Would the world really be a better place if cannabis was legal?
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53 Answers
I don’t think it would be much different. Just fewer harmless people in jail.
”I don’t think it would be much different. Just fewer harmless people in jail.”
So… “yes.”
Well, if nothing else, people won’t be in such a hurry all the time! I think that alone would be an improvement. More people would “stop and smell the roses”, and while they are doing it, they would notice how beautiful they are.
Ya i think more people would be more appreciative of the small things, and would certainly slow down their fast paced lifestyle. As Americans we live life way too fast! We should appreciate each and every day and stop running around so often, speeding everywhere. Weed would help us all.
Then again, it would eventually just make us all stupid and lazy
That would be bad, why? Because a lot of conservative Americans are fighting against cannabis. What if they all stopped, what would they go after next? I’ll tell you, they will come after fluther.com!
There would be like half as many drug arrests. The marijuana industry would clean itself up. It would help out our economy in 2 ways. The war on drugs, resulting court costs, and jail costs of all marijuana related crimes would be gone. Also im sure the govt would tax the crap out of it thus giving the govt probably billions more a year. Also kids who get shoved into the prison system for marijuana offenses wouldn’t become hardened criminals in jail. But on the other hand im sure there would some negative aspects too…
Re: Diana Schuler-Pot doesn’t kill people, cars kill people.
It would cut down on the prison population considerably.
@galileogirl ya sure it was the pot and not all the alcohol in her system ?
I didn’t say it was pot OR alcohol. After all her family, who knew her best, said she never smoked, Family claims are better than scientific evididence.
Seriously she had to have been a pretty comitted pothead. Either she brought it with her to use in a family campground or she managed to find a dealer in an area she was not familiar with-and kids in the car. That kind of behavior isn’t a casual substance user.
It would be a small progress, if linked with good education. Cannabis, like alcohol, has the potential to become dangerous.
A far more significant step would be turning hard drugs into prescription drugs. Drug addicts are people who are sick. They need doctors and not be forced to become criminals to afford the drugs, let alone become even sicker by needle sharing.
@galileogirl sorry, i misunderstood the point you were trying to make.
No. Just because their is a large group of people who WANT marijuana to be legalized doesn’t make it right. Marijuana is a drug for a reason. Smoking one joint is as lethal as smoking 6 cigarettes back to back. Imported marijuana (which makes up 96% of the marijuana in the USA) has over 400 chemicals in it. The cheaper the weed, the more chemicals it contains. Marijuana also affects your cerebrum and diminishes your short-term memory by cutting off oxygen to the cerebrum stem. It also affects the part of the brain that afflicts motivation (Dorsolateral convexity region). Yeah, so you get lazy when you smoke it. You also have common stuff – cotton mouth, dry throat, increased heart rate, impaired coordination. Smoking marijuana can also increase your chances of catching diseases such as HIV, liver disease, and influenza because one of the chemicals (fractelloelnozum) breaks down the cells surrounding your immune system. And please don’t try to fight with me on this anybody—I don’t care what you say because you’ve smoked pot everyday for 10 years. I’m a Science Engineer at the University of Florida and I’ve been testing marijuana for 6 long, hard years. Please don’t doubt me.
@jho1188 you may think that marijuana has a bad effect on your health, but since when was that grounds for criminalizing a substance? Cigarette smoking is terrible for you and heavy drinking is bad for you but those aren’t illegal. It shouldn’t matter if its bad because its a personal choice.
@jho1188 now that i look at my post i realized my error. the question isn’t should it be legal but would the world be a better place so i can’t really contest your answer sorry
@jho1188 “I’m a Science Engineer at the University of Florida and I’ve been testing marijuana for 6 long, hard years”
“My birthday is August 30, 1988.”
Really now? Not only are you a science engineer at the young age of 20 but youve apparently been one since 14. You must be smart as hell. That are just speaking out your ass. For some reason i have this hunch that its the latter of the two.
Check out rule number 2
@jho1188 Hope you realize you lose pretty much any of your creditability by lying, and doing it all in the first day of becoming a member is just shameful. If you want to win an argument do it by providing actually evidence, with reliable sources.
no it won’t matter much. also it depends on what you mean by “better place” Even if it were legal, employers would no doubt still insist on a drug free workplace so the dopers will still be primarily trapped in the lower tier jobs. But hey, with legalization and competition out in front instead of black market prices those people in those low end jobs will be able to afford it better!
If it becomes legal, big pharm or big tobacco will take over because they have the production, distribution and marketing in place. In another generation you will see the high cost of OTC meds and the taxes of tobacco.
like with beer and wine there would probably be a provision for private growers to raise a small crop for their own consumption and if you are not a heavy user that quantity would more than likely be adequate for the average person. So that part of pot life would factor in to keep bigger growers from getting too big for their britches. Organic is better anyway
@uberbatman & @Trance24, I do apologize for being misunderstood. I have been doing testing for the past four years – not 6; that was my mistake. I did, in fact, graduate from Buchholz High 2 years early as the Valedictorian I might add with the help of our Accelerated Academic Program. You can contact Vince Perez, my principal and the reason I graduated so early, if you have any questions about that. His number is 352–955-6702. My name is Justin Shayne Embry. You may also contact So Hirata who is my associate professor in my science engineering & chemistry classes who I’ve studied with for the past 4 years. He may be reached at 352–283-1224. Also, @uberbatman, I do not need you telling me about rules of which I am already aware and sure as fuck don’t need you doubting the countless months I’ve put into my research. And @Trance24, please keep your mouth shut about my credibility and dropping words like “shameful.” I’ve already won the argument with my previous statement – as all the information is truthful and backed by my professor (once again his number is above). If you want to listen to it, that’s great. And if you don’t, that’s fine, but all my information still remainds factual. Also, why would I need to LIE on Fluther? I’m surely not trying to win some popularity contest by answering the most questions, just bring knowledge to the less informed. Thank you and goodnight.
