When someone adds you to their Fluther, do you feel obliged to add them back?
Is an add to a fluther sort of like a friend request, in that adding them back is a means of “accepting?” Or do you not think of it that way?
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25 Answers
Not to me. I add people to my Fluther if I like the quality of their answers and questions and want to follow them.
No, I don’t feel obligated… it depends entirely on my impression of their posts. I rarely use the “My Fluther” features anyway. For one thing, I mostly use the iPhone Web App, which doesn’t really access it. Secondly, I have so many topics in my profile, that nearly every new post is sent to me anyway!
No. The people in my Fluther are usually special to me in some way, i.e., I like their answers, their support, questions, etc.
kinda…..only if they treat me with respect and are fun to talk to..^
I have no idea who’s fluther I’m in for the most part, I never pay any attention to my “lurve tracker”
No, but if they ask me I will. Otherwise I just add those flutherers that I find interesting or am friendly with. The hell with the rest of you (j/k of course).
@AstroChuck People have asked you to add them? I’ve never had that happen. Maybe for good reason….
Yeah. I’ve had a few. It’s fine. I don’t really mind.
I usually reciprocate. After all, if they like what I type they are obviously pretty cool.
As odd as I am, when someone joins my Fluther I add them back, simply because they obviously have found something positive in my personality from the answers I’ve left. That’s a rare thing, because it seems some people see me as an arrogant bastard. I really don’t know why, other than my lack of subtlety (I am about as subtle as having an anvil dropped on your head) and my raucous sense of humor.
well i really like most of the jellies here, and the only reason i don’t add them all is because 1) i have heard word of a ‘limit’! and 2) well that would take up the time i could spend posting and reading questions…
so when someone adds me, it’s basically an incentive to add that specific person back. unless i really don’t like them. but i can’t think of anyone that’s added me that i don’t like. so that’s that. (:
I’m very picky with who I add to my fluther, but I guess everyone else is too, because I’m only in one other fluther and I know my answers are high quality! * wink wink *
I almost sure, a person changed their profile, because I think they dreaded me in their Fluther or to be associated with me – LOL – I think some people take it too seriously.
If the person is funny, rational, interesting and some what kind hearted, then those are the ingredients for me.
When I happen to notice I’ve been added to someone’s fluther, I at least look at their profile. I most often reciprocate.
I don’t feel obligated. I’ve added a few people and then removed them after seeing additional responses/attacks. What bugs me most is when I’ve left comments for people and never got a response; those people, if in my fluther, definitely get removed.
Hey, everybody! Add me! I’m not proud!
No, simply because I don’t tend to add anyone to my Fluther because I still don’t see how I would benefi from having loads of people in my Fluther. I think I have one person added to mine and that’s it!
Not one bit. Beyond that, I like to keep my own Fluther trimmed down.
I had one person actually believe he was entitled to be added to my Fluther simply because he added me to his… that conversation ended quickly, let me tell you.
@AstroChuck I’ll add you…only if you add ME. It’s blackmail time. ;-)
@AstroChuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huh. Well, you’re in mine now!
Well….i guess so because I would only add people who give out good questions and have good answers.I would also add them if they were nice and fun to talk to,even if their avatars are cute too!
@Marina – Well screw you then your histor…....wait…....
never mind.
It’s a case by case situation. Generally, I do it because I want to hear what they have to say.
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