General Question

ragingloli's avatar

What are some of your stories from long past school days that make you think "Yeah, that was awesome!"?

Asked by ragingloli (52407points) August 15th, 2009

The one most vivid in my memory is the story about how we were supposed to write an interpretation of a picture (the famous “evolution of man” one) as homework.
Being the lazy bum I was, I of course did not do it. Then the teacher started to randomly select pupils to read out their work and then grading them.
Panicking and thinking that the danger that I would be one of the guys selected was too big to test fate, I quickly pulled something out of my arse and scribbled it down. Just as I was finished, I was indeed selected. So I read out my done-in-5-minutes text.

I got a score of 14 out of 15.

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12 Answers

Rant's avatar

Me and my friends would make soap bombs that consisted of a paper towel, water, and soap. When you would throw it up it would stick to the ceiling. We threw so many and they all stuck. Later, I went to the bathroom with a couple people and one of the soap bombs fell off the ceiling and stuck to his head.

ragingloli's avatar

We did something similar. Most of the class-rooms’ ceilings where covered in styropor panels. We built paper planes (the ones with the thin noses) and shot them into the panels where they got stuck.
Unfortunately we did this during class with our business management teacher, and he threatened us with the school sueing us for compensation for replacing the panels with new ones (shooting these planes into the panels was a clear cut case of damage of private property after all). We removed the planes and never did it again.

kruger_d's avatar

We annonymously sabotaged a friend’s car several times—filled it with balloons, stuck Oreo halves all over it, covered it with post-its with sappy feel-good sayings.

marinelife's avatar

My girlfriend and I left at lunch and drove out in the country. We found an old WWII tank (we lived in Kodiak, Alaska) rusting there, and I decided it would be a great idea to climb in it. (Idiotic, but it was high school.)

So we climb down into the tank (not much to see), and then we were going to climb out. My friend went first. I started to climb up out the hatch, and my bra strap caught on a piece of metal sticking out of the rusted open hatch cover leaving me dangling half in and half out of the tank. I could not reach around and unhook myself, and I had a few panicky moments imagining her having to go get the fire department or something.

Luckily, she was able to get me unhooked eventually.

We laughed like loons all the way back to school. Those were the days.

ekans's avatar

My school days aren’t that long past, but I hope this counts anyways
When my high school Japanese class took a trip to japan, a friend and I made it a point to videotape ourselves juggling in front of every place we went. We did this for the first two days, but gave up after we realized how many places we were going to visit. We also performed a juggling routine for our host school.

Grisaille's avatar

I once got suspended for suspicion of setting the school on fire and sent to a juvi center for a few months. Yeah!

No, I did not start the fires.

Yes, fires. With an “s”.

charliecompany34's avatar

1. being able to make wads of wet toilet paper stick on the ceiling of the boys bathroom.
2. mirrors on shoes to see up girl’s skirts. (i’ve matured. it was just a puberty thing.)
3. planting a time capsule in front of st. ethelreda statue in courtyard.
4. going on a field trip for whatever reason
5. spitballs at lunch time
6. after leaving home, changing into clothes you “wanted” to wear at school
7. spending all your allowance on monday so you could eat white castle hamburgers for breakfast.
8. sitting on the back of a bus with a girl.
9. talking on a phone at home (a land line) with a girl and the parent picks up the phone
10. schoolboy crushes and all the music of the day that remind you.

rottenit's avatar

I would put an alarm clock on a fake gold chain, toss on a track suit and show up places talking and looking like flava-flav.

Imagine a 250lb suburban white boy jumping around looking like the flav and shouting “What time is it?”

irocktheworld's avatar

Hehee, I hugged the dude I liked soo tightly that everyone was shocked and it was surprising and unexpected! :) i do NOT regret it :)
All the parties were great! :]

DominicX's avatar

Winning my middle school’s Geography Bee 3 years in a row, the only person to ever do that and the first 6th grader to win since 1988!

Getting tossed into a group of people at the end of my decades dance performance (each 8th grade class had a different decade and a different dance to go with that decade. I had the ‘30s).

Spending the whole English period on the couch in my English teacher’s room Senior year and going to the barbecue she had at her house with all my former classmates right after school got out.

Going to football games and cheering my ass off with other people (that was especially fun since several of my friends were on the team) and making the administration angry that we were distracting the lame sub-par “cheerleaders”. (Our school is known for the dance team, which is really awesome, but during junior year we had cheerleaders and it ended up being really lame and they discontinued it).

Recording a rap song with my friend Paul about “manliness” (it was supposed to be funny and a little satirical), the best line being: “when I see a girl my eyes go like this: titty titty ass titty titty ass tits”. I still have the recording and several other raps we recorded (with Garage Band). And yes, he’s better at it than I am. :(

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Climbing high into smooth trunked Avocado trees and building “nests” from smaller supple branches.

Digging a huge tunnel into the ground with my mates, took about a month and a half but we had a good 2ft diameter opening and before it collapsed the depth was measured near 7ft.

Riding ponies in a canyon community dotted with decrepit orange groves.

shkmru3's avatar

this huge gigantic riot at the end of my sixth grade year and for once me and my friends were in the middle of it as if you would say leader it was raciel and about 6 kids versus 1000.

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