General Question

nebule's avatar

What comforts you?

Asked by nebule (16472points) August 18th, 2009

As expressed in another thread I’m missing something at the moment. And I thought it was my spirituality…but I am rethinking and it’s possible that it is not that. Although I do still need to figure that out…

You know how you feel safe and comforted as a child? Well it’s kind of that feeling that I’m missing. I guess I used to get it from chocolate and food but now I’m dieting I’m not getting that any more.

It’s a warm feeling, of sitting back and relaxing into to life, comfortable and neither happy or sad…just yummy…a yummy feeling perhaps… like being wrapped in cotton wool?

Do you have this feeling?
Do you desire this feeling?
How do you get this feeling?
How do you advise I go about getting this feeling back?

The world feels very cold.

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45 Answers

drdoombot's avatar

As big a supporter as I am of finding strength internally instead of through external sources, I find that I feel most comfortable with people I love.

My anxiety manifests itself in a loss of appetite and a feeling of nausea. I’ve noticed that when I’m in a social situation with people I’m not completely comfortable with, I have a hard time eating. On the other hand, when I’m with my mother, my brothers or my best friend, I am completely at ease and hungry.

Be with those you love. Or watch old Friends reruns.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar


but on a serious note I think I must have some mommy complex or a similar vex. When I’m with a woman I care for, whether it be an intimate moment or not, I just feel relaxed and I stop thinking about the plethora of issues I have to deal with on a daily basis.

a couple bats of her eyes and the hint of a smile goes a long way to curing the ailments of life for me, I have no idea why.

Buttonstc's avatar

Step 1) Go to shelter and choose kitten in color desired.

Step 2) Pet kitten and speak softly to it.

Step 3) Bring kitten into quiet bedroom with you, close door.

Step 4) Lie on back on mattress

Step 5) Place majority of kitten on chest with its’ legs wrapped around your neck and its’ head tucked under your chin

Step 6) Pet kitten to elicit purring

Enjoy as long as needed for as many times as needed.

quasi's avatar

the internet.

“The web minus the internet equals all that is lacking
and all that is lacking plus the internet equals the web.

The internet is made and therefore is not whole,
for the made lacks the maker.

The web is not made and therefore is one whole,
for the unmade is the maker.

YES INFObrother
YES every LoVeR
YES INFOsister
YES every HaTeR

The cup of the internet runneth over,
its contents greater than its container.”

-Kevin Bewersdorf

cyndyh's avatar

I do have that feeling. Not every minute, but it’s there for me. Anything that’s very in-the-moment gets me there. If I’m in the middle of a swim or a long hike I have it. If I’m playing music I have it. If I’m making something or working on something that I just want to make or do (not something I have to do for someone else) then I have that feeling.

AstroChuck's avatar

Corny, I know, but having the love of my family.

Also, as @ABoyNamedBoobs03 said earlier, boobs are pretty wonderful.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

a nice room.
maybe it’s just me, but being in a room that is just completely filled with things i love makes me feel really, really comfortable and happy. i’m constantly adding and redoing things in my room, because at the end of the day, it is the one place i know i can just sit down and relax in.

Malcrony's avatar

I think I’ve mentioned this before, astrology comforts me. As weird as it sounds studying the stars makes me forget everything else and feel at ease… Besides that, a warm bath, with the smell of strawberries makes me a smile.

OpryLeigh's avatar

Most of my comfort comes from either being with my fella, best friend or certain family members but I also get comfort from the following (depending on how I’m feeling to begining with obviously):

Being with my dogs and horses
Reading a great book
Listening to certain music (ie: favourite artists/bands of mine)
Musical Theatre
A nice cup of tea (that’s the old lady in me!)
Sitting on swings
Certain TV programmes (Reba, America’s Next Top Model or a documentary that interests me)
Watching a good movie (preferably at the Cinema with popcorn and a drink)

I find that when I am anxious about things Rescue Remedy has a soothing effect on me.

I also believe in God which, in the depths of lonliness, has helped me a lot but I know this isn’t for everyone.

I hope some of this helps.

teh_kvlt_liberal's avatar

Sometimes a good record.

ubersiren's avatar

My husband. He can hug me and make it all better.

cookieman's avatar

• Hanging out with my wife and daughter when we’re all in synch (which, thankfully, is about 90% of the time).

