General Question

seVen's avatar

Is the HOV/Car Pool lane legal for a pregnant lady in your state?

Asked by seVen (3492points) August 16th, 2009 from iPhone

If not, do you think it should be since there are really two being traveling not one!?

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6 Answers

Ame_Evil's avatar

Then what about people with multiple personality disorder if you’re going to get technical.

marinelife's avatar

Here is a case where the courts in Arizona clearly said no.

Other states’ laws agree:
“And according to the North Carolina Department of Transportation, “An occupant is any person who occupies one seat in the vehicle. Pregnant mothers count as one occupant.” That leaves little room for doubt for mommies-to-be in the Tarheel State.

Although the laws governing use of carpool or HOV lanes vary by state, Georgia, Virginia, and California all concur that an unborn baby does not count as an occupant. ”

Now, here’s my question. Why don’t right-to-lifers show equal concern for living children and for the fact that the US has the highest infant mortality rate of any civilized country in the world?

Quagmire's avatar

Then let’s charge the pregnant woman for two seats in a movie theater? Live theater? A plane? Public transportation?

PerryDolia's avatar

There was a case a couple of years ago where a Highway Patrolman pulled over a lady for driving alone in the car pool lane. She said she was pregnant, so there were two people in the car.

The next day the same Highway Patrolman pulled over the same lady, and gave her a citation for having two people in the driver’s seat.

Looks like “no” either way.

marinelife's avatar

@PerryDolia Funny. Is that true?

GIFTownP's avatar

@Ame_Evil the voice of logic. I hope that this person is joking, or I’d be worried about them. If they’re actually pregnant, or something, then… i’d be weirded out.

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