELY to settle a debate, as my dad won’t let me aim the antenna down as he thinks “it won’t do anything”, so let me explain.
I live in the base of a 3 floor house, the wireless router is on the top floor, off left. I am downstairs 2 floors, off right. One antenna is pointing DIRECTLY down. I hypothesize that if I aim the antenna towards my specific area (instead of straight downward, which is in my bathroom where I get a TERRIFIC signal) then my signal strength will improve. My dad thinks it won’t help at all. Can someone please just tell me one way or the other, so I can either stop losing a connection, or just forget about it if it won’t help? Thanks in advance for answering this stupid question.
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