• A clean and organized house. Clutter makes me nervous.

• Listening to good music while alone (usually on headphones).

• A really good night’s sleep (which is, unfortunately, rare).

Quagmire's avatar

I don’t think you ever get “that” feeling back as an adult. Part of that feeling (which you only have when “mommy and daddy” SEEM to take all your problems away) is not knowing all the bad that’s out there. As a child, you don’t know much about molesters, terrorists, psychos, and the like. You usually don’t know what it’s like to loose a job, be homeless, or when a sick loved one is actually dying. So, as far as you’re concerned, if mommy put a bandaid on a scraped knee and it took the pain away, there wasn’t a problem in the world.

shrubbery's avatar

When mummy and daddy buy me candy. I’m 17 now, so it’s a rare thing, but it does happen. And when it does, it’s awesome.

cyn's avatar

agrees with @tiffyandthewall I love a room with a soft matress.

marinelife's avatar

Comfort comes when my husband spoons me. All my anxieties fall away, I feel ridiculously safe even though I know logically it makes no sense, and he radiates warmth.

Comfort comes when I have my dog laying next to me, and I put my arms around him. He even lets me weep into his fur and licks my tears away.

CMaz's avatar

A warm sandy beach, a cold drink and someone I love sitting next to me.

jstlaura's avatar

I really think that you’re already on the right track with your first inclination… that the answer for the feeling that you’re missing is the essence of spirituality—that connection to the source that we all share. It’s not that you’ve lost the connection, per se; it’s seems that you’ve lost the sense of it in your daily life. It’s actually an intentional thing, I find, to remind yourself in any given moment of just how connected we all are. I’ll give you a prosaic example from my own daily life. I have a wonderful daily opportunity to “meditate” in the form of walking Gus, my golden retriever. Sometimes I get lost in whatever is playing on my IPod. But then I will find myself being “hyper-aware” of my surroundings… the sense that the swaying trees know that they have my attention or when I recognize that the instant I have a thought of being hot, a cooling breeze sweeps over me. When I have those “aha!” moments of connection, I feel exhilarated beyond expression… almost overjoyed and weepy at the same time. Whenever you find yourself feeling empty or disconnected, try the remedy of intention… to make yourself be in the moment. I wish you all the best.

PerryDolia's avatar

Sounds like you are hypoglycemic from dieting. Your blood sugar is too low.

My dad was diabetic, and when his blood sugar got low he said it made him “feel like a squirrel.”

Have a little apple juice.


no one should go without chocolate. Never. Diet or no diet.

sakura's avatar

A hug from my dad comforts me :)
If you haven’t got someone to cuddle:

1) Take your right arm and put across your waist
2) Take your left arm and put it across your waist
3) SQUEEZE really hard

A virtual hug from me xx

ShanEnri's avatar

There are many things that make me feel warm and fuzzy! Here are some, a good book, my kids doing things to make me laugh, hot chocolate on a rainy, cold winter day, my husband telling me I mean the world to him. No one can tell you how to get it back, you have to actively find it. Experiment and don’t compare the new ones to the old because the new will never measure up!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

when my dog chooses to sit on the couch, and makes it a point to HAVE TO BE TOUCHING ME even though she has the whole couch to stretch out, well, that makes me feel an emotion that words cannot describe.

Pets love us unconditionally, and unconditional love is nothing to ever be taken for granted. @Buttonstc gave you a very good suggestion.

nebule's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra it did sound a little sordid at first though you have to admit… :-/

Facade's avatar

Food mostly. Some things comfort me some of the time, but food comforts me all of the time. as you could tell by my current flabby appearance

AstroChuck's avatar

@Facade- Food comforts me as well, that is until I step on the scale.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Being held and stroked. Sometimes it takes a tackle to settle me down but then the feeling comes over like being put to sleep or opium, ahhh.

tramnineteen's avatar

True comfort comes from hope. I get my hope from my faith in Christ.

wundayatta's avatar

My wife. My kids. My friends. Good conversation over a bottle of wine. Jamming with great musicians. Being told I do good work (and told exactly why and how it is good).

