When did you see something pornographic for the first time?
Asked by
rebbel (
August 16th, 2009
Do you remember the first time in your life you saw pornographic material?
What was your feeling like when you saw it?
I was about twelve years old when i found a magazine behind an electricitybox in the street.
I didn’t know about sex much at the time, but for one reason or another, i knew it was something exciting and it gave me an “wow”-feeling.
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36 Answers
I was in this apartments and then I saw these tiny books with porn…they were cartoonish but I was smart enough to know what it was/to get the idea…..I was like eww and then hid them somewhere else.
I must have been 5 or so, someone had thrown away a Playboy or something like that in some ruins where we used to play as kids. We used to discover such stuff all the time, and would gather around and go “wow…look at her!” and giggle a lot. We didn’t get turned on of course, didn’t even imagine someone might actually like that grotesque sight. We just found it weird and often embarked on porn-hunting, just for the fun of it. We’d either burn the magazines later, or, if we couldn’t get hold of matches, pee on them.
I found an old porno next to a dumpster which was behind the church I was living next to.
I was around 9 or 10 I think. I felt pretty good about it.
As a small child, I noticed that my father hid some video tapes high up on the living room furniture. One Saturday morning, at the age of 5–6 years old, I climbed up there and popped the tape into the VCR. I didn’t understand the plot so much; it seemed to be about a mad scientist connecting women to a machine that caused immense pain but made their boobies grow bigger. I’m actually dying to know what it was I was watching back then so I could find it again and figure out what the hell was going on.
My father walked in me and my little 2 year old brother watching the tape. At first he just stood there and watched along with me. Then he looked down at me with a wide grin, and not knowing any better, I smiled back at him. In the very next instant, he slapped me in the face so hard that it erased my memory. Until this day, I don’t remember what happened after the slap, not even the pain.
I saw Titanic in theaters when I was ten. There was a boob teehee. I doubt it was meant to be pornographic, but that’s how I took it.
Thanks all, so far!
@cyndihugs Eww, not Wow?
@Jack79 Hehheh, peeing on them. Naughty!
@drdoombot I’m so sorry, but it made me laugh, seeing you laughing back to your dad and then being smacked…
i think you should have punchim back in the face. He was the one who did not secure the material properly.
1st grade or so, torn out page stuck to a branch of one of those windbreaking trees along one side of the playground. All the boys huddled around it until mob frenzy took over and the page was ripped to shreds. I can still hear Teddy Watson yelling, “I got half a boob!”
2nd grade, same exact thing (which is weird).
3rd grade or so, sleepover in the living room of a friend’s house where his dad kept the penthouses on the top shelf of the bookcase.
4th grade, intercepting the playboy channel at a friend’s house and wondering why my crotch started to hurt so bad.
5th grade or so, got curious about the grocery bag that had been tucked in the corner of Dad’s trunk. Noticed that they misspelled the magazine title, which obviously should have read “Hottest Born Stars of 1984.”
I probably also found it strange that I didn’t recognize any of the stars, but since they had only been “born” in 1984, maybe I just didn’t know their work.
I vaguely remember a poster of a woman in a swimsuit on the wall in my dad’s garage when I was like 4 or 5. I can’t find it now :(
@rebbel it was more like ohhhhhh…ewww! But then it amazed me…lol
My friends told me about this “totally awesome” website where all my favorite characters from Dragonball Z were screwing those sweet babes from Sailor Moon. The website was something like Dragon Moon Z.
Legitimate pornography (real humans) was probably a few months after that.
My first real contact with porn was when we went through on of my classmate’s porn collection on his PC.
there i also saw a drawn picture of a girl getting cunnilingus from a cat. i blame this for my fur affinity
First and last time.(I hope)
It was the last day of 9th grade, my friend had these Chinese porn books, I didn’t even know they were porn cause they were like comics. Then she told me to look for a page for her and I was like ok, then I saw two people in a weird “position” and I threw the book at her for being a bitch. lol
The second time was when I was at my aunts house and my cousins girlfriend was there and I accidently saw them “doing it” it was gross. I was never able to look at them the same way again.