@jaketheripper—marijuana does have a bad effect on your health, I don’t think it; I know it. Your argument is plausible, but not probable – you can smoke a pack of cigarettes all in a couple of hours and not have the same effects as marijuana. Drinking is another thing – it intoxicates your mind and body much the same as marijuana, but there are also laws about that. If I had it my way, cigarettes, alcohol, and marijuana and any other form of drug for that matter would be illegal because they don’t do anything for anybody but destroy people and the country. I also appreciate you being a man and realizing your mistake! :)
@jho1188 im far to lazy to call those people so i suppose ill go along with it. Please answer me this though
“Imported marijuana (which makes up 96% of the marijuana in the USA) has over 400 chemicals in it.”
where are your sources on this. Not only do i not believe the whole 400 chemical thing, but what really bothers me is the 96%. Im sorry, but theres no way in hell that only 4% of the marijuana consumed in this country is grown here. Have you ever heard of Humboldt county? Mind you thats just one small place in this vast country.
“marijuana and any other form of drug for that matter would be illegal because they don’t do anything for anybody but destroy people and the country”
Do you mind telling that to the residents of Holland and Portugal? Because they seem to be doing just fine.
@uberbatman – please believe what you want. It’s not my place to enforce my studies on you. Thanks.
Hey Guys the conversation is over jho 118 spoke his mind and thats all there needs to be. he is the expert. No need to cite other sources or studies hes been studying pot since middle school
@jho1188 If your going to say something, be prepared to back it up. By not providing such sources it only makes yourself that much less reliable. Just telling others to believe you or not doubt you isnt enough. Back up what you say with some real proof.
@jaketheripper im not willing to believe he’s an expert in anything. If he was, he’d have no problem siting his sources.
@jaketheripper sorry. Interwebs are so poor for sarcasm sometimes. >_<
lol, you’re right. its all good though
Alright guys, I apologize for being bitchy, I really do. I’ve been studying marijuana for a long time and coming from a father who violently abused the substance, I get testy sometimes about the topix. The thing is, I am the source. All of the things my group & I have studied prove everything I’ve said. If no one wants to believe it, that’s fine. Just thought I’d put it out there.
back pedal back pedal back pedal….
@uberbatman, LOL! I’m done arguing, thanks. You’ve proven your childishness and I don’t really care to worry too much about you anymore. :)
@jho1188 What uber and others mean is where are the actual documents and evidence in which you compiled? Are there any published works you have? If it is one thing I know its that nothing is proven until it is published by the science community. So by you just saying your the source is not enough. I have no problem with the fact that you may have indeed concluded all this but like everything we argue here we ask for the evidence. So again I ask do you have any published works backed by other scientists besides your professors and such? And if you can not post these publications could you tell us were to find them? Because if what you say is true, it is in fact very interesting.
@jho1188 You only argued marijuana was bad, you never even argued if it was worth the billions of dollars a year we spend incarcerating nonviolent drug users, or if the government even has the right to say what adults put into their own bodies.
@jho1188: I called the numbers you gave. No one answered.
@Trance24 – You can find everything that my group and several others from the University of Florida have concluded and retested several times at the Education Library, Marston Science Libray & Health Center Libraries on campus as well as any of Ohio University Libraries who have been exponentially assistive & involved in all of our research. The University of Arizona has also helped a little (Main Information Commons Library and the Dolores & Hugh Benton Shell Collection Library and James G. Bruce Collection Library) as well
@benjaminlevi – I won’t say ALL adults, but when even a fraction of the “nonviolent drug users” begin to use marijuana responsibly, then I will acknowledge your response. Personally, I don’t care what you do in the privacy of your own home and if you’d like to ruin your health that’s fine.
@petethepothead – I suggest you try calling back. I’m not sure why they wouldn’t answer. But please make sure when you do contact them, you mention my name and you speak with some type of intelligence, just so they’ll take you seriously.
@jho1188 soooo you mean to say, nothing you’ve published is available anywhere online? Convenient…..
@uberbatman, as I’ve said before – you are out for one thing and that is to discredit me. And once again, I’m not worrying about you. If you’d like, contact the University of Florida and ask to speak to the Dean. I believe her name is Page. I’m sure she could point you in the right direction if anything we’ve done has been published on the internet or in any other sources as she would have to approve it. Thanks! :)
@jho1188 i dont need to discredit you, you’ve done that already. Id rather you prove yourself. Back your shit up. Instead you just send everyone on a wild goose chase to find YOUR SOURCES. Sources that dont exist.
Btw i was doing a little light reading
“According to a Library of Congress report, an estimated 50 percent of the marijuana available in the United States is imported.” Soooo now, who’s studies are right? Yours or theirs?
@uberbatman, I’d have to say mine baby. Check when that was published and how many accredited sources they have. Just because it’s the “Library of Congress” doesn’t mean anything. “Sources that don’t exist” :) You make me smile.
Here are some alternative contact information for those jho1188 listed above:
1.So Hirata
Associate Professor
Quantum Theory Project
Department of Chemistry
NPB 2326, P.O.Box 118435
Gainesville, FL 32611–8435
(352) 392–6976
hirata (at) qtp.ufl.edu
2. Vince Perez, perezv@gm.sbac.edu, Buchholz High # (352) 955 – 6702
awww man…. he disabled his account. Guess we’ll never find out the real truth about marijuana now~
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