FB's avatar

the wind

Resonantscythe's avatar

Do you have this feeling? No.
Do you desire this feeling? Yes. So much.
How do you get this feeling? Being held by/holding someone I care for
How do you advise I go about getting this feeling back? Finding something to cuddle up with. I see a lot of pet suggestions here.

irocktheworld's avatar

Food comforts me and makes me happy,haha. When I have a nice fluffy pillow and sleep in the night makes me feel good and comforable.I also feel good when I’m taking a long,hot,and cool shower since it feels good.:)

hearkat's avatar

I don’t know how others felt safe and comforted as a child, because my own home was never a safe place for me. Feeling secure within myself and in the world have been difficult to achieve, as a result. I did used to comfort myself with food for decades, and now I am working hard to unload the literal ‘baggage’ of my past.

However, I have found that in my life, everything has happened as it needed to. I can look back and see the path and how each experience has brought me to the place I am now. The painful experiences of my past have taught me much, and from that I have learned how to see the silver lining in each cloud, and to glean valuable lessons from incredible adversity.

Even when I was in the emergency room with my son three times in the past few months, I found comfort in seeing how things could have been much worse, and in knowing that everything is as it should be and having a sense that it will be alright.

I wish I could explain it better, but it is a sense of spirituality and connection that makes me feel this way.

As I contemplate this response, I am made aware of how the events of Sept.11 actually played a pivotal role in my transformation. That day, I realized that there was no point to fear – we will all die, and we won’t know when (or who will go first among our loved ones), and we can not know what comes next until it happens – so why worry about it?

I do try to live each day as if it were my last (not in the sense of all the questions that have been asked on Fluther about what would you do if you knew you had an hour/day/week to live)—but in the sense of going to bed that night with a clean conscience.

In fact, going to sleep each night is a mini-death… I can never live August,18th 2009 again, it is gone:
• Did I use that time wisely to celebrate the gifts of my life?
• Does my son know that he is loved unconditionally in a way that I never have?
• Did I connect with others in a meaningful way, and hopefully help someone out somehow?
• Have I continued striving to be a better Kat than I was the day before? (NOTE: this does not say perfect. Just improvement at a realistic pace for a mere human being.)

If I can answer “Yes” to those questions, then my day and my life is complete,
and if I am blessed with a tomorrow, then I shall strive to meet the same goals.

Resonantscythe's avatar

@hearkat your answer is so beautiful

PandoraBoxx's avatar

I feel better by making real eye contact with people, when we talk, or even just in passing. Taking the time to really look at people, relax and smile. The connection is good.

derekpaperscissors's avatar

This cold asian milk tea, Mineshine. Also listening to nature when you’re out in the woods, mountain, beach.

gottamakeart's avatar

Here is what works for me for “comfort”

my cats (very cuddly) Doing anything creative (its a good way to get bad feelings out, and also get something nice done) Music helps a lot. keeping in touch with supportive friends and family. How about charity or donating something? Random acts of kindness- put some good energy out in the world, help cancel out the negative. Your home: Organization , Cleanliness, Textures, Colors- all these things really add up to comfort where you live. physically and mentally. Some form of meditation may help.

basically try to surround yourself with positive and project it as well. You MUST stand up to that Cold World.

lloydbird's avatar

@hearkat Your answer is very wise, moving and inspirational. It would also be very good for anyone in need of “comfort” to read.

chyna's avatar

Being near the ocean comforts me. The sounds, the smells and the tastes of the ocean.

Jude's avatar

When I’m in my soft cooshy bed enveloped in a warm, fluffy duvet; a hot bubble bath; and a hot cup of tea while snuggled into my large arm chair (with my kitty purring like mad on my lap). See a trend here – warmth/heat gives me comfort..

NewZen's avatar


lloydbird's avatar

To answer the question directly….., Hope.
Which I work hard to keep alive, even though its flame flickers on occasion.
Without this, I would be ‘hopeless’.
But yet, I maintain it.
And am hopeful.
All will be well.
In time.
(No religious bollocks should be inferred)

shpadoinkle_sue's avatar

My best friend. I don’t even have to physically talk to her and I’m calm.

pinkgirl02's avatar

My boyfriend

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