@Tink1113 I saw my parents doing it once…..I started to cry
I remember seeing porn when I was pretty young, in grade school. Nothing nasty, just Playboy. I remember reading the articles with my mother. not as creepy as it sounds.
The first sex scene I remember was American History X. I was 12, and it was the shower scene when Edward Norton’s character gets raped. It was pretty intense :(
@cyndihugs Oh my god! I’ve never seen my parents, but I’ve heard them…
@Tink1113 I’ve heard them too. It’s pretty sad. I’ll probably never have sex while my children are in the same house with me at the moment.
5th or 6th grade. Basement of my best friend’s grandmother’s house – adult son living with her. There was a torn out centerfold from Hustler in the basement that she, her younger brother and I found. It was graphic (blood, biting, several people together) and pretty shocking to me, but we took a good long look anyway.
age 11, I was like, hell yeah
6 years old. My guardian’s then-boyfriend (or her, even, I don’t know) had left some sex mags in the back of her closet. When I went digging around for her heels to clomp about in, there they were. It wasn’t just nude women, it was all sorts of people having full-on intercourse. I was surprised to see all the places where the penis went in the women. It looked like it would be painful by my immature reckoning. I put the magazines back after a few minutes. I didn’t want my guardian to know I’d found them, and I never looked at them again. It was just too overwhelming.
@rebbel Don’t feel bad. I crack up every time I tell that story and so does anyone I tell it to.
I was about seven years old. That has led me to the place I am now in life. Whooda thunk it?
My first memory is around age 4 or 5, but it’s possible I saw things before then. I started looking at my father’s magazines and pornos, and began masturbating to the naked pictures of the women.
8-years-old – my step-brother at the time stole on of his older brother’s magazines and spent the night at my house and we looked at it, laughed, and then played video games for 2 hours with hard-ons. LOL
I don’t remember when it was, but my cousin showed me a website where you could dress Paris Hilton. When I got home I remember trying for hours to find that website (I had no idea that 99% of what you can type into a search box would yield a porn site).
@pikipupiba – could you possibly be talking about NewGrounds.com? They have LOTS of games there – you can dress Paris & Lindsay, throw spears at Britney, assassinate Justin Timberlake, all those fun things, lol!
I think I saw Playboys by the time I was 8. Friends older brother’s magazine. But I didn’t see porn until I was in college, I don’t think. They actually had a pornographic film festival, in which they showed Deep Throat and the Devil in Miss Jones, I think. It was weird sitting in a huge theater, filled with college students, all watching the movies as if they were movies, and not masturbation aids.
The women all said it was totally boring, and so did the guys (just to be politically correct, I think). I wished I could watch it in private.
Gosh—it sounds great. I’m still waiting eagerly.
I saw playboys at around 13. These kids showed me they were in a box at a house I was babysitting.
Hardcore porn was a video tape my roommate in collage left in his vcr. I got back from class, hit play thinking my movie was in there and woops.
@jho1188 Yea! That’s it! Hehehehe, small world, huh?
@pikipupiba – lol! Yeah! I remember going to that website in middle school and our Technology teacher always writing us up for it! :)
I was about 8 years old. A girl at school had told me about these strange magazines she had found in her mother’s bedroom, and I asked her to bring them in. I was in awe of seeing naked couples ‘in the act’ for some time, and even at that innocent and tender age, came close to writing to one of the classified personal adverts in the back of the mag to ask if I could come and see her without anything on. Bless my cotton socks!
I first saw porn on the internet at the age of 14 when some of my friends told me about it..
I was snooping in my parent’s bedroom at 12, when I discovered a stash of magazines (largely Playboys) and hardcore videos in their closet. I knew what porn was (kids at school talk), but I’d never seen it until that moment.
I got very turned on by it. I was already curious about sex, but the videos and mags just intensified my desire.
Holy moly, it must I must have been about 10 or 11yr when some kid brought a magazine to school and was showing us at recess, it was B/W but it had shots of this stage with staduim seats about it and all these muscular men blowing eachother and some getting their meat packed. We were grossed out more than gross back in the day you would NEVER admit to wanting another boys dick in your mouth if you wanted to go home with your teeth intact, it was like dreck (dreadful train wreck), we just could not look away no matter how much we were grosses. It to us was so unbelievable.
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