General Question

ragingloli's avatar

What is your opinion on Halflife 2 Episode 3?

Asked by ragingloli (52358points) August 16th, 2009

Personally I think Valve is pathetic. They take ages to create and release something that is in essence nothing more than a medium sized HL2 mod with, if at all, only marginally improved visuals and gameplay.

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12 Answers

sandystrachan's avatar

Stop buying games from valve then , you should have read reviews or a demo maybe even looked on youtube before buying . Or you could have torrented it found that it sucks and save money

ragingloli's avatar

it hasn’t been released yet (see how long they take).

sandystrachan's avatar

Have you seen how it looks ? It could be that making games takes ages , they could be sorting bugs GT5 has been in the pipeline for YEARS thats gonna be ace . Give them a break they might be taking this long cause they wanna make it better .
If its not out and you think valve suck , don;t buy it and give them money :) simples

Grisaille's avatar

Quite frankly, Valve has been pissing me off for a the better part of a year now.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I haven’t got an opinion of it because it doesn’t exist.

StellarAirman's avatar

If it’s anywhere near as good as Half-Life 2 and the other two episodes then it’ll be worth it in my opinion. They make the best and most polished first person shooters out there.

People complain that they take too long, but they also complain when games are rushed out before they are done and are full of bugs and poor design. You can’t have both in most circumstances. Making things that don’t suck takes time.

I’m happy to wait for the quality, personally.

Malcrony's avatar

At first I was going to Type in how much I hated valve, we all do… no need being redundant about that. now. Left 4 Dead two is where they took my last straw… Turns out I won’t be playing it… no matter how great the multiplayer would be.
And about Half Life 2 Episode 3. I started to play it didn’t even get within 30 minutes of game time and went back to the game stop to return it.
the store rep looked at me with a smile and said:
Quote: “You’re the third one to return it and it’s only been out for a week.” unquote

StellarAirman's avatar

You guys are weird. I consider Valve’s games to be the best in the industry. Haven’t heard of anyone having such a problem with them before.

doggywuv's avatar

Half-Life is the best video game series ever. The story, the characters, and the dialog are all wonderful. I can’t wait for Episode 3 to come out. I’m curious about the G-man.

hex's avatar

I’ll play it and I’m sure I’ll get my entertainment dollars worth. The previous episodes were worth the wait and far better than any other FPS I’ve played.

Malcrony's avatar

@Malcrony I think you mean episode two

(yes, I did correct myself.)

Bugabear's avatar

Well compare the first half life to the second one. Thats the kind of thing that took them so long. Not only that but Valve has been doing other things other than half life. Half life just makes up a fraction of the games that they’ve been working on.

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